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30 Entrepreneurs Share Their Tips and Tricks of Staying Motivated

When the going gets rough in business, you’ll need the motivation to keep moving. Motivating yourself can be hard but practicing consistent habits such as reminding yourself of why you started can be a major boost. A network of friends and partners can also serve as a great assurance and reminder that you’re not walking alone.

Here are the various ways entrepreneurs and business owners stay motivated in business.

#1- Leverage entrepreneurial success stories

Photo Credit: Adam Fard

I would say, that there are a great number of examples of business people who have taken risks and gone on to achieve tremendous levels of success. You may get a lot of knowledge by reading accounts like this, and you can also use them as a source of motivation. You might research the approaches other business owners have used in the past if a certain facet of your venture is giving you trouble.

Thanks to Adam Fard, Adam Fard UX Agency!

#2- Using your willpower regularly

Photo Credit: Joe Troyer

Learn to recognize your motivation as a physical asset. Visualize that every morning, a tiny balloon is delivered to your door. The balloon deflates with each act of labor or
exertion. Every morning, you can get a bigger balloon by being more disciplined and putting in more effort throughout the day. Using your willpower regularly is a great way to keep yourself motivated. Eventually, you'll be able to do more and more just because you've trained your motivation muscle to do so.

Thanks to Joe Troyer, Reviewgrower!

#3- Through the Seinfeld Strategy

Photo Credit: Mark Childress

Created by the famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld after giving someone advice on how to stay motivated, this method is highly effective and easy to maintain. Whenever I have a task or routine that I want to stick with, I set aside a small amount of time to work on it each day. Every time I do this, I mark it off with a big colorful X on a calendar or some sort of tracking sheet, trying to get as many Xs in a row as I can to form a long train. Seeing the long train of Xs keeps me motivated to keep my streak going until I reach my goal.

Thanks to Mark Childress, Law Offices of Mark M. Childress!

#4- Taking a healthy break

Photo credit: AndreiVasilescu

There's nothing that can hinder success more than being tired and overworked. Burnout can affect not only you personally but also your business. This means that taking breaks often is equally important as working hard and making money. If you don't take care of yourself, you will be forced to take care of your health later on, and you will notice this decline in productivity and revenue. When I step back and take a break, I return rested, recharged, and more motivated to grow my business.

Thanks to Andrei Vasilescu, dontpayfull!

#5- Finding an opportunity to contribute as a potential source

Photo credit: TimothyConnon

The whole reason I do what I do is to provide a good lifestyle and income for my family so we can enjoy things in life and live with minimal to no debts. This alone motivates me tremendously, another thing is the hunger for success. I see my competitors and how they go to their level in their business simply by being consistent and never giving up and I know I can do the same. This motivates me to never give up and pursue the same results they achieved it is almost like an experiment to me.

Thanks to Timothy Connon, ParamountQuote!

#6- Make your business fun and motivated

Photo credit: AlanKatz

Staying motivated is one of the challenges of any business owner. So what I’ve done is I’ve constantly tried to make my business fun and enjoy it but also strive to be the best. Figuring out everything I can every day to be the best to win all the awards to get all the kudos from my peers that keep me motivated. Money is a great motivation as well but money can only buy you so much. It’s the emotional attachment you have to the business that’s going to help you succeed.

Thanks to Alan Katz, GreatOfficiant!

#7- Motivation by my inner drive and customers

Photo Credit: Ben Rollins

Staying motivated isn't usually a big challenge for me. I think most entrepreneurs are naturally motivated people. I'm motivated not only by my inner drive but also by our customers. Just this past month we had customers leave reviews like, “life-changing, immediate improvement in headaches, and money can buy happiness.” It's really motivating to see the change we're creating in our customers' lives — enough that they take the time to leave a review. I love seeing those come in.

Thanks to Ben Rollins, Axon Optics!

#8- Doing what I love

Photo Credit: Tenesha L.Curtis

One of the easiest ways to stay motivated is to make sure that you're doing what you love to do. If you would write or prepare taxes or sing or cook recreationally, doing it for money hardly feels like work at all. You just happen to get paid for something you like. If you're already established in a specific industry, but you're only in love with certain parts of it, try to contract and collaborate with others who like doing the parts of your business that you don't.

Thanks to Tenesha L.Curtis, Volo Press Books!

#9- By reducing cybercrime

Photo Credit: Bill Mann

What gets me out of bed every morning is knowing I’m helping people. The tech industry is constantly evolving and at a rapid pace, which t makes it difficult for those who don’t have their finger on the pulse to keep up. Not everyone is a “genius” or enmeshed in the Silicon Valley scene. As a privacy expert, I’m passionate about helping people understand the latest technology and how they can stay safe on their devices. I take comfort in knowing there will be one less victim of cybercrime.

Thanks to Bill Mann, Restore Privacy!

#10- By having a healthy sustainable routine

Photo Credit: Jonathan Merry

One way to stay motivated as an entrepreneur is to have a healthy sustainable routine. Physical wellness is a key factor in psychological well-being for business motivation. Engage in healthy routines such as having some time away from the business, eating a balanced diet, and having regular exercise. Having a morning routine is also a great way to stay motivated for the day, starting it productively. Create your list of activities in the morning such as contacting investors, new blog content, or a social media strategy formulation.

Thanks to Jonathan Merry, Bankless Times!

#11- Listening to TED talks

Photo Credit: Milo Cruz

Listening to TED talks puts me back on track whenever I feel less motivated as a leader. It makes me realize that every successful person experiences hardships and downfalls in life. Hearing inspiring words from people who have been through the worst circumstances and learning how they overcome those are great eye-openers for me. TED talks enable me to transform into a more decisive and inspiring leader to my subordinates.

Thanks to Milo Cruz, Freelance Writing Jobs!

#12- By reading customer feedback

Photo Credit: Helen Rankin

As an entrepreneur, I find it really motivating when I read customer feedback and reviews of our reusable wipes kit on Trustpilot. It can be hard to stay motivated sometimes when things get difficult or you have that one tricky and demanding customer, who in our case is normally heavily pregnant and hormonal! That's why each Friday, our team shares a round-up of the weekly reviews. It's a great way to put a smile on all our faces and finish the week on a positive note!

Thanks to Helen Rankin, Cheeky Pants!

#13- Supporting charitable organizations

Photo Credit: Matt Bowman

Supporting charitable organizations and giving back to the community keeps me motivated. One of our company initiatives is to work with, which offers financial support to small businesses worldwide. As a non-profit organization, assists struggling and low-income business owners and students worldwide by serving as an Internet-based funder. Additionally, during the height of the pandemic, we started constructing the Thrive Community Hall.

Thanks to Matt Bowman, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency!

#14- Recalling previous successes

Photo Credit: Ryan Stewart

Recalling previous successes motivates me as an entrepreneur. The commendations that my organization and I receive and the growth we see in our client businesses help us believe that we are doing a good job. Despite strategy issues, management or stakeholders’ approval, and client-related woes along the way, memories of our past achievements help us trust our capabilities more and continue providing our brand of service. This means accepting troubles as temporary stumbling blocks.

Thanks to Ryan Stewart, Webris!

#15- Keeping a positive outlook

Photo Credit: Meena Gupta

For me, one of the best ways to stay motivated is to keep a positive outlook and remind myself that the only easy day was yesterday. Every day is a new challenge, and overcoming those challenges is what makes entrepreneurship so rewarding. It's also important to surround yourself with positive people who believe in your vision and can help you stay on track when things get tough. At the end of the day, remember that your hard work will pay off and you'll be one step closer to achieving your dreams

Thanks to Meena Gupta, Nearby Movers!

#16-Visualizing my goals

Photo Credit: Marty Ford

Visualizing my goals has always been a key inspiration for me in business. Whether it is a mental image of the kind of lifestyle I want to live, or a more tangible representation like a board with pictures and words representing my company's success, seeing what I am working towards helps keep me motivated on a daily basis. Another thing that keeps me going is always remembering why I am doing this in the first place. For me, it isn't just about making money – although that is important.

Thanks to Marty Ford, BulletpRoof Roof Systems Ltd!

#17- Dancing

Photo Credit: Adam Berry

For me, my source of motivation is dancing. Dancing to the rhythm is a stress reliever and mood booster at the same time. The tunes of the song increase my self-esteem, self-confidence, and mental wellness, and these factors fill me with motivation. Whenever I am low, tired of things, or demotivated, I listen to some light music and dance to the beats of it. The dance helps me escape the world for some time, reduces my anxiety, and transforms me into a new me.

Thanks to Adam Berry, Adam Berry SEO!

#18- Keep your eye on the prize

Photo Credit: Matt Wilson

When I feel like I'm losing motivation, I always try to remember what my goal is. Why am I doing this? What am I hoping to achieve? If I can focus on the result, it's usually enough to help me push through and stay motivated. I think of it like this: if my goal is to get in shape, then I'm one step closer every time I work out or eat healthily. And that's incredibly motivating. Furthermore, this radiated motivation even brings power and focus to work hard to succeed.

Thanks to Matt Wilson, Lift Your Game!

#19- Always work in the same designated space each day 

Photo Credit: Kevin Miller

One funny tip I have picked up is always to work in the same designated spaces. Essentially, our brains subconsciously recognize when physical spaces link to specific activities. So, to stay motivated and have the most productive flow, designate one or two spots at home or in the office at work to use every day. The more consistently you train your brain to recognize these routines, the more ready you should eventually feel to get work done as soon as you get into your space.

Thanks to Kevin Miller, KevinMiller!

#20- By sticking to discipline

Photo Credit: Kyle Risley

When your motivation fails, discipline will carry you until it comes back again. Motivation spikes when we see the product of our efforts, such as a great new licensing deal, a spike in sales, or a great testimonial or review. However, without that positive feedback, you can struggle. Having a good routine that brings you back to your habits and furthering your business will make sure that you’re taking the steps to build your business, even when the spotlight’s not on you or your company.

Thanks to Kyle Risley, LiftVault!

#21- Find Your Driving Force

Photo Credit: Madison Pollard

No one starts a venture without a clear reason – it wouldn't be worth the time and effort otherwise. Make time to reflect on your motivating factor. What was it that made you start the venture? What problem is it that you are trying to solve? Identifying this driving force, and making that your focus can give you the motivation to continue even when things stagnate or are tough. If one truly believes in their mission, then detaching from one's ego or any self-doubt and refocusing on the company's purpose is a great way to stay inspired.

Thanks to Madison Pollard, Kalechi Consulting!

#22- Living in the moment 

Photo Credit: Anne Glass

Staying motivated is only possible when I can focus on the current moment, and not think too much about the past or future. It can sometimes be disheartening as an entrepreneur to stay motivated when you aren’t at the exact place you thought you would be when creating your business plan. This is why focusing on the now is important, and not dwelling on what might happen before it even comes to pass.

Thanks to Anne Glass, MUSE Academy!

#23- Watching my business grow

Photo Credit: Marisa Tolsma

The thing that most keeps me motivated is watching my business grow in response to my efforts. I've learned to only focus my time on the most effective tasks, and either outsource or let go of everything else. Instead of endlessly working all the time, being very intentional about how I spend my time working on my business enables me to enjoy the number one thing that my business has given me: freedom. Besides enjoying my freedom, I also find it very motivating to regularly check my business analytics, audience growth, and, monetary growth.

Thanks to Marisa Tolsma, BumblebeeApothecary!

#24- Willingness to take contrary action

Photo Credit: Dr. Simon Karmarkar

As entrepreneurs, we are accustomed to going 100 mph for 20 hours at a stretch until exhaustion hits. Numerous studies have shown that not only does the quality of the work diminish but so does the quantity. The opposite action is to take purposeful breaks. Many entrepreneurs claim to practice meditation first thing in the morning. This wonderful practice sets the morning up for productive outcomes. Prior to the afternoon session, taking 15 minutes will have a profound impact on the afternoon productivity sessions.

Thanks to Dr. Simon Karmarkar, RefundWiz!

#25- Handling the hardest tasks first

Photo Credit: Anjela Mangrum

My motivation levels peak once I finish whatever complex tasks bother me the most. Not only do I worry less this way, but I also feel good about myself enough to look forward to the remaining, relatively simpler tasks for the rest of my workday. Breaking tedious chores into smaller sub-steps and following the steps to completion always gives me a boost. While this strategy is a hit or miss for professionals in general, with the difficult tasks slowing productivity and holding people back from other essential assignments, it works for me as the head of a recruiting firm.

Thanks to Anjela Mangrum, Mangrum Career Solutions!

#26- Keep the end game in mind

Photo Credit: Colin Palfrey

I have always found that the best way to keep myself motivated is to* keep the end game in mind.* There are many days when it can be a struggle to get through the day and to start thinking if all the effort is really worth it. However, all I need to do is to think about why we do this, and the rewards that lie at the end of it if we can only apply ourselves to the task at hand. Nothing comes easy to any of us, but with the right attitude and a lot of hard work, we can make a success of our dreams.

Thanks to Colin Palfrey, Crediful!

#27- Breaking down into the small setting

Photo Credit: Adina David

It can be difficult to keep up motivation levels during extended periods of time. One way to stay motivated is by setting small, achievable goals. Breaking down your larger goal into smaller pieces makes it feel more manageable and less daunting. You’re also more likely to stick with it if you see yourself making progress along the way. Keeping a record of what you've accomplished can help remind you of how far you've come and inspire further efforts.

Thanks to Adina David, JobzHut!

#28- I ignore the noise and focus on what I aim to do

Photo Credit: Yushika Jolly

I ignore the noise and focus on what I aim to build. The idea is to build a community that respects and accepts people for their choices and shades. Feedback from the audience is a constant reminder that our work goes way beyond making hair dyes and tints, but is a medium of self-expression and voice. Knowing that my work unites an audience with options to flaunt their true selves is what motivates me. By following these simple tips, I am able to stay motivated and focused on my entrepreneurial goals.

Thanks to Yushika Jolly, Paradyes!

#29- Focus on the mission

Photo Credit: Guy Hadas

A real entrepreneur knows that not every day will be a good day for businesses. Not every day will work in our favor. There will be tough times for sure, there will be failures, there will be hopeless days, and many more challenges along the way, it is indeed hard to stay motivated during trying times, but if you only focus on these bad days, things will only get worse. A real entrepreneur knows how to handle these things and will not lose focus on the real mission, which is to succeed.

Thanks to Guy Hadas, Age Group!

#30- The challenge of building something from scratch

Photo Credit: Shaun Martin

There are a lot of things that can keep entrepreneurs motivated. Some people find inspiration in their passion for their business or product, while others draw motivation from the satisfaction of seeing their company succeed. For some, the challenge of building something from scratch is enough to keep them going, while others find comfort and motivation in the support of their team. No matter what inspires you, it's important to remember that motivation can come and go.

Thanks to Shaun Martin, The Home Buying Company!

 Entrepreneurs! How do you stay motivated? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our #IamCEO Community.

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