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Entrepreneur & Physician Creates Site to Help Patients & Doctors

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With Obamacare and much press in the healthcare industry is booming with startup ventures. One of these is CureCrowd. According to its site, “CureCrowd is an online, medically guided search engine that allows users to find the most authentic evaluations and answers regarding their medical conditions and/or treatment questions. As an entirely independent project, there is no underlying motive and CureCrowd will never make recommendations or tell a user what he or she should do. Instead, the search engine provides user-based statistics in graphs, allowing visitors to have their own interpretations of the data.”

Hearpreneur spoke with CureCrowd’s founder, Dr. Charles Rocamboli. The interview is below.

What is your experience and how has that helped you with your business?

I’m a physician with eight years of experience. I also worked as an analyst for a biotech venture group on Wall Street. In that time, I have noticed a significant dissection between the anecdotal information we hear and see as physicians, and the evidenced based medicine we are presented in medical journals. Understanding and evaluating that issue is the core reason for the creation of CureCrowd.

What is CureCrowd?

CureCrowd is a standardized study and tool created to compare all of the treatment options for a single ailment side-by-side. This includes conventional and non-conventional medicines.

Why did you start your business?

I love being a physician. CureCrowd was created to help both doctors and patients evaluate all their treatment options without the judgment or bias of preconceived notions. We aim to find what treatments work for a given condition, and how well they’ve worked for surveyed patients. We treat all therapeutic options simply as medicine.

What is the future of the industry?

Our website is in no way a replacement for doctors; in fact, it depends on their skill to make a diagnosis. CureCrowd offers a new way to treat diseases, and our fully-developed project will ultimately expand pathology to give doctors a better way to make a correct diagnosis. The more accurate the diagnosis, the more accurate the treatment option set will be.

How does CureCrowd work?

We aggregate outcomes from simple, three question surveys, and aesthetically display them as easy to interpret graphs to help physicians and patients evaluate the effectiveness of their options.

Why did you decide to use Indiegogo to raise funds?

CureCrowd is designed as a public resource, so we went to the public for funding. We’ve received sponsorship from doctors and patients alike who’ve seen our budding importance. The longer we can develop without venture capital money, the more control we will have as the site grows. So far, we’ve been doing great.

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