Entrepreneurs and business owners are always juggling a lot of things and when time comes for a holiday sometimes entrepreneurs like to take a break or sometimes they like to catch up on certain projects. Just like everyone has a unique business, their approach to holidays is also unique. With the 4th of July here, we decided to ask some entrepreneurs how they spend their holidays like the 4th of July.
#1 – Get More Work Done

I get more work done on holiday weekends than any other time…because nobody expects me to be working, so they don't call or email!
Thanks to Steven Sashen, Xero Shoes!
#2 – Client Work, Family, Friends & BBQ

For the holiday I will spend a portion of the day revising client work for our branding firm, since my team is in a country that does not celebrate that day. Then I will turn all of my email notifications off and spend it with friends, hopefully eating bar-be-cue.
Thanks to Keenya Kelly, Keenya Kelly If You Brand It Return of the Curls!
#3 – No Rest for an E-commerce Business

As the owner of the online business, Teach My, award winning learning toys for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners, there are no real holidays. Since the internet is 24/7, there is no rest for an ecommerce business. During holidays, I keep my sanity and stress levels low by working on reactive tasks in the morning and then dipping in and out for the rest of the day. I make a point of leaving proactive tasks for regular work days. At holiday events with family and friends, I try to avoid work chat to give my brain a break from the daily stresses of entrepreneurship!
Thanks to Christy Cook, Teach My!
#4 – Escape & Disconnect

I'm probably the luckiest person in the world for many reasons and traveling the world is one of them. During any holiday, I feel like I can truly escape and disconnect. I prefer to be right here in San Diego with friends and family! All of us have busy lives and during these times we get to be together! So let's go for a climb, throw a pizza on the grill or spend the day on the harbor.
Thanks to Patrick Burkhardt, Luxpitality!
#5 – Chance to be with Family

Any time I have a chance to be with family I take it. We are usually gathered at my house in Fountain Valley for all of the big holidays. I don’t like traveling out of town on holidays because of all of the traffic and rush that comes with it. There isn’t anything better to me than surrounding myself with my family on days we can all be together on.
Thanks to Tony Jakstis, Casa De Lago Events!
#6 – Getting Away from it All

I like to spend my holidays getting away from it all. When I have some time off I like to disappear into the woods with my family, ideally where there isn't a cell signal, but instead, lots of trees and mountains. I believe that when I get outside, I come back from a holiday recharged. When I sleep in and waste the holiday away at home or travel for a family vacation, I often feel more exhausted when I get back into the office.
Thanks to Jesse Lakes, Geniuslink!
#7 – Traveling to Places I've Never Been

I like spending my holidays traveling to places I've never been. It's a chance to learn about history and to meet new people from different cultures. Recently, I spent a holiday in Mallorca, Spain, a place I heard about in Ringo Starr's No-No song. I ate with the locals to learn about the island. This form of travel offers the invaluable lesson of enjoying the differences between people.
Thanks to Rory Clark, Focus Selling!
#8 – Passing Lane

I will spend time with my family and be part of all festivities, but I will manage my time and workload to get things done before and after everything family related occurs. Part of my responsibility as a business owner is to stay ahead of my competition as much as possible–I think of weekends and holidays as the passing lane.
Thanks to Airto Zamorano, Numana SEO/Numana Medical!
#9 – Enjoy with my Family

Now that I own my own medical practice, I am fortunate to be able to enjoy holidays off with my family. Many of my medical colleagues work on holidays as if it was any other day. I appreciate this more than ever after spending many years working 12 hours shifts on various holidays away from my loved ones. Do not forget the sacrifice that your medical professionals make.
Thanks to Dr. Alex Roher M.D., San Diego Botox Inc.!
#10 – Pool All Day & Fireworks

I am spending my 4th sitting by the pool all day and hanging at the park for fireworks at night. In my business, we’re constantly around people, pitching, talking, posting and engaging. It’s nice to be able to retreat at home and just relax and enjoy some much needed downtime.
Thanks to Teana McDonald, 3 Connections!
#11 – Fill My Home

I've folded major holidays into my business, Welcome Dialogue. I'm an American culture coach and Welcome Dialogue helps international professionals with American professional skills, social skills and communication skills. I tell potential clients that I not only work with them on things like how to make small talk, but I give them real life opportunities to practice at my social events. Here in Chicago, on every American holiday — from Memorial Day to Christmas — I fill my home with expats and American-born friends alike. Many internationals don't have a place to go for holidays. I love hosting parties and have no family in the state, so it's perfect for me, for them, and for my business!
Thanks to Regina Rodríguez-Martin, Welcome Dialogue LLC!
#12 – Catch Up

I look forward to holidays, but not as a day off, but as a time to catch up. Since the majority of the other business I work with, i.e. manufacturers, are all shut down, it gives me a chance to catch up on all the little items I haven't had a chance to get to yet. Plus, I treat myself to some great food and family time too!
Thanks to Caitlin Picou, Kismet Cosmetics!