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30 Entrepreneurs Share Their Tips and Tricks for Staying Motivated

When the going gets rough in business, you’ll need the motivation to keep moving. Motivating yourself can be hard but practicing consistent habits such as reminding yourself of why you started can be a major boost. A network of friends and partners can also serve as a great assurance and reminder that you’re not walking alone.

Here are the various ways entrepreneurs and business owners stay motivated in business.

#1- Seeing growth and positive reviews

Photo Credit: Elina Furman

I have seen significant growth in our numbers and positive reviews, which keeps my motivation going. It’s hard not to feel upset when there are slow sale days, and you wonder if you’re doing anything right and why you even started the business in the first place. But then I get a letter from a mom who says the massager helped her baby with colic and constipation or another developmental issue, and I am back up and running in terms of mood and outlook.

Thanks to Elina Furman, Kahlmi!

#2- By remembering the main reasons

Photo Credit: Francisco Benavides

I stay motivated by thinking back on the main reasons that inspired me to start my business and what pushed me out of my comfort zone each time. We've come a long way and learned a lot in the process. The challenges, the long hours, etc., all make sense when we provide our customers with an enjoyable experience through paint by numbers canvases and when I can financially support my family.

Thanks to Francisco Benavides, Canvas by Numbers!

#3- Watching the resilience of others

Photo Credit: Laura Spaw

I find motivation in witnessing the resilience of others, especially those who persevere through difficult circumstances to achieve their goals. Determination and self-motivation are qualities that I relied on when I founded my business more than 15 years ago and those are also qualities that I respect and look for in team members that we recruit.

Thanks to Laura Spaw, Virtual Vocations!

#4- By doing the things I love

Photo Credit: Sumeer Kaur

I stay motivated by carving out time for the things I love. Taking breaks as an entrepreneur is important because it is so easy to get swept up in the work that you forget to enjoy everything you have created. I wasn't always able to take breaks, but now I understand how vital breaks are in building a satisfying and balanced life. When I am happier, I am more motivated to work on even the most tedious task at work.

Thanks to Sumeer Kaur, Lashkaraa!

#5- From a creative spark

Photo Credit: Annalisa Criss

For us, staying motivated comes from a creative spark, a passion for our industry, and a drive to craft unique, custom designs that truly stand out. We want our customers to find products that express themselves. The key to staying motivated, and ultimately, finding success, is to remain focused on our goals and our values. We never stop innovating and growing, all while staying true to our vision.

Thanks to Annalisa Criss, StayLit Design!

#6- Our passion to innovate

Photo Credit: Alex Chavez

At LaserMax, our passion and tenacity to create something new and see it thrive is what keeps us entrepreneurs going. We always go back to our core standards—rooted in quality, precision, and efficacy—when creating product designs or advancing our proprietary technologies. Along with our drive for innovation, we are motivated by providing useful tools to our customers that instill confidence and protection.

Thanks to Alex Chavez, LaserMax!

#7- Breaking things down into small goals

Photo Credit: Peyton Robinson

One of the best ways to stay motivated is by breaking things down into small goals and tasks. There’s something super satisfying and motivating to check a task off your list and see just how productive you are. That’s why setting small goals and breaking bigger unrealistic goals into small attainable ones are a great way to encourage yourself to keep on going and very satisfactory as you cross through the achievements.

Thanks to Peyton Robinson, Foter!

#8- Having a great team

Photo Credit: Daniel Apke

Teamwork is everything when it comes to not only success but also motivation. Having a great team helps you reach the goals you put for yourself and your business as well as provides you with the support you need when things don't go as planned. Having a great team helps put multiple brains together, come up with the best solutions and be able to overcome any obstacles.

Thanks to Daniel Apke, Land Investing Online!

#9- Networking

Photo Credit: Brian David Crane

I believe that the company you keep and the thoughts you allow in your mind are your best motivators ever. Networking has always been an essential ingredient that I recognized early. It allowed me to connect and exchange ideas with incredibly successful people, and it reinforced my focus on the ambitions and dreams I wanted to achieve. Finding a great mentor can also be an excellent recipe for staying motivated during crises or bad times.

Thanks to Brian David Crane, Spread Great Ideas!

#10- Looking at projects, clients, and staff

Photo Credit: Thomas Samuels

Whenever I need a motivational boost, I look to three sources: exciting projects, clients, and staff. I enjoy the work that we do, which is why I like to stay directly involved in some of our projects, especially those that excite me. Whether we’re making use of the latest technology or tackling a logistical challenge, the work itself helps keep me motivated. Similarly, working with our clients can be highly rewarding, especially when we exceed their expectations.

Thanks to Thomas Samuels, Cardinal Expo!

#11- Reading my affirmations

Photo Credit: Nathan Brookes

First, I read my affirmations. These statements remind me why I'm doing what I'm doing and how important my business is to me. They help me stay focused on the big picture instead of getting bogged down in the day-to-day minutiae. Next, I meditate for 5 minutes to clear my head before starting work. This helps me focus on what's important and makes me feel more relaxed when I start working!

Thanks to Nathan Brookes, Brixton 4X4 & Adventure!

#12- By inspiration and perspiration

Photo Credit: Jodi Low

My motivation comes from two places…inspiration and perspiration! The more I fuel my heart, body and mind with the powerful words and ideas of other thought leaders, whether that’s from a book, or a live training event, the more motivation I feel! Couple that with daily exercise like running, Pilates, and weight training. I become unstoppable. As a single mom and an entrepreneur, days are full and there’s a lot to juggle.

Thanks to Jodi Low, From Me to U!

#13- Masterminding

Photo Credit: Ben Tibbits

One method I find invaluable for keeping my motivation high is masterminding. Having a group of peers that are in similar circumstances to you can be an invaluable resource for support. Being able to work together, learn from each other and share successes is incredibly powerful. Additionally, having people who understand the unique challenges that come with being an entrepreneur can help keep your morale up.

Thanks to Ben Tibbits, BroadbandDeals!

#14- Review goals regularly

Photo Credit: Ian Wright

Regularly and systematically reviewing my goals and long-term vision helps keep me motivated. I make sure to carve out time every week for reflection, to check in on my current priorities, and to look back at my milestones achieved so far. It's important to enjoy the small successes, as well as to take a step back to review what I need to do next to stay on track with my goals.

Thanks to Ian Wright, businessfinancing!

#15- By relating to my employees

Photo Credit: Sharon Dylan

I stay motivated by looking at my employees. I know that people have different stories and reasons why they need a job and of course the salary that comes with it. Hence, what I usually do is to create a good personal relationship with my employees so I get motivated by them. I know that their lives largely depend on the success of the company, so this is what really motivates me the most.

Thanks to Sharon Dylan, Management Help!

#16- By taking a break

Photo Credit: Mark Stewart

As an entrepreneur, I stay motivated by taking a break. Most times, working consistently can cause me to be mentally worn out and have recurrent, and this makes me seem like I do not feel zeal or passion towards my business. However, when I take a break, I get rejuvenated enough to make sound decisions on how I can improve my business. I also find communicating with my team.

Thanks to Mark Stewart, humanresource!

#17- Making my customers contented and optimistic

Photo Credit: Gretchen Boyd

Every day at work I think of an approach to make my customer contented and optimistic with my service. Our work is to make a customer's abode a clean, hygienic, and tidy place to live in. This job requires a lot of attention as we have to clean every bit and cranny. And after doing our job, the relaxed smile on customers' faces makes us feel it is worth it to spend a little more time cleaning every morsel.

Thanks to Gretchen Boyd, Nychousecleaners!

#18- Having a clear vision

Photo Credit: Joel House

I think the most important thing for me is to have a clear vision of what I want to accomplish. If you don't have that, then it's really hard to keep going. The more clearly you can see your goals, the easier it becomes for you to stay motivated. I also think it helps me to remember those moments of failure that I've had in my past—the times when I was so sure I'd be successful, and then something happened, and I didn't make it.

Thanks to Joel House, Xpand Digital!

#19- Celebrating my successes

Photo Credit: Kamil Kowalski

Don't get discouraged by the long list of tasks that still need to be done. Instead, celebrate the small successes achieved along the way. Celebrating your successes can give you a boost of motivation and keep you on track. Celebrate small wins and the milestones you have achieved. This can be a great way to stay motivated and continue pushing forward. It will help keep you motivated and encourage you to keep going.

Thanks to Kamil Kowalski, LimakWay!

#20- Staying consistent

Photo Credit: Zarina Bahadur

When starting a new business, you must always stay motivated. It is important to prioritize your work and set aside time every day for your business and always stick to it no matter what. Some days you may not feel like it. However, it is important to get your to-do list done, irrespective of your mood. With consistent efforts, you can eventually build a successful business. Also, consistency makes you automatically motivated.

Thanks to Zarina Bahadur, 123 Baby Box!

#21- Getting support for your dreams

Photo Credit: Hayato Kato

As an entrepreneur, you must always require support to work every day, especially when you are at your lowest. Whether it is your family, friends, or others, you must always build a community of individuals that believe in you and your dreams. They make the ultimate difference when you have hit rock bottom and need a final push to get started again. Also, this community of people must be extremely honest with you.

Thanks to Hayato Kato, TECH I.S.!

#22- Focusing on successes

Photo Credit: Jimmy Huh

Remaining positive is essential for staying motivated. Make sure to focus on the positives, such as your successes and accomplishments, rather than the negatives. Failure can be a great source of motivation. Instead of getting frustrated, take a step back and analyze what went wrong. This can help you stay focused and determined to reach your goals. By doing this, you will be able to remain motivated and focused on reaching your goals.

Thanks to Jimmy Huh, Jimmy Huh!

#23- Bootstrapping the business

Photo Credit: Dan Kroytor

As a bootstrapped company, there's a real sense of reward knowing that we're doing what's best for our customers instead of what's in the best interest of investors. Bootstrapping the business allows me to make decisions independently of investor opinions. Though it also means I'm taking on all the financial risks, not taking on outside financing means we can offer better pricing, providing even greater value to our clients.

Thanks to Dan Kroytor, TailoredPay!

#24- By challenging myself

Photo Credit: Dakota McDaniels

I stay motivated by challenging myself to become a disruptor in the trading industry. I strive to be the one making the trends that set new standards of excellence. I look for voids that need filling and strategize how to do so by being innovative and creative. Alongside my reliable team, I create unique solutions, products, and insight to introduce into the industry and my company.

Thanks to Dakota McDaniels, Pluto!

#25- Reading books

When my entrepreneurial motivation flatlines, I read books and watch movies and YouTube videos to reignite my self-motivation. Notice I said self-motivation because, ultimately, inspiration comes from within. Sure we can dial into inspirational quotes and friendly advice, but those things can only push us to do what we motivate ourselves to do. Nobody can inspire you to hit send on that pitch email, and finalize that new offer.

Thanks to Apryl Beverly, Word Stylistz!

#26- By remembering my why

Photo Credit: Nicole F. Smith

First of all, being an entrepreneur is not for the faint at heart! It can feel lonely out there at times. I stay motivated by remembering my why. I have to constantly speak affirmations and remind myself that I am here to serve my purpose, make an impact and demonstrate to others how they can do the same. I make sure I have clarity on my values and goals to stay motivated but I also make sure I decide, commit, and stay consistent on whatever I am trying to accomplish.

Thanks to Nicole F. Smith, JMS Creative Leadership Solutions!

#27- Solving my customers' problems

Photo Credit: Ethan Isaacson

Solving the unique problems that my customers face is what keeps me motivated. I started my business because I encountered those same problems, so I know from personal experience how difficult and frustrating they can be. Knowing that my customers are encountering those same problems for themselves keeps me motivated to continue offering and improving upon solutions.

Thanks to Ethan Isaacson, LegalEase Citations!

#28- Tracking my development

Photo Credit: James Jennings

My achievements is one of the most important things that keep me motivated. It's not always sunshine and rainbows. On the other hand, even the smallest of gains will confidently predict that I never have to feel regret over my missteps. If I'm feeling unmotivated, I'll often take some time to reflect on the achievements I've had that day and reward myself with something cheerful to give me a boost when I'm feeling down.

Thanks to James Jennings, HomeGardenHQ!

#29- Taking regular breaks

Photo Credit: Aaron Rice

Organizing regular breaks, such as vacation time, can help me stay motivated. It’s also important to take time for myself. Taking a break from the everyday stresses of running a business can help to restore energy levels and provide a sense of renewed motivation. Make sure to take breaks and step away from the business in order to recharge.

Thanks to Aaron Rice, Stayyy!

#30- Continuous improvement

Photo Credit: Yukon Palmer

I constantly focus on improving a certain aspect of the business, regardless of how the business and overall market is performing. I am always working on a major project, even while juggling the day-to-day needs of the business. The projects I select tend to have an outsized impact on the business in the long term. This includes, new product development initiatives, marketing programs, and operational processes.

Thanks to Yukon Palmer, FieldLogix!

Entrepreneurs! How do you stay motivated? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our #IamCEO Community.

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