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How Did You Come Up With Your Business Name? – Part 2

It's the first thing that entrepreneurs mention. It brands the business and tells the story of the business before the business owner utters another word. As a company expands—perhaps with the assistance of Sun Doc Filings—the brand is most likely going to expand with the business as well. It is the business name. It's selection determines the trajectory of the of the business and how people will perceive the business and its goods and services. With all this in mind, the business owner has a lot of pressure to select the perfect business name.

Hearpreneur asked business owners why they selected their business name:

Related Post: How Did You Come Up With Your Busines Name? – Part 1

1) I Started Out with My First & Last Name

I was sitting on a train going to my sister's house. I had a pad and pen and I started making things up. I started with my first and last name. My legal name is Debbie Delight McGee. I came up with Delightful Dee. I thought perfect that will work. It isstill close to the alphabet. No one would have trouble finding my name. Why did you start your business?  It's in my blood. My father is an entrepreneur. I learn everything I know from him. He never had to go beg anybody for a job. He created his own job and opportunity.

Thanks to Debbie McGee, Delightful Dee Catering & Personal Chef Service!

2) I Asked

My business name was inspired and intuited.  Spirit Unlimited is me and I embody it.No, I did not spend countless left-brained hours researching “appropriate” monickers.  Rather, I reflected deeply to ask that the right sacred name be brought to me.  It was.

Thanks to Carol-Ann Hamilton, Spirit Unlimited!

3) I Chose Something Unique

It started life when in college (year 11) I didn't like my name (Melissa) so I decided to call myself something unique, Taybian (combination of Tabitha and Fabian). Upon entering Uni (Bachelor of Fine Arts – Majoring in Photography & Painting), Taybian then became my artist name, of which I have many exhibitions under. It was a natural progression for Taybian to become my business name, as essentially “I am my brand!”. My business name has an evolution, as has my business itself. I feel strongly that a business name should  reflect the product or service. Our mission statement at Taybian Marketing & Design is “We Build Brands” and our brand name epitomises what we do.

Thanks to Melissa Hoedel, Taybian (Marketing & Design)!

 4) I Chose Something I Helped People With

I'm a law-of attraction life coach, and originally thought of using ‘Your Phenomenal Life' as my business name, but when I asked people to say it, it twisted many a tongue! I instead decided to focus on the three key areas that I help people with: wealth, health and living an authentic life. So I came up with Rich Radiant Real, which also has the whole alliteration thing going for it. It's also catchy, memorable, inspiring and intriguing (or so I've been told)! It took a few hours of playing around with related words before I realised the ‘R' connection. Why did you start your business? I started my business because I knew that, for me, life coaching was the next natural step from being an author of practical self-help books.

Thanks to Joanne Newell,  Rich Radiant Real!

5) For A Subliminal Message

I was in business for a while under a different name for a while.  I chose this name based on client's constantly ordering at the last possible second. I had hoped it'd be a subliminal message but they still order last minute. (Plan It – don't wing it!) Why did you start your business? I just didn't want to work for someone else.  I prefer to set my own hours and policies.

Thanks to Barbara Kaberna,  Plan-It Promo & Design!

6) I Used My Maiden Name

“The name of our agency “Alpaytac” has been the topic of conversation in almost all of our new business meetings and a wonderful ice breaker.  Alpaytac was my maiden name and definitely the last name I wanted to give to my business as I did not want to deal with spelling it out each time the name was being given to a third party. I initially found the agency with the following name: HG&R  which stood for first letters of my present first and last name and my then fiancé’s last name.  Weeks after registering this name and billing my clients, I got a notice from the state of Illinois stating that a mistake had been made on their part and that HG&R was already taken which prohibited our use of this name.  At that instant, my fiancé talked me into using my maiden name claiming that it was original, different and made an impact.  I halfheartedly listened to his advice and I must say that it is one of the best decisions I made for my business.  8 years ago, when we chose companynames, online visibility was probably not the top of our list.  Today, because Alpaytac is such a unique name, our company dominates all search engine pages. Because it starts with an “A,” we are on top of all the business listings.  Our URL, facebook and twitter handle was not taken when we started social media initiatives so we own this name exclusively not only here in the USA but around the world.  As for its meaning, I say to everyone that it means “Good Communicator” in old Turkish as my great grandfather was  a great communicator himself and I can just imagine that’s why he chose this last name.”  Why did you start your business? I always had a calling to do PR.  As a single mom with two kids, I moved into Chicago (after being a suburban housewife for years) and worked for free at an agency to get my feet wet.   When I had an opportunity to get my first client, I took the dive and borrowed office space (actually just a desk in someone else's office) which was given to me for free until I could afford to pay rent.  In six short years, I went from one client in shared office space to the award-winning company I runs today.

Thanks to Huma Gruaz, Alpaytac Marketing!

7) To Symbolize My Purpose for Writing

When I chose my DBA, “Thoughts by Risa” it symbolized my purpose in writing poetry to connect to my Higher Power (Jesus is mine) and help others with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) connect and heal like I did twice! Why did you start your business? As a twice survivor of PTSD I was able to heal through using Divine rhyme (in my four years of unemployment) where I connected to the poetry's medicinal qualities to heal one or two negative emotions at a time.  I started small groups to prove that others could benefit, too.  The men at Recovery Houses of Rochester felt that way as do the visitors I read to at a well-known Church Soup Kitchen every Wednesday morning.

Thanks to Risa Vendittuoli, AKA: Ruse, PTSD Healing Poetry Workshops!

8) I Used Something That Resonated with Me

I was sitting on the couch, chatting with my girlfriend about a business name for my Registered Investment Advisor business. I have a deep interest in medieval history, and she mentioned I should pick something that resonates with me and my business, and we talked aboutcalling it Shield Wealth Management. I immediately looked to see if the website name was available, and to my surprise it was. In the next few days, I saw the logo in my dream and that sealed it. It also fits my money management strategy, so it all came together. Why did you start your business? I was tired of hoping that my good work was recognized, and I would get the raise I deserve. With a few exceptions, most of my ex-bosses were selfish and they really didn't care about others. I wanted to be responsible from my own destiny.

Thanks to Bugra Bakan, Shield Wealth Management!

9) I Used Something that Could Be Explored Within & Shared Externally

So often in mainstream we know each other by one “label' for instance: co-worker, parent, child, teacher, etc.  Yet we wish to be accepted, acknowledged, and loved for who we are.  “Facets” allows myself and my community of readers to explore within and share externally all of the wonderful traits and gifts (and also areas ofopportunity) we have.  It is a prompt to connect and bond through our differences instead of allowing them to separate us.  *Joy* is my name, yet also my brand. I teach people how to experience inner peace in this moment, as they are.  Facets of Joy symbolizes my ability to magnify your inner brilliance with my skills as a clarity and energy facilitator; and leaves room for expansion in community and connection. Why did you start your business? If you ask people what they are “missing in life” any answer leads to one: inner peace, regardless of external circumstances.  When we are able to experience inner peace, we are empowered to create, transform, receive anything and everything. I created this business to allow me to live my dream of traveling while sharing valuable resources with others.  The message is transformative, in this moment, as we are; without expensive external gadgets or programs.  It is a joy to observe and experience this transformation with so many people. I am not just “writing about the change” or sharing quotes, I am living the change and reflecting to others exactly how they may live it in their way, in their lives.  People seem to relate well to this model of experience and use my experiences as inspiration, motivation, encouragement to create in their life. Thanks to Joy Holland, Facets of Joy!

10) I Wanted Something that Would Reflect Both Services

When I named my business, I was offering both virtual assistance and professional organizing, and I wanted a name that would not only reflect both services, but would continue to work if I later decided to specialize in one area or the other. Why did you start you business? I loved finding ways to make things more efficient, especially if they involved the use of technology.

Thanks to Janet Barclay, Organized Assistant!

11) I Thought About What My Clients Want

I came up with it by thinking long and hard about what my clients want – to stand out from the crowd, in their particular industry or niche. They want to be well known for what they do. I choose it because it really grabs people – whenthey hear the name, they say, “Yes, that's exactly what I need!” Why did you start your business? I started my Famous in Your Field after 15 years of managing corporate marketing for three different companies. I'd been giving business strategy and marketing advice to a colleague who had started her own consulting business and I loved it so much, that within six months, I got several clients and quit my job. Two years later and my love affair with my clients and growing a business continues.

Thanks to Lori Byron, Famous in Your Field!

12) I Wanted Something for Our New Economy

I picked the name of my business because while it doesn’t say what I train it does say it’s for our new economy. I wanted to pick Training 4(or for) Today, but another company in San Diego had that name. So I chose the next best thing to say that I give seminars in workplace/school violence prevention, customer service, job searching, & security officer consulting. Why did you start your business? I started this business because no one had in faith in a blind guy performing security teaching. I’ve been in the field for 29 years, and only went blind 9 years ago.

Thanks to Robert Sollars, Today's Training, LLC!

13) We didn't Want to Be Too Snobbish

We were originally Ivy League Comedy but thought it sounded too snobby so we changed it to Ivy Stand-up. Then a club made a mistake in billing, called us The Ivy League of Comedy. We liked that a lot better so now that's what we're calling ourselves. Why did you start your business? Started out as a comedian while working as a banker. Co-workers and clients came to shows, had a great time, but some of the other comics were dirty and they said they couldn't take clients to shows like that. Wanted to know where they could find a clean comedy show- and there weren't any. Until I started putting them together.

Thanks to Shaun Eli, The Ivy League of Comedy!

14) I Wanted Something to Reflect My Business & Be Positive

I'm a handwriting analyst in private practice (handwriting authentication, testifying in court, and behavioral profiles for companies who hire), so I wanted a name that would reflect both sides of my business, and also say something positive about it. Why did you start your business? After too many years of working in the corporate world I knew I was better than that, and since I don't play well with other kids, figured I would enjoy working for myself much better than working for someone else and keeping regular hours. I was right (write!)

Thanks to Sheila Lowe, Sheila Lowe & Associate, the Write Choice!!

15) I Used Something that Reflected My Viewpoint, Energy & Direction

The original name of my business was Fox Coaching Associates. I really wanted to rebrand and change my biz name because it no longer reflected my viewpoint, energy, and direction. I hired branding consultants,but nothing they suggested really hit me. Then one day, a colleague tweeted about me and said something like “That Nancy Fox is a real business fox.” That was it! I relaunched my coaching and consulting business as The Business Fox and it has been a big success ever since. Everybody remembers it, comments on it and it has allowed me to leverage many names of programs, courses and articles around “being business foxy.” Why did you start your business? I started my business after leaving a long corporate career. I was hungry for a new way to leverage my love of business, marketing and also make a difference with many people. I yearned for independence in creating my own enterprise after years of building businesses for other people.

Thanks to Nancy Fox, The Business Fox!

16) I Use My Criteria

When looking for a name, I have three criteria: it must be three syllables or less; it can't be longer than 10 letters; OR it has to be so descriptive and attention-gathering tha tit can stand by itself. The reason for these criteria is that people can't remember the name of your company if it is longer than three syllables or ten letters. People automatically start “reducing” the name of your company so they can remember it. Examples include General Mills (Big G); Harley Davidson (Harley); Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M); International Business Machines (IBM). The companies and products with the best brand recognition in the world today are companies that fit those criteria: Apple, Nike, Lexus, Google, or iPad, Coke, Playboy, etc. My company names are Cancer Club, Divorcing Divas and Christine Clifford Enterprises (note: the last one was my first one and the name was established before I settled on my theories of naming).

Thanks to Christine Clifford; Cancer Club, Divorcing Divas & Christine Clifford Enterprises!

17) It Just Seemed Natural

I developed a system of trading stock options that is geared to the average retail investor. Most people feel that the stock market is stacked against them but that not always the case. The name “The Blue Collar Investor” seemed to be a natural and really caught on. Why did you start your business? When I mentioned at a local real estate club that I purchased my first investment property with cash generated from selling stock options, the floodgates of interest sprung open. It's almost as if this business wasn't planned but rather fell into my lap.

Thanks to Alan Ellman, The Blue Collar Investor Corp.!

18) I Had Dinner

I decided to start my own business and discussed it with my wife over dinner at our favorite restaurant.  I didn't have a name at the time for my company, we specialize in medical device, and wanted to embrace the moment of my wife's enthusiastic support.  I looked down at the dinner plates. They were an exotic red.  Bingo!  Red Plate Medical, or RPM.  Simple. Why did you start your business? Independence and freedom to control my own destiny.

Thanks to Graeme McMeekan, RPM Surgical Services!

19) We Chose Something Catchy, Unique & Ethical

I operate a law firm in NY and names for firms in my State cannot be fictitious under ethics rules. Yet, who can remember all of the partners name for a firm? The list is often 3 pages long and says very little to the consumers except that each partner is self-important. So, I decided that we needed something catchy and unique, that said what type of business we are to the consumer, but that also complied with the restrictive ethics rules. Lieb at Law, P.C. is just that and has been approved by an ethics committee opinion letter and all of our clients. Why did you start your business? In my family you only have 1  choice of professions so I became an attorney. Yet, I am very entrepreneurial and wanted to carve my own niche. Therefore, I started a teaching law firm where we are a licensed school in our State with our attorneys serving as the school's instructors. Just like a teaching hospital, my firm is on the cutting-edge of developments in our field because we teach the topics that we practice in a free educational setting for both attorneys and real estate agents. Our philosophy is that if every student passes on 1 lesson and educates 10 people in their communitywe have really achieved positive change for society and reduced unnecessary litigation.

Thanks to Andrew Lieb, Lieb at Law, P.C.!

20) I Used Webster's

I came up the name “aegis” when I saw it as a word of the day on the Merriam-Webster website. It is from Greek mythology and means, “sponsorship and support;” thus, I thought it was the perfect name for the work I do, supporting managers as they deal withworkplace challenges. Why did you start your business? I started my business ten years ago to offer an alternative to the conventional training available at the time. There was a lot of “should-ing” in most corporate training: The workplace “should” be a certain way; the boss “should” be a certain way and then … ten tips to make it better, which didn't work. I wanted to address all the elephants in the room in a way that was safe and effective. I want people to learn to love their jobs and their lives.

Thanks to Sheila Kelly, Aegis Coaching Services!

21) I Did Research

Knowing the type of business I wanted to start, I decided to research similar businesses from around the world when determining my company's name.  Specifically, I looked at how each company described their adventure tours, and tried different combinations of their keywords and keyword synonyms until I found a few promising potential names.  Eventually I came up with “Heart-Pounding Adventures”, and was happy once I found it was not used and the online domain name were still unregistered.  I was really sold on the name, however, after I told a few people I was starting a business with the name Heart-Pounding Adventures and they immediately wanted to know more. There is no better hook for a company than the company name. Why did you start your business? I decided to start my business because I love helping people try new challenges and experience new things.  Previously, I have worked as a zip-line instructor, high ropes facilitator, archery instructor, and outdoor educator, and loved seeing people challenge themselves andhave amazing experiences.  I knew that combining this passion for personal adventure with my love of San Diego, where I was born and raised, was the perfect opportunity for me to start a business.

Thanks to Michael Baum, Heart-Pounding Adventures!

22) I Used My Name

I chose my business using the first four and first three letters of both my first and last name. Winnie Somuah. – WinnSom. I am an insurance broker which makes is a bit Catchy like winning some insurance. WinnSom Ins Agency. Why did you start your business? I started my business after I had my son and the difficulty with keeping a job and raising an infant. It was very stressful and I needed to give up one for the other so I decided to go with being my own boss. My actual inpiration came from events of Katrina and the uncertainty of house fires and burglaries. My goal is to encourage more people to protect themselves in investing little money to insure their personal assets rather than replacing thousands of dollars worth of stuff in an event of a loss. It's amazing the number of people who do not know they need renters insurance if they have an apartment.

Thanks to Winnie Somuah, WinnSom Ins Agency!

23) I Found the URL

I was looking for a name that would include the word publicity and also have marketing in it and to my surprise both the URL and the S-Corp for the words:  and Publicity and Marketing had not been used or taken. Why did you start your business? I was laid off in March 2003 and just started to plunge right in with my own company.

Thanks to Jerome Cleary, Publicity and Marketing!

24) We Wanted to Provide A HideAway Haven

As we are hidden away at the end of a cul de sac and we wanted to provide a  haven for our guests. We chose the name ‘HideAway Haven'. Why did you start your business? We started our luxury accommodation business after a trip around the world staying in B&B's and thought how special to be able to share our awesome location in Albany on the south coast of Western Australia with the world.

Thanks to Maggie van Santen, HideAway Haven!

25) 2 years of Due Diligence

It took me nearly 2 years to come up with a business name that was a good fit for my business. I had a note pad that I carried daily and wrote business names in whenever they popped in my head. I would come up with the business names based on what industry I am operating in andhow I wanted my target market to perceive me. I wanted my target market to be able to immediately determine how I could help them just by reading the company name. The focus of my business is helping entrepreneurs connect with business funding sources. I decided we would be the path to funding for entrepreneurs. And I was able to come up with the name “FundingAlley” to perfectly describe the nature of the business. FundingAlley is the name of the path that we have created that connects entrepreneurs to business funding sources. Why did you start your business? I started the business because I've always had a passion for entrepreneurship. I know the hardships associated with operating a business and acquiring capital therefore my goal is to make the capital acquisition process as simple, easy, and quick as possible.

Thanks to Brittni Abiolu, FundingAlley, Inc.!

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