Every new year brings with it a new form of excitement and anticipation. The reason is that every new year brings about a “newness” for lack of a better term when we are able to start fresh and erase those things that we did bad or things we have been thinking about doing.
For us at CEO Blog Nation, we get it. So that’s why we are excited about 2021 because there will be more and more entrepreneurs and businesses. There will be goals met and goals crushed and that’s why we love the new year and we know you do too!
Here’s something other entrepreneurs look forward to::
#1- Employee engagement

I’ve decided that we need to make 2020 the year of employee engagement. When I look around the office, I notice so many things that would be changed if our employees weren’t involved and happy. Yet, this is something that you must continually work toward. For instance, ensure that you have modes of communication set up, especially for your non-office employees, so that everyone feels connected. And never hesitate to offer incentives for a job excellently done.
Thanks to Hew Blair, Justerini & Brooks Ltd!
#2- Personalized service

The thing I'm looking forward to in the year 2021 is personalized service in marketing for small to mid-size businesses. This implies we target their audience with clear messages and a storytelling approach that inserts the customer into the narrative rather than pitching the narrative to them.
Thanks to Lucas Robinson, Crediful!
#3- Expanding my team

I am looking forward to expanding my team with more international employees next year. Since we have transitioned to remote work fully, I will not be conditioned by the employees’ location anymore. Instead, I can reach out to some of the best experts from all around the world and make a big, diverse team. I used to be a part of such a team and I know how much value diversity can bring which is why I am so excited about this opportunity. I believe my business will get a whole new perspective and a fresh way of doing business.
Thanks to Stefan Chekanov, Brosix!
#4- Return to normalcy

A lot of business owners had big plans for what they wanted to accomplish in 2020, a 2020 vision (excuse the pun!) was a common benchmark for CEOs. When COVID-19 hit, many of us were forced to re-evaluate our expectations, go back to basics and focus on the fundamentals. In 2021, I'm obviously looking forward to getting back on track and continuing to grow our business but I'm also looking forward to the simple things like in-person pitch-meetings, an office filled with people and the return of the office culture that's suffered through isolation in 2020.
Thanks to James Norquay, Prosperity Media Group!
#5- Developing a new standard for my employees

In the next year, I am looking forward to getting back to a work environment and establishing a hybrid of both remote and in office work. Currently, with Covid-19 cases still on the rise in California and no vaccine available, we are not making any big decisions regarding the future of our workplace environment as the health and safety of our employees is our number one priority. We are hoping the situation will change in the coming year and we will be able to transition into a new and improved office environment. As months go by it is getting much easier to continue to work from our homes, which is raising many questions in our heads as to whether it makes sense to go back to the work environment we had before the pandemic. My company has adjusted very smoothly to all the sudden changes that have occurred due to Covid-19. As the situation stands presently, I don't see my business going back to a work environment that existed prior to the pandemic. The pandemic taught me a lot and opened my eyes to new ideas, I am now able to recognize the benefits that remote workplaces offer, which pushes me towards developing a new standard for my employees, which can hopefully start getting implemented in the coming year.
Thanks to Ashwin Sokke, WOW Skin Science!
#6- Advances in COVID 19 therapies and vaccines

Next year I am looking forward to advances in COVID 19 therapies and vaccines that will allow everyone to return to normal living. There were some announcements today by a major pharmaceutical company that their vaccine was over 90% successful and this could start the process back to normalcy. Also looking forward to being able to meet in person, shake hands, and be able to be with family and friends again.
Thanks to Robert Applebaum
#7- More free time

This year was a huge challenge and we weren’t prepared for it. As a CEO, I had to deal with a lot of issues and I suddenly didn’t have regular working hours anymore – I used to spend literally the entire day in front of a computer. Next year, however, we will be ready for all kinds of scenarios thanks to our detailed crisis management plan and I’m quite excited to spend more time outside of work and reconnect with some old friends. My personal life was completely neglected in 2020 and I plan to change that in the upcoming year.
Thanks to Malte Scholz, Airfocus!
#8- Executing plans

As a wedding planner I’m looking forward to actually executing my client’s wedding day plans versus spending time re-scheduling them (some multiple times as the pandemic went on.) The majority of our weddings are higher-end luxury and these couples justifiably want their big day rather than opting for one of the trendy micro-weddings. Hopefully with news of the latest vaccine trial success we can look forward to hugging our clients on their wedding day as well.
Thanks to Lynne Kennedy, The Gilded Aisle – Bespoke Wedding Affairs!
#9- Being more accesible

For 2021 I have already dubbed it the Year of Audacity. I am most looking forward to being more accessible to people via on-demand webinars. As a Virtual Educator, I find that people want to start and grow their business while learning on their own time. On-demand webinars will give people that opportunity to expand their business acumen while feeling connected to a lively experience that makes them feel like they are with me in real life.
Thanks to Chisa Pennix-Brown, Lady Bizness!
#10- Strong focus on the well-being

Next year we're going to see a much bigger shift towards finding success without the stress and I cannot wait! I think there is going to be a strong focus on the well-being of both business owners and employees as they navigate working from home, knowing when to ‘switch off' and finding the ultimate balance. While the last year has been tough for many, I truly believe this will be a huge learning experience for all of us. What can we do from home? When do we need to be in the office? How do we protect our mental health to avoid zoom fatigue and/or isolation? As we go through these lessons now, next year should provide us with more answers and much more balance. THAT is exciting!
Thanks to Bex Spiller, The Anti-Burnout Club!
#11- New and efficient tools

I think if we all had a giant birthday cake – the majority of us would wish for this pandemic to end by next year! As a business owner, that is also what I am looking forward to! I am very optimistic that this health crisis that we are currently experiencing will ease tremendously in 2021. It may not get resolved fully, but slowly I hope we can all adapt and thrive as all living things do! Remote working becoming the new normal might also carry over for next year. I am looking forward to new and efficient tools and applications that we can utilize to streamline an organization's processes better. I'm excited about the new advancements in technology that I can witness next year!
Thanks to Matt Bowman, Thrive Agency!
#12- Economic rebound in the country

As an entrepreneur, 2020 has been a big bowl of uncertainty for both myself and my clients. What originally was supposed to be the greatest year ever has turned into a big ole' let down. The USA has been experiencing so much division and turmoil over the last 4-ish years and it was brought to a head in 2020 with the pandemic. For me, 2021 signifies a breath of fresh air! With a new president coming to office, a potential vaccine for Covid-19 and people learning how to operate in this new world I am optimistic about our future. The best part about hitting rock bottom is that there is nowhere to go but up at this point! I am so looking forward to our economic rebound and am hopeful that our country will come together in 2021.
Thanks to Melissa Gamarra, Melissa Gamarra Management!
#13- Contributing to creating more diverse and inclusive workplaces

With all its turmoil, 2020 has been the year that has intensely brought to the forefront issues of equality and diversity. These issues permeate all aspects of business including talent acquisition. Even though diverse organizations have been found to be more effective and for inclusivity to have a positive impact on the business bottom line, many businesses are yet to fully embrace the spirit of a diverse, equal, and inclusive workplace, which starts at the recruiting phase. As a recruiter myself, I am looking forward to contributing to creating more diverse and inclusive workplaces by advising our clients to provide better accommodation for talented individuals who have traditionally been marginalized in the professional space. I am excited to see 2021 to be the year in which employers take their efforts a notch high to bring onboard employees who are abled differently, those belonging to minority racial groups, and senior employees, among others who might not fit into traditional roles but who are nevertheless talented individuals who will bring immense value to the workplace.
Thanks to Darrell Rosenstein, The Rosenstein Group!
#14- Growing my business

I am looking forward to seeing how our company continues to grow in every possible area. We expect to expand our partnership with other companies. And I'm looking forward to growing our team. We work hard to reach our business goals and ensure all of our customers' needs are taken care of. I'm trying to become a mentor for my employees, helping each of them become more successful in their roles. I like helping people to be their best and achieve more in their careers. I am also planning to work on improving processes by using new technologies that can allow us to gain better insights and minimize mistakes.
Thanks to Mian Muneer ud din, Beaufort Associates!
#15- Increase our geographic footprint and availability
Off the back of the pandemic-fuelled acceleration of consumer shopping online, as a digital-first business, we’re really looking forward to next year as we continue to increase our geographic footprint and availability. As an innovative consumer product, it’s sometimes a slow path to take by convincing traditional retailers to stock you in an unproven category, but with more consumers shopping online, we’ve built up an incredible dataset that shows the trend is undeniably in demand and profitable, so it will be great to see our range on more retailer’s shelves. If international travel again becomes a possibility, I’m really looking forward to seeing our team members spread across nine different countries in person, some of whom I’ve not seen for over a year now and several of whom I’ve never met in person!
Thanks to Mark Livings, Lyre's Spirit Co.!
#16- Traveling to more countries

I take a lot of business trips even before the pre-pandemic period. Now that some travel restrictions have eased, we're slowly getting back on track although the reality of the virus is still looming. I'd look forward to traveling to more countries next year when the pandemic is managed properly. I'm also looking forward towards more ways to expand our customer base without face-to-face interaction though. For example, we're constantly communicating with our existing clients online and discussing with them how our services in cost reduction and tax analysis can be influential in their path to recovery.
Thanks to Michael Hammelburger, Cost Reduction Consultants!
#17- Pivoting

I look forward to pivoting my business by changing gears and being ready to ride the new normal. The pandemic has brought new problems – both internal and external – and B2B clients are on the lookout for business that can deliver solutions to their pressing issues.
Thanks to Skyler Reeves, Ardent Growth!