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29 Entrepreneurs Share Their Tips and Tricks for Staying Motivated

Entrepreneurs Share Their Tips and Tricks for Staying Motivated

When the going gets rough in business, you’ll need the motivation to keep moving. Motivating yourself can be hard but practicing consistent habits such as reminding yourself of why you started can be a major boost. A network of friends and partners can also serve as a great assurance and reminder that you’re not walking alone.

Here are the various ways entrepreneurs and business owners stay motivated in business.

#1- Being surrounded by a strong support network

Photo Credit: Rasmus Aarup Christiansen

Staying motivated as an entrepreneur can be challenging, but a few strategies really help. First, setting clear, achievable goals keeps you focused and gives you something concrete to strive for. Breaking down big projects into smaller, manageable tasks makes progress more visible and keeps you moving forward. Another key is surrounding yourself with a strong support network. Having mentors, peers, or a team who share your vision and can offer encouragement and advice makes a big difference. I also find that celebrating small wins is crucial—it’s easy to get caught up in the long journey and overlook the progress you’re making.

Thanks to Rasmus Aarup Christiansen, Pissup Tours!

#2- By relieving stress through sports

Photo Credit: Kai Cromwell

I ensure that I have an outlet to release my stress and tension. Most of the time, working hard can be overwhelming and of course, stressful. When I am about to reach that point, I go somewhere like a sports stadium and watch my favorite team. It also helps if I play my favorite sports as well so I can release all my negative emotions which pushes me to be demotivated, After I have done everything to unwind, that's the time I go back to work and grind again.

Thanks to Kai Cromwell, New Seas!

#3- By focusing on the results and not the process

Photo Credit: Jason Davis

To stay motivated I always focus on the results and not the process. I know that to get an outstanding result, you need to undergo a challenging process which sometimes causes you to be disappointed and sad. When that happens, it's either we remain stagnant or just give up. If you focus on the results, you will be always excited to work hard because you know that you will gain something from it. And when I overcome extra difficult challenges, I reward myself with something that will make me happy.

Thanks to Jason Davis, Makarios Marketing!

#4- Two ways

Photo Credit: Kris Flank

Motivation is vital if you are not in love with what you are doing. For me, finding the drive to work comes naturally from knowing that I have fascinating things to do when I wake up in the morning. Also, hearing satisfaction comments from clients, makes me more motivated because I can meet their expectations I prefer this over the motivation I get from earning money because, for me, a client's trust is priceless.

Thanks to Kris Flank, LunarLinks!

#5- By recalling past letdowns

Photo Credit: Nathan Darma

My side hustle is a professional photography and website-building business. What keeps me motivated is the memory of when I have been let down by my full-time work, whether that be via the company going into liquidation, or mass redundancies. I realized that there is such power in learning how to create your own money without complete reliance on another company. And this skill has helped me generate a comfortable income on the side with zero ties to my full-time work. It feels like a persistent safety of having an expansive skillset that most entrepreneurs learn.

Thanks to Nathan Darma

#6- By analyzing my improvements

Photo Credit: Silvija Meilunaite

As a sole business owner working from home, I had to learn how to motivate myself, and it is not easy, but here are some tactics that help me. I create a 3-month plan with set targets and a weekly task list to reach my targets. A daily routine is important: I ensure that I stay active, spend time in nature, and meditate daily. I am a numbers geek; therefore, my biggest motivation is looking at analytics and seeing improvements. We are human, and some days, we are not as motivated as we want to be, so the solution is to do at least a bit of work to get you closer to your end goal. Showing up daily works better than motivation.

Thanks to Silvija Meilunaite, Barefoot Basil!

#7- By solving real problems

Photo Credit: Josh Bluman

I’m deeply connected to the mission of my business, which keeps me driven even on tough days. Knowing that I’m solving real problems for my clients and helping them succeed gives me a sense of purpose that pushes me forward. motivation for me comes from a combination of loving what I do, setting clear goals, maintaining a growth mindset, and surrounding myself with the right people. I also find motivation in continuous learning. The entrepreneurial journey is full of challenges, but viewing them as opportunities to grow and adapt keeps me energized.

Thanks to Josh Bluman, Hoppy Copy!

#8- Finding the why

Photo Credit: Peter Murphy Lewis

For me, it’s about staying connected to the why behind everything I do. Why did I make that decision? Why did I start this business in the first place? When things get tough—and they always do—I go back to that core reason. Another big part of staying motivated is celebrating progress, no matter how small. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and constantly chase the next goal, but I’ve learned to recognize the little wins along the way. I also lean heavily on routine to keep me sharp. I make time for fitness, learning, and clearing my head. It’s not about sticking to a rigid schedule, but about having the structure to help me stay focused when everything else is unpredictable.

Thanks to Peter Murphy Lewis, Strategic Pete!

#9- Reflecting on the reason why I started

Photo Credit: Stephen Byrne

Being an early-stage founder is tough, sometimes it can all seem insurmountable and you can definitely doubt yourself. But what motivates me the most, is to reflect on the reason why I chose to do it in the first place. For me, it is to create the world's most open job platform that helps people find work, who otherwise would have to go without. Since I know this problem well and understand how desolate it can be to struggle for work, when I think about it, I get an instant jolt of energy. Especially whenever things don’t go my way.

Thanks to Stephen Byrne, Blinkn!

#10- Celebrating small wins

Photo Credit: JD Lloyd

I’m a morning person, so I like to start my day early with a workout. Then, I’ll spend some quiet time planning out my day, focusing on the most critical tasks. Knowing what I need to achieve gives me a clear direction and helps keep me on track. I also try to celebrate the little wins along the way – it’s easy to get caught up in the big picture, but acknowledging the small victories keeps me motivated. And when I hit a rough patch, I lean on my support network – family, friends, and colleagues who inspire me and remind me why I love what I do.

Thanks to JD Lloyd, Bella Virtual Staging!

#11- Several ways

Photo Credit: Jordan Figueredo

Staying motivated as an entrepreneur is all about keeping sight of the bigger picture. For me, it’s knowing that the work I do is making a tangible impact in an emerging industry like cryptocurrency. I stay motivated by setting clear, achievable goals and celebrating small wins along the way. Seeing the progress we’re making with Pelicoin, whether it’s launching a new feature or reaching a milestone, keeps me energized and focused. I also find motivation in learning—staying curious and continually seeking out new knowledge or strategies that can help us improve keeps the fire burning.

Thanks to Jordan Figueredo, Pelicoin!

#12- Seeing positive impact on our patient's life

Photo Credit: Dr. Bryan Bruno

Staying motivated as an entrepreneur comes naturally when you’re passionate about the work you do. For me, it’s the positive impact we have on our patients’ lives that keeps me going. Seeing someone who has struggled with depression for years finally find relief through our treatments is incredibly rewarding. It’s those moments of real, tangible change that drive me to keep pushing forward, even on the toughest days. Knowing that our work at Mid City TMS is making a difference in people’s lives is what fuels my motivation every single day.

Thanks to Dr. Bryan Bruno, Mid City TMS!

#13- By thriving on creative thinking

Photo Credit: Dr Richard Purcell

Motivation is intricately linked to the way my brain operates. I’ve found myself naturally gravitating towards an entrepreneurial mindset. I thrive on creative thinking and problem-solving, & I find it difficult to function within systems that don't make sense to me or are riddled with flaws. This steered me towards entrepreneurship, where I have the freedom to carve out my own path and innovate as I see fit. Our mission is to leverage assistive technology to foster inclusive educational and workplace environments. I can celebrate incremental successes, stay motivated & advance toward a greater vision by breaking this overarching mission into smaller, actionable goals.

Thanks to Dr Richard Purcell, CareScribe!

#14- Continuously learning and celebrating small wins

Photo Credit: Lilia Stoyanov

As the CEO of TFY by Transformify, staying motivated comes from a deep passion for what I do and the impact it has on others. I focus on setting clear, meaningful goals and regularly reminding myself of the bigger picture—how our work transforms lives and businesses. Surrounding myself with a supportive team and continuously learning new things also keeps my energy and enthusiasm high. Lastly, I celebrate small wins along the way, which fuels my drive to keep pushing forward.

Thanks to Lilia Stoyanov, TFY by Transformify!

#15- Monitoring and celebrating my progress

Photo Credit: Katie Lander

I keep my motivation high by crafting lists and using visual reminders to monitor and celebrate my progress. For me, staying motivated involves a focus on long-term success and capitalizing on emerging opportunities. I also make it a priority to balance my week with rest, play, and work. By blocking out time for each of these areas on my calendar, I ensure that I maintain a well-rounded and effective routine.

Thanks to Katie Lander, PeopleInk!

#16- By connecting the big picture for my business

Photo Credit: Austin Rulfs

Motivation, for me, is about staying connected to the big picture. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, especially in the finance world where you’re often dealing with spreadsheets, market analysis, and economic forecasts. But I always take a step back and remind myself why I got into this in the first place. I love problem-solving, and in my line of work, every client and every deal presents a unique puzzle to crack. It’s about finding the most efficient path to a goal, whether that’s optimizing a property portfolio or helping a small business thrive.

Thanks to Austin Rulfs, Zanda Wealth!

#17- I remind myself of the impact my business

Photo Credit: Mike Drouin

Staying motivated as an entrepreneur requires a clear vision and a strong connection to my work. Every day, I remind myself of the impact my business has on the gardening community; seeing customers succeed with their plants fuels my passion. I set small, achievable goals that provide a sense of accomplishment, keeping the momentum going. Collaborating with fellow gardening enthusiasts and sharing our successes keeps me inspired and brings fresh ideas to the table. When challenges arise, I take a step back, reaffirm my mission, and revisit why I started this journey.

Thanks to Mike Drouin, Reefertilizer!

#18- Through reflections and accountability

Photo Credit: Kate Hill

Motivation stems from a well-defined vision for my objectives, coupled with a deep-rooted passion for my craft. I consistently reflect on the profound effect that my floral arrangements have on individuals, whether it's elevating the aesthetic of a wedding or enhancing the atmosphere of a corporate event. I maintain accountability in my pursuits by establishing short-term & long-term targets.

Thanks to Kate Hill, Kate Hill Flowers!

#19- By jotting down achievements

Photo Credit: Thomas Samuels

Even if your business is facing challenges, I believe that focusing on the positive can keep you motivated and drive better results. When we achieve a big win at work, I like to jot it down in a list that I keep. If I’m feeling stressed, frustrated, or even just a little lackluster, I can take that list and remind myself about the great things that happen when we work together and stick with it. I also look for the positive in my personal life to stay motivated professionally. I keep photos of my family on my phone and in my office to inspire me whenever I need a boost.

Thanks to Thomas Samuels, Cardinal Expo!

#20- By focusing on the people I'm helping

Photo Credit: Brandt Passalacqua

For me, the best way to stay motivated is to focus on the people I’m helping. One of the things that drew me to this line of work was being able to make yoga therapy more accessible, which can help to heal others physically and emotionally. But even in other lines of work, many entrepreneurs and business owners are helping to better their customers’ lives or help them achieve their goals. Fortunately for me, I have the best of both worlds, now that my focus is on training other yoga therapists and yoga teachers. Not only am I preparing them to help others heal, but I get to help them pursue a career that they’re passionate about too.

Thanks to Brandt Passalacqua, Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy!

#21- From my deep sense of responsibility and drive

Photo Credit: Alex Lymber

My motivation stems from a deep sense of responsibility and drive. Out of necessity, I push forward because my kids depend on me, and their future fuels my determination. Additionally, the wins and growth of my clients are incredibly rewarding; seeing their success validates the hard work we put in together. I’m also fiercely competitive—I hate losing, and that mindset keeps me striving for excellence every day. Lastly, I believe in seeing things through to the end; I don’t like leaving jobs half-done. This commitment to finishing what I started is a key motivator in both my personal and professional life.

Thanks to Alex Lymber, Wingman Digital!

#22- From my passion for helping eCommerce business

Photo Credit: Valentin Radu

Staying motivated as a business owner hinges on finding inspiration and purpose in every task. I draw motivation from my passion for helping eCommerce businesses succeed. Celebrating small wins fuels my drive, reminding me of the impact my work has on customers. Engaging with my team and listening to their stories keeps me grounded and focused on our shared goals. I immerse myself in books and podcasts that inspire innovative thinking, allowing fresh ideas to spark my creativity.

Thanks to Valentin Radu, Omniconvert!

#23- By picking up new skills

Photo Credit: Justin Crabbe

I keep myself motivated by considering how my company affects my customers and the community. Setting difficult yet attainable objectives helps me stay motivated. I think my accomplishments on a regular basis, which gives me the motivation to keep going. Maintaining a connection with my team and their excitement also increases my energy. I schedule self-care because I understand how important it is to have a healthy body and mind in order to maintain motivation. I stay inspired by picking up new skills and keeping up with industry developments.

Thanks to Justin Crabbe, Jettly!

#24- By listening to podcasts

Photo Credit: Danielle Hu

As a digital nomad, diving into podcasts tailored to my industry isn't just about passive listening; it's my daily dose of entrepreneurial adrenaline. Each episode becomes a vibrant place for ideas, where long-time solo-preneurs and up-and-coming innovators share their wins, failures, and invaluable insights. Through their stories, I gain practical strategies and a profound sense of camaraderie which is a reminder that I'm not alone in this exhilarating journey. These podcasts serve as my virtual mentors, igniting my creativity, reinforcing my resilience, and fueling my entrepreneurial spirit.

Thanks to Danielle Hu, Wanderlover!

#25- By documenting the goals I wanted to achieve

Photo Credit; Paul Carlson

Aside from my passion for numbers, I stay motivated by remembering my ‘why'. When I first set out to build my own business, I sat down and documented the personal goals I wanted to achieve by doing so. Securing financial freedom for my family was top of my list, along with several other important milestones. These goals essentially list the reasons why I got into business and are the drivers I need to continue pushing on when things seem challenging. I printed and framed my initial list of goals and have it sitting on my desk, where it serves as a daily motivator for me.

Thanks to Paul Carlson, Law Firm Velocity!

#26- From satisfied customers

Photo Credit: Craig Ricks

I am motivated in two key areas: customer satisfaction & building a strong team. Witnessing the look on a homeowner's face after a successful siding installation, knowing they're now protected from the elements and enjoying an enhanced curb appeal, is incredibly rewarding. There's a deep sense of pride that comes from transforming a house into a home. Equally motivating is fostering a team environment where every member feels valued & contributes their talents. Seeing our team collaborate effectively & take ownership of projects fuels my drive to keep growing.

Thanks to Craig Ricks, Acadian Windows and Siding!

#27- Through gratitude and support

Photo credit: Dr. Mollie Newton

Despite my successful career as a vet, I shifted my focus to share veterinary knowledge on a broader scale, driven by a passion to prevent stray animals and advocate love for pets to reduce abandonment. What keeps me motivated in this endeavor is seeing the positive impact on pet owners and animals. Each connection and piece of advice shared within the community reinforces my belief in the importance of education and compassion towards animals. The gratitude and support from fellow pet lovers inspire me to persist and expand the reach of this initiative, knowing that I am making a meaningful difference in the lives of pets and their owners.

Thanks to Dr. Mollie Newton, PetMeTwice!

#28- Committing to prioritize my family

Photo Credit: Dr. Patrick Wilson

My motivation at work is deeply rooted in my unwavering commitment to prioritize my family, especially my two sons. They are the heart of everything I do, and the realization that my job directly impacts their happiness and future inspires me to push through the high demands of work each day. Despite the challenges and pressures, I am driven by the desire to provide them with a better life & opportunities. Their well-being, growth, and achievements are my utmost priorities, and this profound dedication fuels my resilience in balancing the demands of work with the joys of family life. Their presence reminds me of the greater purpose behind all of my everyday efforts.

Thanks to Dr. Patrick Wilson, Well Pet Coach!

#29- Embracing failure

Photo Credit: David Zhang

Staying motivated is crucial for me to keep pushing through challenges and achieving success. Setting realistic goals & constantly reminding myself of the reasons why I started my business. Moreover, seeking inspiration from successful entrepreneurs also keeps me motivated. Seeing others achieve their goals motivates me to work harder towards my own. As an entrepreneur, I've learned to embrace failure and use it as a learning opportunity instead of getting demotivated by it. This shift has revolutionized the way I approach challenges & keeps me motivated to keep pushing forward.

Thanks to David Zhang, Kate Backdrop!

How do you stay motivated? Tell us in the comments below. Don’t forget to join our #IamCEO Community.

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