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11 Motivational Videos CEOs Watch To Get Inspired

What is one video you watch to get and find motivation? 

Whether you need an extra wake-up in the morning or need a little bit of a pick-me-up as you prepare to get ready for something important, having a go-to motivational video can definitely help you. 

To help business owners find motivation when it feels a little hard, we asked other CEOs and business leaders this question for their best videos. From Outwork Everyone to the Good Will Hunting Park Scene, there are several videos that you can watch and give your motivation an extra boost. 

Here 11 motivational videos CEOs watch to get inspired: 

David Goggins YouTube

I often watch David Goggins’ videos for motivation. He is a Navy Seal and combat veteran who has throughout his life, overcome many different obstacles in order to become successful. Like David Goggins, many veterans have had to go through many different obstacles and coming back home and settling into a normal day-to-day job can be very challenging. That’s why I have been personally dedicated to helping other veterans overcome some of those job-related obstacles that often get in the way of success.

Jeff Finefrock, Military Hire


Emotional Intelligence: Using the Laws of Attraction

I love finding enjoyment in and motivation from watching TEDx Talk videos. As a small business entrepreneur, one of my favorite TEDx Talks videos is Emotional Intelligence: Using the Laws of Attraction, which constantly reminds me of the power of manifestation. We're in control of building the world around us. Manifesting comes from within and that really empowers me. 

Sundip Patel, LendThrive


Memory Movies on iPhone 

I’m a sucker for the “Memory Movies” on my iPhone. You know the ones where Apple overlays music on a slideshow of an album? Yes, those videos are super motivational for me because most photos and videos I have are of my family, and family can be an excellent motivator for an executive or entrepreneur. Whenever I’m in need of a little motivation during a lunch break, a memory movie can do the trick. 

Brett Farmiloe, Markitors


Becoming a 10x CEO

I watch the video Becoming a 10x CEO: Mark Helow at TEDxReno for motivation. This TED talk is incredibly inspiring. Mark’s speech has so many relatable elements. He compares being a CEO to being an athlete. He notes that the top 10% of CEOs are 10x more effective. You can determine how good a CEO is in less than an hour.

Randi Shinder, SBLA


Outwork Everyone 

Outwork Everyone is unlike most motivational videos on this topic that try to give you reasons to grind, this one helps me see that outworking competition is a mindset that can be easily attained. It’s easy to do one more of something and train your mind to get into the habit of being above average. This is especially helpful on low motivation days to keep me in that mindset.

Phil Bryson, Easy AZ Home Buyer


The Best Gift I Ever Survived 

If you encounter a massive hindrance in your life, the video The Best Gift I Ever Survived by Stacey Kramer helped me stay agile in the more challenging times. Recuperating yourself from a setback has never been easier. Watching this great speech by Stacey will immensely change your whole attitude. She shares her personal experience while being treated and diagnosed with a hemangioblastoma, the worst brain tumor. What she narrated in her video is truly inspiring and humbling. So, as a CEO, I have learned from it, life is full of complications, and we need to move on while setting aside all the hassles. We must never demotivate ourselves and make wrong decisions.

Caroline Lee, CocoSign


Toy Story Clip 

One video I use to find motivation is a clip from the movie Toy Story. In this clip, Woody and Buzz use a rocket to catch up to the boy who is their owner. Buzz launches them into the air and they fly into the boys’ car and are reunited with their owner. This is a very motivational clip that proves that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

Jordan Nathan, Caraway


Good Will Hunting Park Scene

One of the most motivational videos that I watch to get motivation is the park scene from Good Will Hunting. I find this scene to be very deep and thought-provoking. It is great to watch early in the morning before I start my day at work. 

Lauren Picasso, Cure Hydration


Mamba Mentality Clips

Kobe Bryant was one of the greatest athletes to ever live. What was even more impressive than his basketball play, was his mentality that he practiced on and off the court. This has been called the Mamba Mentality and it is a very intense way of thinking. When I am looking for motivation, I watch the Mamba Mentality clips on youtube that motivate me to work harder, keep pushing, and persevere through tough times.

Darren Litt, MarketerHire


Get Up and Get It Done

Ben Lionel Scott uploads great motivational videos for CEOs and other leaders to find the determination to seize the day. My personal favorite is the Get up and Get it Done video. It goes into how we feel like we need to wait for our moment to get things done, but there is no one waiting to push us. You have to find the determination to build and motivate yourself.

Olivia Young, Conscious Items


Kids on Leadership

Kids on Leadership is a video on YouTube that I watch regularly for guidance, and motivation. The video offers me guidance because I aspire to be the kind of leader the children in the video speak about. These kids know the difference between good and bad leadership, and how good leadership should look like. I want to meet their expectations of good leadership. The video also motivates me to be a better leader because it helps me realize what others, e.g. my employees, customers, and other stakeholders, need from me as the CEO. My role as CEO is to help everyone around me be better. Leadership is not about me, but about helping the people I serve, employees included. This video serves as a constant reminder of that.

Sai Blackbyrn, Coach Foundation


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