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17 Entrepreneurs Describe Their Morning Routine

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, mornings serve as a crucial foundation for a successful day ahead. Each dawn brings new opportunities and challenges that entrepreneurs must navigate with precision and focus. We've gathered insights from exceptional entrepreneurs who are religiously following their morning rituals to optimize their productivity and set the tone for triumph.

Here is what they have to say.

#1- I embrace mindfulness and productivity

Photo Credit: Martin Seeley

My morning routine is nothing extraordinary. I begin my day with a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and fruit. This helps to give me the energy I need throughout the day. After that, I take some time to meditate and practice mindfulness. Doing this gives me a sense of calmness and clarity so that I can start my day with intentionality. I then spend some time planning out my day, making sure I'm prepared for whatever challenges or opportunities that may come my way. From there, I make a list of the tasks and goals I want to accomplish over the course of the day.

Thanks to Martin Seeley, Mattress Next Day!

#2- I start each day with a 5-minute prayer

Photo Credit: Maurice Contreras

Most mornings start with a 5-minute prayer, then 30 minutes of exercise. Clearing your mind and moving the body is key for me. After a shower, I move into preparing coffee. I weigh out and grind the exact amount of beans and brew it in a Moccamaster then pour it in a to-go cup for the road. Breakfast is very important and consists of whole grains, fruits, and water. While eating breakfast I catch up on Volcanica Coffee sales from the day before along with financial and local news to prepare me for the day ahead.

Thanks to  Maurice Contreras, Volcanica Coffee!

#3- Starts by rising early, hydrating and organization

Photo Credit: Jason Mudd

I beat the sun up every morning, drink two cups of water, and make my bed. I keep a stack of 3 x 5″ cards on my nightstand. Before I look at my email or social media, I write down my goals, three things I'm grateful for, my daily must-dos, and my upcoming appointments. I read my Bible, pray, and then visualize the day. Next, I journal for a few minutes and share it with my performance coach. Then I walk for three miles every day with my dog Oscar. After walking three miles, I do up to one hour of yoga.

Thanks to Jason Mudd, Axia Public Relations!

#4- It's simple

Photo Credit: Sebastian Jania

My morning routine is very simple and easy to execute. The first thing I do when I open my eyes is to close them to visualize the future that I'm creating in my outer reality every day. Following this, I write down my goals which takes about 30 seconds and I make sure to feel all of the emotions that come with achieving those goals. I then drink one liter of water so that I don't resort to drinking coffee first thing. In just a few minutes I'm grounded and ready to start the day.

Thanks to Sebastian Jania, Ontario Property Buyers!

#5- They don't vary

Photo Credit: David Brewer

It’s been the same since I founded my business. I get up when the sun rises, brew some coffee, have a cup and our myself another mug to go and head into the office. I’m always the first in, I check what needs to be done for the day, create a priority list, and start work. My mornings don’t vary and they’ve become a habit and a routine that has served me and my business well. It works, I like it, and as my dad used to say to me when I was growing up, “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

Thanks to David Brewer, Protect Line!

#6- Involves going to the gym and meditating

Photo Credit: Craig Goodliffe

My morning routine starts when I wake up at 4:00 am, and I go to the gym from 5:00-6:00. I typically fast in the morning and the night before, so I come home to get ready and spend between 10-30 min of meditation (depending on the day and what I am focusing on). Then at 7:30, I head to the office. At 8:00, I call my assistant and review the itinerary for the day, including appointments and things to do. Then I start my day at 9:00 when I usually have my first appointment.

Thanks to Craig Goodliffe, Cyberbacker!

#7- I usually run for an hour

Photo Credit: Matthew Conway

My morning routine starts early. At 5 am I am up and running for a couple of miles. I find this an essential part of my day. It gives me the time, quiet, and conditions to process everything that happened the day before at work. Business life is busy, home life is busy (I have two children), and so there isn't the space to reflect and give myself time to make decisions. Ensuring I get an hour's run in every morning gives me that time. It makes me a better Managing Director. After a shower, breakfast, and a coffee, I drop the kids off at childcare and then head to work.

Thanks to Matthew Conway, NDT Group!

#8- Starts with purpose and intention

Photo Credit: Anthony Christov

Personally, I believe in starting the day with purpose and intention. My morning routine typically involves waking up early and doing some light exercise to energize my body and clear my mind. I then have a light breakfast. I then dedicate time to review my goals, prioritize tasks, and set a focused agenda for the day ahead. This helps me stay organized, and approach my work with clarity and enthusiasm.

Thanks to Anthony Christov, ARC Academy!

#9- Includes taking my dog for a walk

Photo Credit: Anna Stella

My morning routine includes walking my dog, selecting outfits based on the day’s activities, and preparing for the day. I wake up around 3.40 AM London time to accommodate and cater to Australian clients. I spend the first hour of the day writing briefs for ongoing and new projects. Then, I take my dog for a 20-30 minute walk and use this time for personal reflection. My next round of meetings with staff usually starts around 8:30 AM London time and around midday, as the East Coast clients wake up.

Thanks to Anna Stella, BBSA!

#10- Refreshing start with lemon water

Photo Credit: Brian David Crane

My morning schedule usually starts between 6.00 am -7.00 am when I wake up, usually to birds chirping outside and a warm cup of water with lemon. This is followed by an hour of yoga I started last year, a perfect warm-up to the day. After yoga and half an hour of meditation that allows me to tone my mind, I usually shower and have breakfast. Then I check my emails and calendar to see what I have in store for the day, the meetings, and people to revert to. I always have a notepad ready, where I scribble the tasks I intend to complete for the day and look at the daily newsletter.

Thanks to Brian David Crane, Spread Great Ideas!

#11- Starts with a gym workout

Photo Credit: Ryan Stone

The morning is always an opportunity to clear my head and get ahead of the work day. It starts with a gym workout and a healthy breakfast, but more importantly, I spend an hour clearing my inbox and setting up automated replies for 9am. In this way, I'm ready to hit the ground running with the team and I begin the working day focusing on what is important to me, and the company, rather than getting tied up in the cycle of email replies and responses.

Thanks to Ryan Stone, Lambda Films!

#12- Involves three things

Photo Credit: Mats Claes

First of all, meditation helps me observe my own thoughts. This helps with noticing when those first ideas are not actually the best you can think of. Secondly, goal reading helps me get motivated and focused on the bigger picture. Thirdly, outside exercise helps wake up my body through sunlight exposure and movement. I notice these things have a big positive impact on my productivity and clarity.

Thanks to Mats Claes, Top Keuken Tips!

#13- Involves several things

Photo Credit: Arend Richard

I kickstart my day at 5 am with a powerful boost, AG1 on an empty stomach. After journaling and expressing gratitude, I immerse myself in the profound insights of “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle. Then, I engage in reflection and visualize my future success. Having coffee and a protein bar, I'm ready to conquer my personal training session at Denver Athletic Club. During a brisk walk on the treadmill, I review my to-do list. After a protein-packed breakfast at I tackle emails and review my schedule. A quick shower and meditation. Finally, at 10 AM, I dive into the workday with my exceptional team.

Thanks to Arend Richard, Cirrus Social Club!

#14 – Starts at 4:30 am

Photo Credit: Jake Thiede

My mornings start at 4:30 am, with an ice bath, followed by 20 minutes of meditation and then day planning/setting priorities. I wait about an hour before having a cup of coffee, as this has been shown to allow my body to get rid of sleep hormones Then I train jiu-jitsu, as it requires complete presence. Waking up that early may seem daunting to most, but here's a pro tip: make sure to use a smart alarm that senses when you are in a wakeful state, and only alarms when you are already between sleep cycles.

Thanks to Jake Thiede, InFLOWS AI!

#15- I start with personal hygiene

Photo Credit: Brad Margist

I believe my morning routine plays a crucial role in executing successfully for CyberHoot. I wake up at 7:30 am and follow personal hygiene. I then take a plunge into my cold bath, set at approximately 36 degrees Fahrenheit, for a refreshing three-minute session. Then I have a cup of coffee and feed my two cats and dog. I walk, meditate, read a chapter of a book, or do stretching exercises. By 9:00 am, I engage in a Prepare, Organize, & Plan session to structure my day effectively.

Thanks to  Brad Margist, CyberHoot!

#16- I start by getting any non-business tasks out of the way

Photo Credit: Janine Leghissa

For me, it starts with getting any non-business tasks out of the way, allowing me to step into my workspace with a fresh and focused mindset. A cup of tea in hand, I check in on both my in-house and remote team ensuring everyone is aligned. Next, I quickly address any urgent burning matters that require immediate attention. I prioritize checking urgent emails and setting alarms for any upcoming meetings. With a clear vision, I dive into the most important task on my to-do list, determined to make progress and drive my business forward.

Thanks to Janine Leghissa, Desiderate Pty Ltd!

#17-  Involves affirmations and visualization

Photo Credit: Marie-Claire Ross

I wake up at 6.00am and listen to some affirmations for 10 mins followed by a deep breathing exercise. Next two minutes, I give gratitude for things in my life, and for the final three minutes, I do a visualization of my main work goal. I really feel it and see and hear it being achieved. I then get up and exercise, either a 30-minute run or a 35-minute high-intensity workout. After that, I eat breakfast, get ready for work and start my day by watching a three-minute brain primer like Positive Prime.

Thanks to Marie-Claire Ross, Trustologie!

What's your morning routine? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our #IamCEO Community.

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