TITLE: Forbes Greatest Business Stories of All Time
AUTHOR: Daniel Gross
PAGES: 368
SUMMARY: An excellent and inspirational book on how some of the greatest companies you know were founded and great anecdotes on the founders.
REVIEW: From Sam Walton to Merill Lynch, the author goes into great detail to tell inspiring stories of service, courage and shrewdness. These founders went to great risk to start their companies and invested both financial and human capital to reach the pinnacle of their careers and to drive their companies towards great frontiers. Many of them showed exemplary leadership to guide their companies through tough times, such as Robert Morris who continued to build a name through wars. This is an excellent read for inspiration and motivation, not just for business but also for personal inspiration to achieve great success.
Stephen Mbugua is an entrepreneur, business man and contributing writer at Hearpreneur.com. He is an avid reader of business books and news related to business topics ranging across various topics. He is currently studying at Virginia Commonwealth University.