Happy New Year! Every new year brings with it a new form of excitement and anticipation. The reason is that every new year brings about a “newness” for lack of a better term when we are able to start fresh and erase those things that we did bad or things we have been thinking about doing.
For us at CEO Blog Nation, we get it. So that’s why we are excited about 2016 because there will be more and more entrepreneurs and businesses. There will be goals met and goals crushed and that’s why we love the new year and we know you do too!
Here’s something other entrepreneurs look forward to::
#1 – Reflection

I am looking forward to reviewing the year of success I had with my small business clients. We worked together to make some very significant increases in their sales and profits. I, along with my small team of professionals, are also making the final touches in December to two significant programs we will offer prospects and clients. This includes a “Learning and Leading in Manufacturing” forum for small manufacturers in my region and the hosting of the “Leadercast”in May of 2016. Finally, I look forward to quiet reflection on the lessons I learned from my clients and the guests I had on my radio show.
Thanks to Marty Wolff, Marty Wolff Business Solutions
#2 – Rewards

As the year is coming to a close the most I look forward to in December is rewarding my employees for their hard work and dedication to my business. I love hosting a holiday party in my office because it helps them rewind and celebrate their accomplishments for the year. I look forward to writing a thank you letter with a pen and paper highlighting their hard work and accomplishments. I like writing letters the old fashion way because it's a genuine to show my gratitude.The holidays presents me with a great opportunity to show appreciation to my employees and I always take advantage of that. It wouldn't be a celebration without gifts. Handing out personal gifts my employees have been wishing for is my favorite day in December. Seeing their happy faces and festive moods really helps improve the moral as we move forward into the new year. Without my employees my business would not be here today and every December I look forward to celebrating the holidays with my employees.
Thanks to Lisa Chu, Black N Bianco Kids Clothing
#3 – Time with Family

After a record year without a single day off, I am looking forward to spending time with my family. We are usually away during the holidays, but I will be working this year, so we will celebrate Christmas in New England. I love playing hockey with my boys, catching up on movies, and I hope to give my wife a much-deserved break from running the household. This time of year usually gives me an opportunity to reflect back and look forward to the
Thanks to Sean Juneja, Decor Aid
#4 – Amazing Group of People

This December, I am looking forward to being surrounded by an amazing group of people with similar goals and passion. I plan on spending quality time with close family and friends to bring in the new year. I am ecstatic for all the support we've had within the community along with our advisors investors and consultants. I'm looking forward to another month of growth within our user base and expanding our relationships with more tournament operators and affiliates – lastly for successful stakes and events for all our backers and players!
Thanks to Frank DeGeorge, YouStake
#5 – Proposals

I am looking forward to the possibility of selling several proposals I have developed that could generate tremendous advertising revenues for newspapers, broadcasting companies, magazines, internet media companies and the internet divisions of multimedia companies. Several companies are actively looking at these proposals right now
and maybe this is the month I'll get a deal on some of them.
Thanks to Robert Barrows, R.M. Barrows, Inc.
#6 – Feasting

Feasting – a symbol of all that is Christmas to me. The hustle and bustle of a high level of commerce. The decibels of a family gathering. The bedlam that goes with all the holiday joy. And probably another serving of figgy pudding.
Thanks to J. Colin Petersen, J – I.T. Outsource
#7 – Meals

Of course, we look forward to “the usual” – which is wonderful, like meals with relative, Christmas, and the New Year celebration. Mostly, though, we are looking forward to the pause in our business between the two holidays. It's a refreshing break from the frantic run up to the season!
Thanks to Jeff and Deadrea Clemmensen, MiPhone Doctor of Fresno
#8 – Plan

This December I'm looking forward to spending time with family, taking a break to review 2015's results and struggles, and prepare a strategic plan for my business in 2016 based on what I learned from 2015. The cold weather makes it easier to focus inward and take the time necessary to compile everything and really contemplate what is important. And hopefully that will translate into a more fulfilling new year.
Thanks to Mike McRitchie, Critical Path Action
#9 – Quiet Time

It's been a crazy year this year with leaving the startup I co-founded and founding my new startup Rebel Hack, so this December I plan to have a quiet family Christmas with my new wife Anna. I'm always so crazy busy so it's always strange having a few days off when no one's working, but family is the most important thing in life and sometimes you need to focus solely on that.
Thanks to Carly Klineberg,Rebel Hack Studios
#10 – Clients

This is the second month that my salon, 5 Starr Salon and Spa, has been open. We're really excited about new clients coming in to get their hair and nails done for holidays! It should be a great segway into the new year.
Thanks to Kirsten Bailey, 5 Starr Salon and Spa
#11 – Take a Breath

What I am looking forward to in December is family time – making good on the many IOU’s I owe them for sacrifices they made for me and my business earlier in the year. This year in particular, there have been movie nights skipped, trips missed or cut short, game night invitations declined because my business demanded my intense attention. Because my work involves merger & acquisition consulting, transaction schedules are notoriously unpredictable, and are constantly being compressed. Now that my business is starting to run like it should (I started it earlier this year), I can now take a breath and make the business make the sacrifices for a change.
Thanks to Michael S. Blake, Arpeggio Advisors, LLC