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Why Do You Love Your Business? Week of July 14th

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Being in love is great. Being in love with your business, when you’re an entrepreneur, is even better. Waking up each morning knowing you are getting to do exactly what you love is more than most people could ever say about any job they have had. Although there are days when tossing in your hat seems like a viable option, remembering how much you love your job can quickly snap an entrepreneur out of that mentality. Different business owners also have different reason why they love their business. It might be the products or the customers they deal with, or it could even be the fact that they are the ones in charge of it all. The reasons are as varied as the businesses themselves.

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Being able to merge my passions

I absolutely freaking love my job and company. When I first started out years ago, never would I have thought I would be able to merge my passions for both restaurants and technology. I worked in the restaurant industry for 7 years before and during getting a degree in Digital Media Arts and Technology at Michigan State University. I left the foodie world after graduating and worked on websites and software until I joined the team at ShiftNote. At ShiftNote, we make employee scheduling software and management communication tools for clients that own and work for restaurants, retail stores, and hotels. I get to visit and interact with amazing people all while crafting beautiful software for them to make their lives easier. Not only do I love what I do, but I love who I do it with. The ShiftNote team is packed with incredibly smart people who all share the same passions. Each day I’m excited to wake up and see what we’ll accomplish next.

Thanks to Audrey Walker, ShiftNote

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A passionate love affair with the internet

Ten years ago I found myself working a desk job at a college — completely restless and knowing that I was destined for something else. I started my first business at the age of 21 and within six months of its launch, I quit my full-time job and did the head-first dive into the unknown. Since then, my business has afforded me so many incredible opportunities and moments that I would not have seen otherwise. It’s allowed my restless spirit to wander freely and grab exciting opportunities as they happen. More importantly, it’s allowed me to make a difference in other people’s lives and assist them in creating similar opportunities. I love waking up every day and getting to choose what I do and whom I do it with and I love hearing the relief come from my clients when they see how easy things can be once they get help. Business isn’t easy, it’s a rollercoaster of emotions but it’s also incredible, uplifting and filled with moments that you’ll never experience inside the four walls of a cubicle.

Thanks to Erin Blaskie


The untapped potential of it

When we opened in Brooklyn, in 2011 we started out as your typical bakery…order a cake/pie/cheesecake and pick it up. Then we decided to sell slices of cake, pies and cheesecakes which did really well then we added chairs, coffee and music so people could sit and enjoy their desserts there, that was a huge success…so we push the envelope a little more we added a rotating menu and posted the menu each week online, so we could begin to separate ourselves from others. In 2012, we revamped our menu with original flavors and names (which was a blast!) such as: the bi-polar cupcake, the hot mess cupcake, the shameful and my personal favorite…Mr. Midnight. This year we started packaging our butter cream icing that we sell in our store, we hope to be able to get it into major supermarkets like Whole Foods and Fairway…like I said the possibilities are endless.

Thanks to Dee Woods, D’s Just Desserts


Because it’s just me

I’m a voice actor. I started in radio more than 44 year sago, trying to bring a smile or two into the lives of my listeners. While I still do some part-time radio work, I consider myself a voice actor more than anything else. I love my business because it’s just me. I have to rely on my talent as not only a voice actor but as a businessperson: doing my own marketing and promotion, keeping track of my income and determining how much to reinvest in my business, and maintaining my reputation as a professional meeting deadlines and pleasing clients. I’m never happier than when I’m behind the microphone creating an audio event for the listener…something that reaches them on the level I was hired to reach, using just the words I’m provided and my God-given talent to interpret them creatively.

Thanks to Warren Garling, Warren Productions


Because I start every day knowing I have the ability to make a difference

I had always wanted to work for myself, so when I stumbled upon coffee roasting I knew I had found my core passion in life and that I would turn that passion into something amazing. What that, ‘amazing’, was I hadn’t figured out, but it was going to be a journey. I absolutely love what I do because I know that the start of every day I have the ability to make a difference somewhere for something or someone. What inspired me the most to really want to build my company was the fact that I knew I was given a great gift that I had no idea I had, and that I could use that gift to make a difference in people’s lives and the environment that we live in as well. To wake up every morning and someone or something somewhere is going to benefit from what I do is what drives me in my business. The biggest challenge was defining my company with all of the other competition out there; coffee is the second largest traded commodity under oil in the world. What made me different? Why should someone purchase from me over another coffee company? I didn’t want to follow a niche or cliché coffee company model. I wanted to become a trailblazer in the industry. I wanted to create my niche and have people be as passionate as I was about this very unknown beverage. And my journey started, the more I learned about the world of coffee the more I realized the less the consumer knew; I was one of them. So I created a learning based tour program partnering with the North Dakota Department of Tourism where we accommodate tourists with an education from crop to cup. They get to understand the process that’s involved in getting that beautiful beverage to their tables. MoJo Roast, INC is the first and only coffee company in the state that was certified organic by the state. I believe that as an individual or as a company it is our obligation to help, so I teamed up with the Café Femenino project where monies are donated locally and globally for women and children’s causes; whether it’s education, domestic abuse, or a need in a particular community, we help. I also help the Rain Forest Alliance Coalition started by ‘Sting’ and the World Wildlife Federation, along with several others. The women that grow several of my coffees also get paid at least, if not more, their countries minimum wage, ‘Fair Trade’. Finally, I had to define my company to the consumer. I realized that personal service was all but going away in our society; a personal service like I had growing up in the ’70′s, I wanted every one of my customers to know how truly valued they were to my company and the causes I work so hard supporting, so I am their ‘Personal Coffee Roaster’. Like a tailor is to clothing, I tailor make and roast every coffee for all of my customers. If you have passion, there is no roadblock or challenge that will stop you; you just have to get started. Adversity has made me stronger and I have learned to think outside the proverbial box, and I will continue down an amazing path on a journey that’s yet to be discovered.

Thanks to Jo Khalifa, MoJo Roast


Getting to help people

There is nothing like reaching the end of a mediation session, having all parties come to an agreement, and then they shake hands to boot. What an exceptional feeling for me, the Mediator, when a mediation has reached a successful ending. Success is not only defined by the parties reaching an agreement, but also by the parties either mending their relationship or at least beginning to step in that direction. Relationship building, or better stated as re-building, is what makes my Mediation business so rewarding. When people really want to stop fighting, really want to put an end to the emotional pain, mediation is the process for them. And I couldn’t be happier to help.

Thanks to Celeste Zimmerman, Colorado Meditation

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Finding innovative ways to support the needs of families

I love my business because as a woman-owned company, we have found many innovative ways to support the needs of families and honor the individual as we continually inspire growth in our business by serving our clients. Regardless of the challenges experienced in the difficult situations encountered in business life, we actively manage our thoughts, feelings and actions to attract what we want and what our clients need. At cSubs, we continually recreate our business from an intention of serving. Our strategies used in sales and marketing feel right because we under promise and over deliver. Wanting more from life, working less, finding deep satisfaction, making more money and having fun while accomplishing our goals is our way of life. All of us here are rewarded for listening to our inner voice and feeling you’re part of something bigger than yourself. This notion of having a business serve its employees and its customers with ethics that live in our actions not on our mission statement, has become the foundation of my company’s mission and the reason for its success.

Thanks to Julie Sue Auslander, cSubs


I help put people in the driver’s seat – literally

At OneSource Financial, we provide auto, marine and power-sports dealers with auto financing options for their customers … and we take that commitment one step further by offering specialized financing options for first-time buyers or those who have bad credit or have gone through a personal bankruptcy. If they demonstrate stability and an ability to pay, my team will go the extra mile to help them get behind the wheel of a new or used vehicle. I love that we can help these people obtain transportation that they may not have been able to get otherwise.

Thanks to Sara Fagan, OneSource Financial


Because I get to help people realize their dream of starting their own business

I love because I get to help people realize their dream of starting their own business every day! For years, I advised and guided would-be-entrepreneurs on the viability of their business ideas and how to pursue them, only to leave most of them feeling overwhelmed and incapable, despite my insistence (and genuine belief) that they could easily accomplish what was needed to be very successful business owners. It was information overload and I could usually see the self-doubt creeping in before I finished. I finally conceded that the information I was delivering needed to be simplified and made much more unintimidating. So my quest was on! I launched and love it because it delivers the perfect balance of high-tech, low-tech, and extreme customer service (my 3 favorite things!) that finally allows me to offer the virtual hand-holding and years of our entrepreneurs’ accumulated connections and know how to effectively help people realize their own dreams of starting their own businesses. What more could I ask for!

Thanks to Monta Fleming,


Because I’m responsible for the outcome of my business

I love my business for many reasons. I enjoy knowing that I am responsible for the outcome of my business. My decisions influence the future of my company and I can make changes when needed without having to get approval. As a grant writer, I love the fact that I get to utilize my skills and help other while being able to generate income. Although I have many more reasons, these are the two main reasons I love my business.

Thanks to Jen Teague,


Because I never have a chance to get bored

If you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life. I am blessed to be totally in love with my job – so I haven’t had to work since I opened my side business, the WriteOne Creative Services full-time in 2008. I mainly work virtually, so I can sit in my pjs with my cat on my lap and dog underfoot, enjoy a cup of coffee and do creative graphic or web design or write on my time. I can get up late or get up early and work as long as I want. If I have a doctor appointment, I don’t have to request personal time off. While my daughter was still in school, I never missed a science project, a performance or play – because I didn’t need to get permission from the boss. I love my job because I can pick my clients and have developed longtime friendships with most of them. I especially love my job because it changes every day, so I never have a chance to get bored.

Thanks to Deb Kelley, The WriteOne Creative Services

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Because I can operate out of my home

I own and manage a nationwide vehicle shipping company. I love my business because it’s online therefore I operate right out of my home office. I have one virtual assistant that works out of another region to be able to cover different time zones. Being a mother of 4 this allows me to stay home with my kids while still doing something for me and my family that allows me to feel like I’m still contributing. Even though my #1 priority is my family and staying home with my children, my business still allows me to be independent. I don’t need my partners money for everything! That’s why I love my business!

Thanks to Kareline A. Duverge, Road Angels Auto Transport


Because it expresses my convictions

I love my business, Sympatico Clothing, because it expresses my convictions about three abiding values/beliefs in my life: First, I believe the fashion marketplace largely ignores 40-plus women. I design my collection to fit real women’s figures while offering exceptional comfort and chic yet simply elegant looks. Second, by creating apparel that incorporates timeless lines, I aim for clothes that will outlast the fleeting fads typical of fast fashion, offering my customers a sustainable alternative. And third, by crafting Sympatico’s styles here in the U.S. and working with sustainable fabrics and suppliers who share my values, I am able to help support the shop local movement and appreciation for craftsmanship.

Thanks to Rose Gerstner, Sympatico Clothing


It constantly inspires me

When people learn I’m a marriage counselor, they will often ask me, “Don’t you get sick of hearing people’s problems all day?” But nothing could be further from what I really do. The biggest reason I love my business so much is that it constantly inspires me. I see people come for counseling when they are overwhelmed, frustrated, bitter, and often hopeless. They are trying one last ditch effort to make their marriages work. And then, just a few weeks later, they’ve noticed a dramatic transformation. They begin to see hope and possibility, they are re-connecting with their partner, and they can once again envision a future as a family. I feel so honored to be part of this transformation, and to be able to guide clients to a closer, more loving marriage. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Thanks to Jennifer Sneeden, Boca Marriage Counseling

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I love getting to use my experience and passion

I am so fortunate to be the founder and CEO of Creative Minds Publications. My global educational company exemplifies quality literacy instruction for all children. With a BS degree in elementary education, a Master’s degree in Literacy and Culture, and a decade of teaching in Title I/inner city elementary schools, I love using my experience, expertise, and passion in the business of education. We publish engaging and educational children’s books all written by teachers as part of our company. In addition, we provide trainings, workshops, and keynote speeches advocating for the importance of exceptional reading instruction that all children deserve no matter where they live.

Thanks to Kathryn Starke, Creative Minds Publications


Because we help others create a business from the ground up

Helping others create a business from the ground up. I work with a lot of startup companies or companies who have been around for quite some time but have little to no brand awareness or marketing presence. It is exciting and empowering to work with customers who not only need a product or service but understand how this change can greatly impact their business and to watch them become excited and reinvigorated about their business is a great thing! I absolutely love helping others and educating them on the best ways to make their business successful. We have helped numerous startup companies turn a profit in their first year of business and in return we now have some of the most loyal customers around!

Thanks to Gerald D. Vinci, Vinci-Designs & Publishing


It comes down to two key aspects

First, I truly am doing what I have always wanted to do and am fortunate and blessed to be getting paid to do it every day. The phrase, “living the dream” is a very real reflection of what I am able to do. Speaking and training tens of thousands to successful outcomes is the dream I am living and it leads me to the next aspect, that is my daily mantra that I live by each day…”Making a difference in a person’s life that lasts a lifetime.” So, there you have it. Two key aspects that make me love the business I am in.

Thanks to Myles D. Miller, The Great SUCCESS Creator


A reflection of the best parts of who I am

My business is the reflection of the best parts of who I am. The common view may be that business is immoral, corrupt and greedy, but we have done our best to create an organization that I believe is inherently good. Rather than cut corners, or compromise values for short-term gain, we have done our best to take the high road in our business decisions. In short, we hold the business to a higher standard than we might hold ourselves personally. That creates an environment in the C-Suite where we are constantly aspiring to be better people, rather than compromising our personal values in order to hit a financial targets. So in the end, what I love about my business is that it is a positive, fulfilling place for my team and I to invest 40+ hours per week together. I’m very proud that a decade on, I’m still excited to get to work each morning.

Thanks to Casey Halloran, Costa Rican Vacations


Loving what I do each day

It’s a rare thing to do what you love for a living. In my case, martial arts has been that love ever since the age of seven. Perhaps the biggest reason for such passion is the people and the connection I get to make with each of them. I have been fortunate to meet so many new and wonderful people over the past 33 years. Being a part of there lives and having them a part of mine, provides me with such a rewarding feeling that I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. It feels extraordinary knowing that I have tools, knowledge and resources that add value to so many people’s lives. The money comes and goes, the flexibility is nice, the headaches at times are worth it, but the people and impact are would be the reasons I love what I do.

Thanks to Joseph Ash, BAEPLEX Family Martial Arts Center, inc.


What’s not to love?

After 10 years sitting across the desk from talented professionals who had just been laid off and wearing the cloak of fear and desperation, I started my business to help people identify- and then find- the work they love, the work that makes them “skip to the shower” on Monday mornings. When I tell people I have a Career Happiness firm, their eyes light up. Everyone wants it, and I believe with self-insight, some hard work and the willingness to take some risk, everyone can have it. Our world is so different than it was even 10 years ago, but too many really smart people still haven’t changed their approach to managing their careers. I aim to change that. Whether someone is just out of college, mid-career looking for a change, leaving professional sports or just ready to find a better use of his skills, the desire to contribute in a meaningful way, on your terms, is universal. And the impact on our world of having as many people as possible fully engaged, doing work they love is undeniable.

Thanks to Julie Bauke, The Bauke Group

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