Being in love is great. Being in love with your business, when you’re an entrepreneur, is even better. Waking up each morning knowing you are getting to do exactly what you love is more than most people could ever say about any “job” they have had. Although there are days when tossing in your hat seems like a viable option, remembering how much you love your “job” can quickly snap an entrepreneur out of that mentality. Different business owners also have different reason why they love their business. It might be the products or the customers they deal with, or it could even be the fact that they are the ones in charge of it all. The reasons are as varied as the businesses themselves.
We asked some entrepreneurs what they loved about “being their own boss.”
#1 – Spending Time with Family

What I love most about being an entrepreneur is spending time with my family. Having holocaust survivors as grandparents, they always ensured that our family was close. Because of my schedule I am able to take my cell phones, iPad and laptop with me to my grandparents home (or doctors appointment) and spend quality time with them. I never took a business class but after being in business 10 years, the most valuable lessons come from my grandparents.
Thanks to Rachel Charlupski, The Babysitting Company!
#2 – Freedom of Doing What I Love

Almost a decade ago, I was working as a software consultant when I stumbled upon an aggravating situation. I had to build online forms (not the most thrilling of tasks), and I had to do this over and over again. There unfortunately was nothing available to help this tedious and time-consuming process. So, I thought, if there isn't a better way then I'll create it. I built JotForm, an easy online form builder, and it just took off on its own. I ended up quitting my day job to give JotForm the attention that it needed and I haven't looked back since. I love that I have the freedom of doing what I love, hiring who I enjoy spending time with, and working on problems that help people. My whole team knows, nothing brings a bigger smile to my face than an email from a happy user. It really makes my day to hear about how a teacher used our product to teach their class more effectively, or how a lawyer used it to free up a lot of his time to do more important tasks than on-boarding. It's fun and rewarding, and that's why I'm still at it and love being an entrepreneur.
Thanks to Aytekin Tank, Jotform!
#3 – Full Control

I love being an entrepreneur because it means that I have full control over my destiny and impact on the world. I know that every day when I wake up for work, I am making a positive difference in the lives of my customers and community while answering to no one but myself and my customers. This intersection of freedom, independence and service keeps me going.
Thanks to Adam Kirsch, Yorango!
#4 – Potential to Change Lives

After brain-storming this for quite some time, the biggest thing I love about being an entrepreneur, is the idea that you're one action away from creating something that has the potential to change your life, and the lives of those around you, forever… When you work for yourself, you set your own boundaries on risks you will take. Your well-being is on the line and so your decision making is zeroed-in and focused on what you're trying to achieve. There's potentially many (family or employees) who will be affected if you make a bad choice. While this may cause stress levels to rise for most, this is what an entrepreneur lives for. They're willing to make the decisions and are hungry to reap the rewards. It's a lifestyle that is either rewarding, or extremely humbling, every step of the way. The better you become as an entrepreneur, the more difficult the decisions are to make. You'd think one would cave from the pressure, and entrepreneurs do… all the time. But that's the beauty of being an entrepreneur. If you've made all the wrong choices, then you're already that many steps ahead of the game; because you know your competitors will make the same mistakes, or have learned from them and succeeded. Both circumstances are hopeful and reason enough to try again, and again.
Thanks to Emmanuel Ley, Fashion Stork INC!
#5 – Eating Glass & Death

Elon Musk said it the best: “Being an entrepreneur is like eating glass and staring into the abyss of death” It's a roller coaster of ups and downs and being tossed around but it's that un-explainable addrainlion rush of making a difference and helping others solve a pain that your product or service fixes. It's a journey where those on the top who've succeeded didn't just fall there but worked there butts off to get there. That's why I love being an entrepreneur.
Thanks to Mike Kawula, Social Quant!
#6 – Passion & Gratification

First, I just want to say that I love being asked this question. I learned quickly that there is only one way a person will succeed as a business owner/entrepreneur and that is through passion. Sure there's a lot of fine print and details that go into business, but the backbone has to be passion. Because when you truly love and believe in what you're doing, you won't accept anything other than success.. even if it takes awhile to get there! What I love most about being a business owner and entrepreneur is the gratification of a job well done and the sense of fulfillment. When you are working for someone else, your successes aren't really yours, they are your employer's. Or you can put everything you have into a project or task, but never get to see it through to completion because your job is only a small piece of the operation. Also, when the customer or client expresses their gratitude for the outstanding work you did, it's not you who receives the appreciation, it's the company. And while the world needs employees, I could never be happy fulfilling someone else's dreams. Since starting my own business, I have felt more pressure and responsibility on my shoulders than ever before. But it's been worth every second! Each second I put into my business produces recognizable results. I see the benefits of my labor and how each step I take and decision I make fits into the bigger picture. I oversee the entire process and am able to guide projects from beginning to end. And the best part is when my clients tell me how much of a difference I've made in their lives and jobs and how instrumental my services are in all that they do. Knowing that I am able to positively impact others is an amazing feeling and one that you don't often find as an employee of someone else's business. All of these elements are the fuel that keeps my fire going for my business. I can't imagine doing anything else!
Thanks to Ashley Furin, The Favored Assistant!
#7 – Connection

I love my work as an entrepreneur because I can work and connect with my team from anywhere. I'm not tied to one location, or an office, or even a country. I can log in and get a couple of hours of work done in the middle of the night in Asia, or chat with the team on a road trip in Arizona. This means that there is less boundary between work and vacation, which actually gives me a better work/life balance than if I was in a traditional job with traditional time off. I may work a lot harder, but I feel like there is also more space to breathe. With the tools available now, you really can have a globally connected team accomplishing great things.
Thanks to Laura Fredericks,!
#8 – Create My Schedule

One of the best parts about being an entrepreneur is the ability to create my own schedule. My time is flexible (as long as I can still get in about 60-75 hours per week). I've worked hard to build a reputation of expertise that allows me to speak to other entrepreneurs and give them actionable advice. I love helping others develop and live out their own business endeavors, and love the strategic planning and problem solving that comes with my job – I feel accomplished that I'm helping others become successful.
Thanks to Kelly Hager, Live Team Life!
#9 – Fascination, Freedom & Flexibility

Fascination, freedom and flexibility are just three of the adjectives I use to describe why I love being an entrepreneur. My business combines innovative positioning and investment strategies to create sustainable solutions for communities and companies. Economic development consulting may not be the most profitable profession, but it certainly is gratifying. One of my most rewarding assignments was helping to bring the first full service grocer to Newark NJ. My love of DC and work during the 90's marketing the city, helped to shift national perception about Washington DC as a place to live and invest. Early on, I learned to manage overhead which allowed me to pursue the type of work I prefer. As an entrepreneur, I have considerable liberty to deliver nimble and creative solutions for clients, regardless of budget. The diversity of projects provides an amazing depth of opportunity and knowledge and keeps me and my colleagues engaged. At any given time, we might be working with a large municipality or a small business enterprise such as a community grocer. The glue that holds our work together is the shared mission for strengthening and building sustainable communities. The greatest downfall? Sometimes I work myself out of a job. I like many started my business because I could not find a job during one of the recessions. I cannot imagine going back to work in a traditional job. When its time to retire, I am thinking about bartending in a biker bar.
Thanks to Catherine Timko, The Riddle Company!
#10 – Direct Connection

Being an entrepreneur takes an awful lot of self discipline. If I don't stay on course, focused, clear and concise, then I am not able to function well enough to succeed. That however is a necessity whether you are an entrepreneur or a wage earner. What I love most about being an entrepreneur is the ability to have a direct connection with my customers. To listen to their feedback, then take it back to the office to immediately begin implementing changes to address the concerns. As an employee, I would have to run the proposal up to my manager, who would then have to meet with his manager, then decide if it should go up to the “C-Suite” then if the C-Suite should propose it to the board for changes. A lot of great ideas die before they even get to the final decision makers.
Thanks to Arvin Sahakian, BeSmartee!
#11 – Being Heard

I was always very loyal to my bosses, and did not switch jobs often, my last job (ever) I had been there ten years. I always gave more than required at my jobs and was well respected by my bosses. On the outside some would think I had it made, a solid job with decent pay and benefits, and co-workers and a boss that treated me like family. But deep down I felt like I was going to explode, I was so unhappy. You see I'm smart, and I had ideas, lots of them, ideas that could grow the business but change wasn't an option. Once I had spoken up about my ideas and then realized my future would be the same thing everyday, I had to look for something else. That's when I learned about the online world of business and I started a side gig. I worked for a while also doing my side gig, having no idea it would turn in to an amazing business. What happened is I was finally heard, people listened to me, my ideas worked. The day I quit my job I felt like I could do ANYTHING. Some people didn't understand why I left something “so good” but I knew that I had now discovered something amazing and I would never again go unheard. I started my side gig in 2011, quit my job in January of 2013, and now have a growing business and this year will bring in almost 3x what my salary was. It feels good being heard and valued for it!
Thanks to Sara Wagers, Virtual Biz Partner!
#12 – Flexibility, Work Efforts & Creativity

As an entrepreneur, the success that I create is because of my own hard work, creativity and marketing. Developing and testing products for my own company is a thrill. Hearing positive comments from repeat customers is a wonderful way to inspire me to keep going. It is validation that I am on the right path. Building my own company has been both fun and frustrating at times. I enjoy being my own boss and the flexibility of my schedule. In the past, I have worked for companies that did not appreciate work efforts or creativity. I love being my own boss!
Thanks to Melinda Carver, Melinda's Positive Products!
#13 – Feeling of Accomplishment

Any entrepreneur who discounts the lows and challenges is lying. At the same time, the highs are some of the best feelings I've known – winning your first customer… even publishing a new logo. Creating a business gives you the greatest feeling of accomplishment and allows you to feel as if you've made a substantial impact to the World. One of the most challenging aspects of becoming an entrepreneur is making the first leap. Everyone wants to be their own boss, but only a few actually do it. Entrepreneurs are addicted risk takers – that's why you'll see us keep coming back for more after we've failed three times before. Maybe we're crazy or maybe we know it only takes one good idea to win.
Thanks to Jessica Steele, Steele Social Media!
#14 – Driving Ambition

I love that the driving ambition behind our business is to make it succeed – and not just financially. We want our kids to see and experience how hard work and smart risk-taking is part of life’s great adventure. Launching a business isn't that different from having a baby or raising a child. Everything doesn't – and doesn't have to – happen all at once. I've had a lot of support from my husband, who's an integral part of the business, as well as my three kids. Having a home-based business has also made it easier for me to balance my work/family life better that I did while working for a company. At my last job when I had only one child, I felt like I had to be ‘on' all day, only to come home to what oftentimes felt like another day's worth of work. Now, I spend a fair amount of time planning and prioritizing so I'm able to get things done that require total focus while my kids are away at school.”
Thanks to Meghan Khaitan, MyBuckleMate!
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What do you love about being an entrepreneur? We are working on a compilation this holiday weekend. This Instagram post…
Posted by CEO Blog Nation on Saturday, September 5, 2015
#15 – Flying My Own Flag

Entrepreneurship is a total lifestyle. I get to set my own standards, higher than the pack. I can choose projects that do good in the world. I'm free to bulldoze processes and bloat that normally get in the way of achievement, like an over-commitment to management for its own sake and not enough empowerment of others. Mostly, I get the thrill of flying my own flag; in that sense, it's like being captain of a pirate ship which, not coincidentally, was once called a “privateer”. I set my own uniform, currently based on Kramer from Seinfeld, and walk down the street feeling as free as anyone ever could. It's a lot of work, but it's deeply fulfilling.
Thanks to Daniel DiGriz, MadPipe!
#16 – Manifesting Things That Wouldn't Have Existed

What I love about being an entrepreneur is manifesting things into the world that have never existed, that can only exist because of what is unique about a single person.
Thanks to Sam Polk, Scholarships for Groceries!
#17 – Freedom
I currently manage a new startup called GadgTecs as a partner. I had a degree from one of the best colleges in the world (London School of Economics) and I got a very decent job. Have left it to start my own business Still, being an entrepreneur is much better! I no longer have a boss over my head, to whom I have to be accountable to! No more made up excuses for being late, no more deadly deadlines! Its the freedom that I love the most.
Thanks to Amna Rizvi, GadgTecs!
#18 – Push Forward

Entrepreneur, by its latin derivative means to push forward, and that is why I love being one. Pushing the boundaries, extending far past the initial possibilities, and not being pinhold by a creation, invention, or company. A true entrepreneur is someone who is always looking to extend the umbrella of their company and never settle for anything less. Forward thinking almost makes me feel as though I have psychic powers, to predict the business trends before they happen, and implement change ahead of the curve. Entrepreneurship is my latin love, and our mutual happiness keeps us married forever.
Thanks to Jacqueline Darna, No Mo Nausea!
#19 – The Sky is the Limit

I began life as an entrepreneur in January this year after a couple of decades in corporate life, most recently in high profile roles in finance. While it has been a tough year at times, it has also been amazingly rewarding and I can’t imagine ever working for anyone else ever again. What I love most about being an entrepreneur is being master of my own destiny, for better or worse. I love the idea of the sky being the limit in building the business being able to grow my top line in a way I never could as a salaried employee. I also love the freedom to build and shape the business. This applies particularly as a solo consultant but probably to most CEOs. We have the ability to create the type of company we want, with the corporate culture and values that we aspire to, right from the get go. That’s enormously satisfying.
Thanks to Corrie Shanahan, The Beara Group LLC!
#20 – Autonomy

The thing I love and treasure most is the autonomy. I'm a bit of a control freak and I love that I get to choose what I work on from minute to minute, day-to-day, week to week.forever. I choose the projects. I define their priorities. I certainly listen to my clients but I choose how I respond to their needs. I even get to choose which clients I'll work with. If I sense, in that initial conversation, that they're going to be a pain to work with, I don't offer my services to them. I also love the variety of projects I get to work on and the types of industries I serve. When I was young, my mother wanted me to pursue a profession (doctor, attorney, teacher). I knew, even as a child, that variety was important to me. I couldn't see myself doing the same thing forever. Even though I've been a consultant/coach/speaker for over 15 years, the breadth of industries, clients and projects I've worked on has been vast and fulfilling.
Thanks to Loretta Love Huff, Emerald Harvest Consulting!
#21 – Challenges & Rewards

I love being an entrepreneur for both the challenges and the rewards. For the effect and the responsibility. As an entrepreneur, you can create a change you want to see, help others, and create a necessity that gives you a drive and ambition to wake up and keep doing it. I love the flexibility of the schedule. I love the unexpected, I love the inspiration. When you begin to grow an idea and start to see how that positively affects people, that's golden. It's being in control of your own limits. You can literally decide how hard to work, which means you can decide how successful to be, how much to make, how many lives or
problems you will impact.
Thanks to Darren Darnboroug, We Rehearse!
#22 – Something from Nothing

I love creating something from nothing. Some people cringe at the sight of a blank piece of paper, but not me. As an independent wedding and event planner I get to create something different with every new event that I plan. I get to know my client and create a plan that I then implement. I get to design something that is personal and individual to my client and their specific personality and needs and experience great satisfaction when I finally see it come to fruition. I consider myself privileged to be such an important part of their special day. No two events are ever the same and that always keeps things interesting and challenging. I love the rush just before the doors open, when the lights are dimmed, the candles are being lit, the water glasses are being filled and the band is doing its sound check. I love saving the day when a vendor arrives late or without the supplies needed and being that oh-so-important support system for a bride who is having an emotional meltdown due to jittery nerves or difficult family members. Sure the job is stressful, as everyone looks to you for guidance and perfection, even in the face of chaos and potential catastrophe. Some people sky dive, but I plan events and when I have nice clients, I would consider it the dream job. Between my people-pleaser personality, my organizational skills and my creative background, I would say that I was born to be a wedding and event planner and consider myself extremely fortunate to be able to do what I love.
Thanks to Aviva Samuels of Kiss the Planner!
#23 – Trials & Errors

Most of the time being an entrepreneur is about freedom. Whether financial or freedom from being managed, but for me it’s all about the possibilities of discovering something new. It’s all about experimenting, knowing I will fail multiple times but will succeed once. As an employee, one can learn techniques from whichever industry that relates to her or his field of work and apply it. However, as an entrepreneur, not only can I learn those techniques, I can attempt to modify/improve them or even better, I can create my own. For me life is about trials and errors, as an entrepreneur my errors affect me and my business and not someone else’s. I love trying but just not at others expenses.
Thanks to Sitou Byll-Cataria, Chicbooth!
#24 – Freedom to Operate Authentically

Being an entrepreneur means total freedom to operate your business, and your life, in a completely authentic way. Your own values and standards become the ultimate authority on what “professional” means – and in my experience, there is room within the business world for virtually every kind of person, with every kind of talent, if you're willing to work hard enough. Being an entrepreneur also means you alone own the credit for your successes and you alone bear the consequences of your choices and decisions. There is nothing more liberating to me than the authenticity, risk and reward of entrepreneurship, and it's what keeps me going every day.
Thanks to Jennifer Reitmeyer, Firebrand Messaging!
#25 – Inspiring Others

I get to empower women to start their own business and go solve problems that are unique to women. In particular with my business, there are so many men in tech, but they don't understand women's problem of not knowing what to wear. It opens a huge market with big opportunity for female entrepreneurs. I was recently featured on a podcast and got so many women write to me, saying how much I inspired them to start their own business. They also gave me great feedbacks for my product – an app that helps women choose outfits with pieces already in their closets, and tell me what I can improve to so that the app can make their morning easier. I love that I'm part of a supportive female entrepreneur community that motivate and inspire others to be better.
Thanks to Hanh Nguyen, Stuff N Style!
#26 – Life of It's Own

I love creating a company that begins to take on a life of its own. Taking part in, and hiring good people to help with the growth of your company, is like watching your child grow. It's exciting, and something that truly creates a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Thanks to Chris Groer, Essential Source!
#27 – It's All On You

For me being an entrepreneur keeps people on their toes, you can't come in, kick back an office and be lazy for a day. It's all on you. With that you get a weird but awesome mix of complete freedom, and complete responsibility. You're free to drive your company in any direction, and you're free to put in as much time, or as little, as you wish.
Thanks to Johnny Ward, Step4ward Media!
#28 – Pay it Forward

I love being an entrepreneur so much that I started a company that teaches high school teens how to become entrepreneurs and leaders. Through WIT (my company) we equip teens all across the country with the skills needed to launch social enterprises. I can't imagine anything more rewarding than teaching the next generation how to become self-sufficient contributing members of society. WIT is preparing the next generation of business builders and job creators — we believe in starting young!
Thanks to Sarah Hernholm, WIT – Whatever It Takes!
#29 – It's Perfectly Okay

A: You have no idea what you are doing, and that's perfectly okay. As an entrepreneur – and as a startup founder, specifically – you do everything. You are the marketing team, the operations team, the finance team, the development team, the CEO, the admin, the person who sets strategic direction, and the person who takes out the trash. No one can be an expert in every area needed to launch and grow your business, so what becomes most important is your willingness to hustle to figure it out. Google becomes your best friend, and you network like a boss until you find the right people to help. As an entrepreneur, hustle and determination trump on-paper experience any day.
Thanks to Jessie Deye, Gild Collective!
#30 – Fulfilment

I LOVE the fulfillment of being an entrepreneur. What I do is an extension of who I am and what Ilove. I am able to follow my passion and use my talents to help others. Thereis a freedom, satisfaction and sense of accomplishment in each success…andfailure. The challenges of growth have taught me that I can overcome adversity.Being an entrepreneur is more than just owning a business and acquiring wealth,it is personal development. The confidence you build as you learn not only doyou “think” you can…but you CAN! Being an entrepreneur is just part of who I am, how can I not love it!
Thanks to XaviaFox, “Word to the Wise” consulting & empowerment workshops!
Love reading everyone else’s reasons (I’m #28)! Definitely makes me feel like I’m not alone!
Great business Sarah and love the cause. It’s something I teach my kids daily. I don’t care if they’re Entrepreneurs or Intrapreneurs…just want them to have that drive of a preneur 🙂 ~ Mike Kawula (Number 5 above) 🙂
Thanks Mike! Keep working your butt off #5! 🙂
Great Post. Techno oracle