In the dynamic world of business, entrepreneurs are constantly seeking innovative ways to market their ventures. Embracing creativity and adaptability, these visionary leaders explore novel strategies to engage their target audience and stand out in the competitive market. By fostering a culture of innovation, entrepreneurs inspire their teams to think outside the box and develop cutting-edge marketing approaches that captivate consumers and drive their businesses to new heights.
In this article, entrepreneurs share innovative ways they market their business.
#1- Using emails
Kirsten Roldan
I am known for being someone who pushes to reach towards social media optional by using email. Email brings in millions of dollars for my clients and me. I’m not a copywriter but I see the power of email and how it makes people really understand your offer. I sell via email and I feel as though it’s the most ethical way to market. Everyone knows all the details of precisely what they will get when they purchase with me. So many see email as an afterthought, but make it a priority. Even if your list is small, you have people who truly want to be there.
Thanks to Kirsten Roldan
#2- Using AI and data-driven strategies
We are leveraging the power of AI and data-driven strategies to innovatively market our business. Our unique ‘Angel Writer' service, which uses AI to capture an author's voice, forms the centerpiece of our marketing narrative. We use data analytics to understand our customers' behavior and preferences, which allows us to deliver personalized marketing messages and enhance our customer journey. We also heavily utilize content marketing, creating insightful blog posts, webinars, and social media content that provide value to our audience and position us as thought leaders in our industry.
Thanks to Vikrant Shaurya, Authors On Mission!
#3- Utilizing AI and machine learning
In today's rapidly changing business scene, keeping ahead requires creativity. At Media Culture, we've adopted a data-driven marketing strategy that enables us to make strategic decisions based on real-time information. We've incorporated artificial intelligence and machine learning into our operations, allowing us to forecast trends, analyze customer behavior and optimize our ads for optimum effect. We're also using the power of social media and influencer marketing, realizing that authentic, human relationships can create brand loyalty and engagement.
Thanks to Christena Garduno, Media Culture!
#4- All-out and all-inclusive approach
As a brand that has done it all and found a strategy that has gained us close to 100,000 subscribers, we can confidently say that the best approach is an all-out and all-inclusive approach. When we say all-out, we mean a video marketing strategy that engages the audience without holding any information. In this approach, we go beyond the usual sales approach and encompass not just market-oriented but industry-oriented content. When we say all-inclusive, we mean a strategy where we don’t just talk about our brand but also about all other products and services related to our industry.
Thanks to Tony Angeleri, Lone Wolf Paintball!
#5- Offering firsthand experience
In the education sector, brands often believe in keeping their unique traits under wraps so that only those who sign up for their programs benefit from them. So when we were ready to speak to our audience about our offerings, we began offering them a firsthand experience of our programs and courses so they could make an informed decision. This not only helped us connect with the audience and win their trust but also enabled us to gain firsthand feedback that we promptly used to finetune our courses.
Thanks to Ariav Cohen, Proprep!
#6- Openly discussing our cases
In the legal industry, a marketing campaign has to walk the fine line between showcasing a firm's expertise and revealing too much. But we soon realized that this was not only robbing us of the traction we deserved but also kept our potential client from gaining trust in our work. So we chose to do things differently by highlighting our wins and even the amounts we won our clients. Today, you will find us discussing our cases and showing our audience why they can trust us with their potentially life-altering cases.
Thanks to Riley Beam, Douglas R. Beam P.A.!
#7- Immersive virtual tours
One of the innovative ways we market our business is through immersive virtual tours. We understand that potential buyers may not always have the time or opportunity to physically visit properties. Therefore, we invest in advanced 3D virtual tour technologies that allow clients to explore properties from the comfort of their own homes. These virtual tours provide a realistic and interactive experience, enabling buyers to visualize the property layout, and features in a detailed manner. By offering this immersive experience, we can engage a wider audience and generate more qualified leads.
Thanks to Samantha Odo, Precondo!
#8- Showcasing services and sharing expert tips
We are just starting out, but we are determined to leverage the power of video to demonstrate our services and share valuable tips. Our aim is to provide useful information not only to potential customers but also to homeowners in general who are seeking answers to their problems. We create content for YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. We firmly believe that this sets us apart from our competitors because having a video production capability adds credibility to our potential clients.
Thanks to Danny Pen, New Era Plumbing & HVAC!
#9- Three ways
My content marketing strategy for my niche is residential water treatment and this markets to readers who are seeking solutions to their own water treatment problems at home. Another way is through YouTube videos and YouTube Shorts to cater to content consumers that prefer videos to blog articles. Lastly, we've hired a PR firm to create a complete digital PR strategy and an example is this study of reusable water bottles which has gained our website visibility from some of the largest top-tier news publishers online.
Thanks to Brian Campbell, Water Filter Guru!