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27 Entrepreneurs Share Their Tips and Tricks of Staying Motivated

When the going gets rough in business, you’ll need motivation to keep moving. Motivating yourself can be hard but practicing consistent habits such as reminding yourself of why you started can be a major boost. A network of friends and partners can also serve as a great assurance and reminder that you’re not walking alone.

Here are the various ways entrepreneurs and business owners stay motivated in business.

#1- Set morning routine

Photo Credit: Ashwin Sokke

Waking up early in the morning and setting aside time for physical exercise, followed by a 10/15 minute meditation practice has truly been transformative. Setting aside that time for myself before jumping into my workday gets rid of any previous anxiety or stress, allowing me to start my day with a clear and focused mind.

Thanks to Ashwin Sokke, WOW Skin Science!

#2-Three ways

Photo credit: Eli Bliliuos

I decided to do 3 things, use self-hypnosis to stay motivated, use the time to work on my website and marketing/SEO. I also decided to offer free sessions to healthcare workers. Hypnosis is an extremely effective way to reframe life's challenges and boost motivation. It was after my self-hypnosis session that I decided to offer the free on-line sessions and later, a free hypnosis MP3 for COVID anxiety. Shortly thereafter I decided to throw myself into a few projects that I had been putting off (website & marketing). Being productive improved my mood and perspective. It helped me through the pandemic.

Thanks to Eli Bliliuos, NYC Hypnosis Center!

#3- Offer yourself incentives

Photo Credit: Alexandra Zamolo

While you may have rewards in place for your team when they reach a threshold or successfully complete a big project, that doesn't mean that you have to be left out. Whether you give yourself an extra day off, or go ahead and book that flight to Bali, something pleasant to urge you on can be a phenomenal motivator. We all need to take time to relax and decompress, so there's no reason to not harness that as a source for motivation.

Thanks to Alexandra Zamolo, Beekeeper!

#4- Progression

Photo credit: Daniel Snow

My motivation ultimately comes from progression, seeing my teammates and my business grow is what keeps me going. Seeing that the work we have done has been able to help our clients business grow and expand is why I do what I do and is what helps me get through challenging times.

Thank to Daniel snow, Snow Agency!

#5- TikTok

Photo credit: Cyprian Francis

Not the app per say, but the people on there. As an eCommerce/digital entrepreneur I've been amazed at how many knowledgeable people post content on there. Informative content, that applies directly to my daily work. Tips, tricks, shortcuts, all compounded into small bite-size videos. Those little clips throughout my day motivate me to get back on track, to try and test that new information, and to constantly keep growing my business, while potentially venturing out into new endeavors. I would also throw exercise and sleep in there as well!

Thanks to Cyprian Francis, Cyprian Francis Creative!

#6- Project management app

Photo credit: Brett Banchek

I have discovered over the years that motivation and organization truly must work together to create a successful outcome. Using a project management app like Asana or Trello instantly ‘gears me up' to really conquer those tasks. I like to keep that list full because the more there is to be accomplished, the more motivation I have to achieve those goals. Having a clear organizational method can absolutely pave the way to high productivity.

Thanks to Brett Banchek, Overnight Flowers!

#7- Changing your mentality

Photo credit: Alex Perkins

To maintain the spirit while growing your business, you should start by changing your mentality. Filling your mind with positive thoughts will take away any fear of failing, and will welcome encouragement. Attend seminars for growing businesses, and listen daily to podcasts that will help you focus on your goal; but remember that motivation starts from within, so make a change now for success!

Thanks to Alex Perkins, All the Stuff!

#8- Finding and scheduling regularly outlets outside my work

Photo credit: Jessica Randhawa

Pre-pandemic, I was amassive fan of Cross Fit like High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) group  do 5 to 6 days per week to clear my head, spike my heart rate up, get my endorphins pumping. With my gym shut down and no opening in sight, I have had to look for new ways to get those same benefits, which will help me continue to grow my business. I turned my focus to trail running with my dog in the hills behind my house. While it is not quite the same workout level, I can clear my head in nature while enjoying flora and fauna (not including our local rattlesnakes). These long runs help me stay focused and allow my headspace to be refreshed when I get back to business.

Thanks to Jessica Randhawa, The Forked Spoon!

#9- Goal setting

Photo credit: Lindsey Wander

It reminds entrepreneurs to stay true to their intentions and to not be distracted by the external noise. It also serves as an inspiration during particularly dark lows to keep pushing through in order to reach the target. Personally, the recent challenges during COVID have been especially difficult for my company. Rather than dwell on the negatives, I remind myself of why I started this business in the first place. I write my goals and I display it on my desk where I can see it every day. With this reminder in plain sight, I am motivated to continue to work towards this goal, even on especially formidable days.

Thanks to Lindsey Wander, WorldWise Tutoring LLC!

#10- LinkedIn

Photo credit: Dr. Colette Widrin

While the debate continues on how beneficial this social platform can be, seeing the strides that my colleagues and even competitors are making is pure motivation to me, and it even gets me in the creative mood – or offers a little incentive for friendly competition.

Thanks to Dr. Colette Widrin, Balance Blends!

#11- Learning from my favorite business leaders

Photo credit: Ashley Kimler

I'm always reading at home and have audiobooks and interview podcasts playing when I drive. There's something about realizing other founders' trials, tribulations, and successes that keep the fire lit and make me want to be the hero of my own business story.

Thanks to Ashley Kimler, CopyNoise!

#12- Staying focused on the ‘why’

Photo credit: Sophia Ononye Onyia

I knew the inherent challenges but my passion for amplifying scientific innovation superseded my fears. I’m proud that in addition to my core business of providing marketing and communication services to biotechnology companies, I now have a podcast, blog, college seminar series and professional conferences under the “Amplifying Scientific Innovation” umbrella.”

Thanks to Sophia Ononye-Onyia

#13- Amazing people

Photo Credit: Deborah Sweeney

One of my greatest motivators are all of the amazing people that surround me each and every day. From my fantastic two sons and husband to my amazing team at work and my wonderful friends and community, I feel very lucky to in the company of so many great people that believe in me and champion me to go the distance and to great things. Surround yourself with people that will lift you higher and act as your cheerleaders.

Thanks to Deborah Sweeney, MyCorporation!

14- Remember the reason why I started

Photo Credit: Lewis Keegan

I look back and evaluate myself and why I started my business in the first place. I remember my dreams, my goals, my aspirations, and the people who have always believed in me and after that, I am once again motivated to work on my goals. It is very important to have something you can always look to especially when you are losing your motivation and drive to continue. This will serve as your compass that will always guide you in the direction you need to go especially when you are straying from your path.

Thanks to Lewis Keegan, SkillScouter!

#15- Surrounding yourself with motivated people

Photo credit: Marcio Delgado

Motivation is contagious, but the opposite is also true. Reward collaborators elevating the mood of your team, and pay close attention to anyone around you draining motivation from others. The more you surround yourself with enthusiastic people, willing to go the extra mile even when things are not going well, the more you will remind yourself that your motivational state also plays a big part in everyone else’s day.

Thanks to Marcio Delgado

#16- Success Stories from Industry Players

Photo Credit: Shaun Taylor

I find, especially these days where everyone is struggling and businesses are not doing well, that positive people and stories are few and far between. What I have done to combat this is to find vlogs, YouTube podcasts etc. where industry players, men and women that have been around for years, are sharing their stories. There are always a few times in their careers where they encountered really hard times and even considered retiring or taking a sabbatical, but their passion and drive kept them going. I find tremendous heart and encouragement from these people and they offer a larger view into my current situation and offer solace that this too shall pass.

Thanks to Shaun Taylor, Moriti Safaris!

#17- Customer feedback

Photo credit: Tim Hill

Even during the toughest times, speaking with customers and hearing their positive feedback is the greatest motivator. It reminds you of why you started in the first place. It is one of the most energizing forces for an entrepreneur. This customer feedback can be facilitated by building in more opportunities for feedback into the customer journey such as email drips, in-app messages, quarterly scheduled calls with key customers, etc. The added benefit of customer feedback is that not only is it a great motivator for entrepreneurs but its also a powerful selling tool for convincing new customers to sign up too.

Thanks to Tim Hill, Social Status!

#18- Two ways

Photo credit: Ben Reynolds

Staying motivated involves two things for me. Every morning I spend at least thirty minutes reading an inspirational business book. I keep a notebook close by and jot down ideas that I can use in my own life or business. Looking forward to implementing these ideas is exciting and motivating. The second is, staying physically active. When I hit an afternoon slump, I go outside and shoot a few baskets. I come back re-energized and ready to focus.

Thanks to Ben Reynolds, Sure Dividend!

#19- Enjoy Small Rewards

Photo Credit: Shiv Gupta

Working without ever rewarding yourself can make you begin to question why you are working in the first place. This can zap your motivation and put you on a path toward failure. You don’t have to spend thousands to give yourself a reward. You can enjoy small rewards that help you keep your focus and get your favorite drink from a local coffee house once a month. Or, make a special treat at home once per week. Find something you enjoy that makes you feel good and indulge once in a while.

Thanks to Shiv Gupta, Incrementors!

#20- Listen to Motivational Music

Photo credit: Janet Patterson

Music can be as powerful a motivator as motivational quotes. It causes the brain to release dopamine, a chemical that works to regulate motivation and goal-oriented behavior. Each morning when I wake up, I play a few pump up songs before I start my day. You can listen to playlists with motivational songs on Spotify or Apple Music to help you get going. By getting your mind in the right mindset, you can move an inch closer to motivating yourself. When I want to get in the zone, I listen to songs which has no lyrics but have an intensity that helps me focus and cheer up my mood.

Thanks to Janet Patterson, Highway Title Loans!

#21- Take a step back

Photo credit: Emily Johnson

When you start a business it's often because you're filled with excitement about the change you can make in the world and the potential for your idea. Once you start actually working toward that dream, it's not all sunshine and roses. Maybe you lost out on that big account you thought you would close, or people aren't getting back to you as fast as you thought. You will win, lose, and learn along the way. When I'm lacking motivation, I take a step back and force myself to remember why I decided to start my company. It was to help as many older adults live life to the fullest through exceptional fitness experiences. I focus on all the instructors who are teaching my program and stop thinking about those who haven't discovered it yet. I look back at my business plan and remind myself of the incredible opportunity that awaits if I just keep going.

Thanks to Emily Johnson, StrongerU Senior Fitness!

#22- Getting intentional with my goals and visualising them

Photo credit: Lorna Smith

I break my goals down into smaller action steps, making them less overwhelming and this approach awards instant gratification each time I accomplish a ‘mini objective'. Celebrate these smaller wins, they can see you through challenging times. And when things get tough, I remember why I started and this will instantly reignite my passion!

Thanks to Lorna Smith, EsTeam Coaching!

#23- Others’ Success is my success

Photo credit: Natalie puglisi

When I get an email, call or text from one of my clients celebrating a big win in their business, I get so motivated to keep going and help others have that same success. My clients’ growth and their confidence in their business and the strength of their legal standing, reminds me of why I do what I do. Mindset is key to success and when I can contribute to my clients’ positive mindset, then my emotional bucket gets filled!

Thanks to Natalie Puglisi

#24- I spend time with myself

Photo credit: Bradley Stevens

Whenever I lose motivation, I strive to spend time with myself preferably in nature, coffee shops, or fast food joints – they act as a motivator for me. Normally, I don’t eat fast food, I just grab a drink and sit there as long as I wish to. This alone time can motivate me to the core. I don't take any kind of gadget with me – mobile phone, laptop, tablet, or anything. However, I might do scribbling or reading something. I often think about the positive things that help me stay focused on my goals. Spending time alone acts as a strengthening agent for me.

Thanks to Bradley Stevens, LLC Formations!

#25- My end goal

Photo Credit: Shayne Sherman

My end goal was to have a business, which then turned to wanting a successful business, having more employees etc. If you're not feeling motivated in your business, change things up.Nothing is ever certain, so your drive should always be to do your best, or better than your best. That end goal should always be a chase, rather than catching up to it. If you strive to be better, you will always be better.

Thanks to Shayne Sherman, Techloris!

#26- I put 75% of my net profit into my house

Photo Credit: Ethan Taub

Every year after paying my taxes (that hurts) and dividends to the shareholders I put 75% of my net profit into my house, with the plan to pay it all off within 10 years, I have 3 left. This is my motivation every year because once you are mortgage free, you will always have a roof over your head, no matter what happens to your business. My monthly mortgage payments are currently over 50% of my monthly salary, so once that is gone, I'll have no financial worries and a whole boatload of disposable income to spend on my family, vacations, kids' college funds etc.

Thanks to Ethan Taub, Cashry & Debtry!

#27- Plan

Photo credit: Phil Crippen

There is a very popular saying: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” When you take time to plan, you allow yourself to think through the entire process from beginning to end. This can spark ideas, improve productivity, and ensure a great outcome. Once you have a written agenda, you are immediately going to be motivated to accomplish it. Without one, you have nothing to run with and end up feeling stuck. Write out your to-do list the night before. Identify the three most important things that you must accomplish the next day and start with those first.

Thanks to Phil Crippen, John Adams IT!

 Entrepreneurs! How do you stay motivated? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our #IamCEO Community.

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