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7 Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Spend Their Holidays

Entrepreneurs and business owners are always juggling a lot of things and when time comes for a holiday sometimes entrepreneurs like to take a break or sometimes they like to catch up on certain projects. Just like everyone has a unique business, their approach to holidays is also unique. With the Christmas holiday here, we decided to ask some entrepreneurs how they spend their holidays.

#1- Three ways

Photo Credit: Jason Patel

I look at my daily workflow and see what I can add or subtract to optimize my time. I take a step back and evaluate my mental state. Entrepreneurship can be a 100-hour-a-week job, so it's always good to momentarily take a step back and give thanks for all the great things in my life. I add to my plans for next year. SEO, operations, hiring, marketing, you name it. The holidays provide an open window to planing.

Thanks to Jason Patel, Transizion!

#2- Taking a long weekend

Photo Credit: Paige Arnof-Fenn

For my company not too much this year, none my clients have year end emergencies or deadlines which is great. It allows me and my team to just relaxŠI am on the road the week before Christmas this year so I am really looking forward to just laying low for the long weekend and taking another long weekend the following week for New Years. Everyone works so hard and with the economy heating up this year we have not had much downtime so I think everyone will appreciate the calm before the 2018 storm. Many of our clients have big plans for the new year and budgets have been allocated so fingers crossed we can rest up and hit the ground running in early January. It is a nice contrast to years where clients have to scramble for a trade show or product launch deadline or during the Recession so I am going to enjoy it! I will get my tax paperwork organized for my accountant so that she can figure out what they are doing in DC. I love starting the new year rested and organized.

Thanks to Paige Arnof-Fenn, Mavens & Moguls!

#3- Christmas day off

Photo Credit: William Scott Forshaw

As a global e-commerce business, Christmas is undoubtedly the busiest time of year for us. We have to extend office hours and our team of staff during the whole of December to keep up with the workload. Our Winter Sale starts the day after Christmas Day, so we transfer straight from the Christmas  gift rush to sale preparation. Demand and revenue at Christmas time increase year on year, however, my staff and I still have Christmas day off to spend time with family.

Thanks to William Scott Forshaw, Maxwell Scott Bags!

#4- At our vacation home

Photo Credit: Nancy Friedman

Many years ago, following a holiday cruise, we got stuck in the Florida Keys for a few days due to a snow storm in my hometown of St. Louis. Since then, it’s been our tradition to spend the holidays in the Keys at our vacation home in Islamorada, Fla. We have not missed a holiday there in 30 + years. There’s nothing to do and everything to do. Hurricane Irma wasn’t too nice to the Keys – but it’s still our paradise. The fish are still in the water, restaurants are open, the sun comes up every day, beautiful sunsets daily, and 78 degrees is wonderful in December. I’m looking forward to relaxing and for a little while, decompressing from my busy travel schedule and customer service training business.

Thanks to Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Inc!

#5- Two events

Photo Credit: Kimberly Rath

At Talent Plus, Inc. we hold two holiday events – the first is for the children of our associates. They arrive at Talent Plus late on a weekday before the holidays for an event designed just for them. There are craft projects they can make and take, holiday treats to decorate and eat or take with them, as well as festive snacks. The highlight of the party is when Mr. and Mrs. Claus make their appearance and have a gift for each attendee from their holiday list! It’s an event associates’ children look forward to each year. On the first Friday after the holidays, we hold our semiannual meeting and that evening we host a holiday party. Over the years, themes have ranged from a casino night, to a winter Olympics to a Kentucky derby party. This year we are hosting a Grammy party with a live band playing the top hits of the year and years past. Regardless of theme, the one constant is that Talent Plus donates substantial prizes – cruises, trips, the latest gadgets, experiences, event tickets, etc. – and associates buy raffle tickets and put their tickets in the prize drawings of those they want to be eligible for. Tickets are drawn at the end of the evening. Each year we raise $7,000-$9,000 and 100% of those funds go to the Lincoln Foodbank’s Back Pack Program to fund the backpacks for a school for the entire year.

Thanks to Kimberly Rath, Talent Plus, Inc!

#6-  Take the time to reflect

Photo Credit: Kyle White

When things quieten down in the B2B space for the holidays, we take the time to reflect on strategy, review and update our internal processes and we also use the time to revisit our policy documentation to review them against the latest regulations and best practices.

Thanks to Kyle White, VeryConnect!

#7- Listening to podcasts

Photo Credit: Cristian Rennella

The most beautiful thing to enjoy during my vacations is learning new things to improve my startup by listening to podcast. There are several that are excellent, like Mixergy or The Tim Ferriss Show. In addition, you can listen to them while doing other activities or tasks at home or even while driving.

Thanks to Cristian Rennella, CotacaoSeguro!

How do you spend your holidays? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our #IamCEO Community


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