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30 Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Create Space to Think, Strategize and Grow Their Organization

Organizational development and creating a conducive environment for strategic planning, and sustainable growth is paramount for introspection and innovation in any organization's success. Understanding the importance of creating such a space helps leaders pave the way for enhanced decision-making, effective strategy formulation, and the continual evolution of their business ventures.

We asked entrepreneurs and business owners how they create the space to think, strategize, and grow their organizations. Here are the responses;

#1- Using the rabbit hole strategy

Photo Credit: Elizabeth Heusler

I employ the same method for my strategic thinking as I do for my clients. The first is ‘information in' that is I spend time seeking out/reading/attending and speaking to issues/people in not only that area but related areas, yes it is a tumble down the rabbit hole – but it is by putting aside that time to ‘tumble down the rabbit hole' that you'll find answers. Then I document all I come across, that is the research component that all strategies begin with and it is the documenting process that triggers the thoughts, creativity, and ideas. However, I have been doing this for decades and know when I come to the point of giving up – I'm just at the midway point and have to dig deeper.

Thanks to Elizabeth Heusler, Heusler Public Relations!

#2- Having a vision and setting goals

Photo Credit: Suzana Mihajlovic

Ensure that your office is organized. Have your company mission, vision, and purpose in front of your desk. Get into your office 20 minutes early. During this time – read your vision and mission statement, and write out your goal for the day. This helps you start your day right. then spend 3 to 5 minutes in stillness. Quiet the body and the mind. remember Your Customers and your team are your best asset. Ask for feedback and make written promises locked in with dates. Review these every Monday morning and ask yourself if you are on track. Take yourself to breakfast or lunch alone and jot your ideas down. Review, brainstorm, and record.

Thanks to Suzana Mihajlovic, Your2Minds!

#3- Creating a mental and physical space

Photo Credit: Moxin Reza

For me, in order to strategize and grow the organization you need to create a mental and physical space. we have an Airbnb offsite where we lock ourselves into a home. These are all the managers and the Directors of the business and each business is then discussed over 2 days. Then the Directors of the business get together once a week to discuss how we are heading towards our goals – we also have Trello boards for strategies that we track and monitor and each major strategy is split into muscle items for implementation that we split and hold each other accountable to.

Thanks to Moxin Reza, Investor Partner Group!

#4- By scheduling “think weeks”

Photo Credit: Chai Bade

As the founder of The Bunch Up (, I prioritize strategic thinking by scheduling dedicated “think weeks” every quarter, during which I step away from daily operations, disconnect from technology, and immerse myself in reading, brainstorming, and reflecting on long-term goals. Additionally, I take an hour-long walk each day to relax, clear my head, and generate new ideas. Both practices help me emerge with fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a renewed sense of focus, ultimately driving the growth of our organization.

Thanks to Chai Bade, The Bunch Up!

#5- By immersing in the customers' journey

Photo Credit: Josh Qian

Immersing yourself in the customer's journey provides critical, firsthand insights that can transform your business strategy. Physically interacting with materials, layouts, and contractors gives you a visceral understanding of what resonates and what falls short in the customer experience. These nuanced learnings can inspire innovative product features, services, or capabilities that directly address unmet needs. This customer-centric focus can inform high-level strategic decisions around priorities, investments, and organizational alignment.

Thanks to Josh Qian, Best Online Cabinets!

#6- Through meditation

Photo Credit: Sinead Brace

I start my days with a morning meditation to clear my mind and set a focused intention. As my business and vision have become clearer, I've also found that I plan quarterly ‘me' days. During these days, I make an effort to recoup, spend time with a friend, and clear my mind, body, and soul at a day spa, which includes an ice bath. Additionally, other aspects of my life have changed, including limiting my alcohol consumption. Additionally, I allocate time for personal coaching to navigate current life challenges, and I work with a business coach to stay on track with my goals and vision.

Thanks to Sinead Brace, Corkscrew Creative!

#7- Booking strategy time in the calendar

Photo Credit: Michelle Lomas

In the world of entrepreneurship, urgent tasks often dominate, and strategic thinking can easily be sidelined. Recognizing this, I've integrated monthly strategic sessions into my routine, a dedicated time that I lock away in my calendar to review progress, track goals, develop new ideas, and ensure every action aligns with our long-term vision. These sessions are more than just a commitment; they're a cornerstone of my approach to business success, fostering proactive decision-making and innovation. By prioritizing strategic reflection, I maintain clarity amidst daily chaos, steering my company toward sustainable growth and future resilience in a competitive market.

Thanks to Michelle Lomas, Chipkie!

#8- Blocking out time on my calendar

Photo Credit: Justin Crabbe

Making time to reflect is highly valued in effective business leadership. This can be accomplished by purposefully blocking out time on the calendar for introspection and preparation. Stepping back from daily tasks to view the larger picture is crucial, often achieved through weekly set-aside hours or quarterly off-site getaways. These periods are ideal for concentrating on long-term objectives, industry trends, and creative ideas.  I read industry publications, attend conferences, and take walks in nature. This intentional space allows me to remain proactive rather than reactive.

Thanks to Justin Crabbe, Jettly!

#9- By blocking out undisturbed time

Photo Credit: Andrew Pickett

To create space for thinking and strategizing, I prioritize blocking out undisturbed time on my calendar each week. During these sessions, I disconnect from email and phone notifications to ensure deep focus. I've found it invaluable to step out of my office environment occasionally and immerse myself in different settings, whether it's a quiet park or a bustling café. This change in scenery often sparks fresh perspectives. Also, I keep a dedicated journal for brainstorming and strategic planning, which helps me track ideas and measure progress over time. By consciously protecting these moments of reflection, I can maintain clarity and drive sustained growth for my organization.

Thanks to Andrew Pickett, Andrew Pickett law!

#10- Scheduling “Think Time”

Photo Credit: Peter Murphy Lewis

Schedule “Think Time”: I block off specific times in my calendar for brainstorming and strategic planning. This ensures these crucial activities don't get overshadowed by day-to-day tasks. It's vital for both my roles at Strategic Pete and WebStreet. Use Agile Practices: Adopting agile methodologies has promoted faster development and ongoing innovation at both my companies. This approach helps us quickly adapt to changes and improve our processes. Balance Short-Term and Long-Term Goals: Keeping a clear vision of our long-term objectives while efficiently managing daily tasks helps us stay on track for sustainable growth.

Thanks to Peter Murphy Lewis, Strategic Pete!

#11- Prioritizing mobility

Photo Credit: Matej Zeleznik

I prioritize mobility, constantly moving around to change my perspective and think clearly. This shift in the environment is invigorating and sparks creativity, which is crucial for innovative strategies. I’ve also structured my workweek to maximize productivity and focus. Balancing movement with a structured schedule has been transformative for our agency. It fosters a dynamic yet organized approach, enabling us to stay ahead in the fast-paced digital marketing landscape. This enhances my clarity and creativity ensuring we are aligned with our vision for growth and sustainability.

Thanks to Matej Zeleznik, D-Studio Consulting!

#12- By reflecting and planning

Photo Credit: Rongzhong Li

I prioritize time for reflection and planning, often setting aside dedicated hours weekly. Secondly, delegating operational tasks to capable team members frees up mental bandwidth for higher-level strategic thinking. Lastly, I leverage technology like project management tools and automation to streamline processes, allowing me to focus on innovation and long-term goals crucial for our company's growth and success.

Thanks to Rongzhong Li, Petoi!

#13- Creating a quiet space

Photo Credit: Connor Butterworth

Creating a quiet space is crucial for any entrepreneur seeking to think, strategize, and grow their business. I’ve found that setting up a dedicated area free from distractions is invaluable. It’s not just about silence but about curating an environment that fosters creativity. For me, that place is a cozy corner of my office with comfortable seating and a view that inspires me. With no phones ringing or emails pinging, it's much easier to focus deeply on big-picture strategies and innovative ideas. This quiet sanctuary allows my mind to wander freely, helping me come up with strategies and solutions that drive the business forward.

Thanks to Connor Butterworth, Southwestern Rugs Depot!

#14- Early morning refuge

Photo Credit: Gal Cohen

Making time to think and strategize is critical for me. Early mornings are my refuge for this purpose. This peaceful time, before the hustle of the day, is when I outline our goals and tie them to actionable steps. I started using this technique, we hold standard off-site retreats free of daily operational distractions. These retreats have become a cornerstone of our strategic development, according to internal reviews conducted over the last five years. Maintaining this discipline in both personal and team contexts has been critical to our growth and sustainability.

Thanks to Gal Cohen, JDM Sliding Doors!

#15- Delegating and time management

Photo Credit: Tiago Pita

I prioritize delegation and time management. Delegating routine tasks to capable team members frees up my time to focus on high-level planning and innovation. I also schedule regular blocks of uninterrupted time for brainstorming and reviewing business goals. By setting clear priorities and leveraging technology for efficient communication and task management, I ensure that strategic initiatives receive the attention they deserve, driving our organization's growth and success.

Thanks to Tiago Pita, Whole Food Earth!

#16-Through power of “No-Work” zones

Photo Credit: Cesar Cobo

Creating “No-Work” zones is essential for maintaining a fresh, innovative mindset. I find that setting aside specific times and places where work is off-limits helps clear my head and sparks creativity. For instance, my mornings often start with a brisk walk on the beach, completely disconnected from emails or meetings. This peaceful time allows me to relax, leading to unexpected bursts of inspiration. Such routines don't just recharge my energy but often bring new ideas to the forefront, helping to drive the company forward more effectively.

Thanks to Cesar Cobo, Webris!

#17- Setting regular quiet time

Photo Credit: William Clark

First, I prioritize setting aside regular quiet time, free from distractions, to reflect on the business and brainstorm new ideas. This could be early in the morning or during a scheduled “think time” each week. I also delegate daily tasks to my trusted team, freeing up my schedule to focus on bigger-picture strategies. Additionally, I encourage open communication within my team, fostering an environment where fresh ideas and feedback are welcomed. Lastly, I make sure to stay informed about market trends and competitors, which helps in making informed strategic decisions.

Thanks to William Clark, SATX Concrete Contractors!

#18- Three ways

Photo Credit: Jason Jones

I prioritize setting aside regular, dedicated time for deep thinking and planning. I often start my mornings with a quiet period to reflect on our goals and challenges. I also make sure to step away from daily tasks by blocking out time in my calendar for strategy sessions. This allows me to focus on the bigger picture without distractions. Additionally, I stay informed about industry trends and seek out new learning opportunities. By balancing day-to-day operations with dedicated time for strategic thinking, I can effectively guide our company toward sustainable growth and innovation.

Thanks to Jason Jones, ATX Epoxy Floors!

#19- Scheduling a downtime

Photo Credit: Ben Schreiber

Setting aside time for reflection is key to staying ahead. Every evening, consider journaling to track your day's activities and insights. This simple habit allows you to assess progress without the noise of daily operations clouding your thoughts. At the end of each week, conduct a review to pinpoint challenges and brainstorm new ideas. This scheduled downtime not only clears your mind but also reveals patterns that help in making informed decisions. Reflection fuels innovation, ensuring you’re always moving forward.

Thanks to Ben Schreiber, Latico Leathers!

#20- Through creating mental clarity

Photo Credit: Stacey Tapping

Incorporating mindfulness into my daily routine has been a game-changer for my business. Taking just a few minutes each morning to meditate or practice yoga helps me clear my mind, reduce stress, and improve focus. This mental clarity allows me to think strategically about long-term goals and make more informed decisions. It’s all about setting that foundation of calm so you can build your day with intention and purpose. Whether it’s planning the next big initiative or handling daily operations, mindfulness keeps me grounded and sharp.

Thanks to Stacey Tapping, Beauty Sculpting Room!

#21- By blending silence and melody

Photo Credit: Adam Lenhart

I need a quiet space to think and strategize. That's why I've set up my office to be a sanctuary of sorts, away from the usual hustle. Working without interruptions isn't a preference—it's a necessity for me. In my isolated office, I play soft instrumental music. It's not only soothing, but it also drowns out any remaining distractions. This blend of silence and melody helps me focus and makes me more productive. Plus, I've noticed it really sharpens my efficiency when it comes to managing the delicate gears of our supply operations.

Thanks to Adam Lenhart, Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters!

#22- By stealing time and ideas from myself

Photo Credit: George Pennisi

As a small business owner, I’d like to share my insights on this: My method is to steal time and ideas from myself. Every business owner is short on time, and I’m no different. So when an idea comes up, it’s usually never whole but comes chopped in pieces, so I take these pieces and jot them down, imperfect as they are. Then, once every week or two, when I find some time for myself, I gather these pieces, review them, put them together, and rethink them. Since my business is basically about nature and the environment, I tend to do this rethinking while walking aimlessly. But if there’s not enough time for that, even a trivial place like the bathroom can help!

Thanks to George Pennisi, Brisbane Tree Removal!

#23- Embracing adventure & outdoor activities

Photo Credit: Marc Bjerring

I create space to think, strategize, and grow our organization by embracing adventure and outdoor activities. It sounds silly, but this is what the root of our company is about because myself and my co-founder thrive in these sorts of spaces. For instance, these experiences not only inspire our product development but also provide a mental reset. I find that stepping away from the office and immersing myself in nature allows for fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. Regular brainstorming sessions with my co-founder, Andre, also help us align our vision and strategize for future growth.

Thanks to Marc Bjerring, Spivo!

#24- Allocating time for deep thought

Photo Credit: Dane Nk

I usually try to allocate some time each week for a session of deep thought and strategic planning. I set up some time with no interruptions to concentrate on our long-term objectives and plans, away from the day-to-day operations. During these times, I might change my environment, like going for a walk or finding a peaceful place, to refresh my thoughts and inspire creativity. Team brainstorming is also a part of our routine, where we explore fresh ideas and methods, creating a dynamic that encourages new thinking.

Thanks to Dane Nk, That Video Game Blog!

#25- Through focused thinking

Photo Credit: Tristan Wright

Creating space to think and strategize is essential for real growth. I kick off my day with a solid hour of running, which clears my head and gets the ideas flowing. After that, it's family time—getting Emerson ready for school and doing drop-offs. This routine ensures I've had both mental clarity and quality family moments before diving into work. I then carve out uninterrupted time to dive deep into strategy. No emails, no meetings—just focused thinking. This approach allows me to tackle the big questions and plot the course for Evolve to Grow. It's about being proactive, not reactive.

Thanks to Tristan Wright, Evolve to grow!

#26- By focusing on high-impact activities

Photo Credit: James Heartquist

I create space to think, strategize, and grow our organization by prioritizing tasks and focusing on high-impact activities. This means identifying the initiatives that will drive the most significant value for our organization and dedicating the necessary resources and attention to them. It's about being selective with where I invest my time and energy, ensuring that every effort aligns with our strategic objectives. By concentrating on these critical areas, I can foster innovation, streamline processes, and propel the organization forward. It's a disciplined approach that not only clarifies our path but also maximizes our potential for growth and success.

Thanks to James Heartquist, We Buy Houses Arizona!

#27- By reducing ambiguity and aligning efforts

Photo Credit: Daisy Cabral

I am a very goal-oriented person, and this is very true with my business as well. Clear goals and objectives ensure everyone understands the organization's direction and priorities, reducing ambiguity and aligning efforts towards common aims. And with well-defined goals, teams can prioritize tasks effectively, focusing on what matters most and avoiding distractions. Clear goals encourage leaders like myself, and teams to think about the future, fostering a strategic mindset and long-term planning.

Thanks to Daisy Cabral, Bella All Natural!

#28- By finding the right balance

Photo Credit: Alex Smith

Each day, I carve out specific blocks for thinking big strategy and reflection which keeps the daily grind from eating up all our innovation time. I'm a big user of project convenient management tools; they're great for keeping us efficient and giving us room to take on more strategic projects. Developing a strong team is at the core of what I do. I push for continuous learning and gradually give my team more responsibility. It's all about finding the right balance—making sure we're efficient today while setting the stage for long-term growth.

Thanks to Alex Smith, Overlook Boots!

#29- Delegation is the secret

Photo Credit: Mary Tung

Delegating operational tasks is a game-changer. When you trust your team to manage the day-to-day, it frees you up to think bigger. This isn't just about offloading tasks; it's about empowering your team and fostering a sense of ownership. Suddenly, you have the mental space to focus on strategic projects that propel growth. It shifts your role from being a bottleneck to a catalyst. You get to brainstorm new ideas, explore market opportunities, and build meaningful partnerships. In essence, delegation is the secret sauce that lets you steer the ship while your team keeps it sailing smoothly.

Thanks to Mary Tung, Lido app!

#30- Through delegating operational tasks

Photo Credit: Will Yang

Delegating operational tasks is crucial for creating the mental and physical space needed to think strategically. When you empower your team to handle the daily grind, it frees up your schedule to focus on high-level initiatives that drive growth. Trusting your team to manage the operations not only fosters their professional development but also allows you to invest your energy into planning the future of your organization. This shift from micromanaging to strategic thinking can be a game-changer, enabling you to identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

Thanks to Will Yang, Instrumentl!

How do you create space to think, strategize, and grow your organization? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our #IamCEO Community.

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