Being in love is great. Being in love with your business, when you’re an entrepreneur, is even better. Waking up each morning knowing you are getting to do exactly what you love is more than most people could ever say about any “job” they have had. Although there are days when tossing in your hat seems like a viable option, remembering how much you love your “job” can quickly snap an entrepreneur out of that mentality. Different business owners also have different reason why they love their business. It might be the products or the customers they deal with, or it could even be the fact that they are the ones in charge of it all. The reasons are as varied as the businesses themselves.
We asked some entrepreneurs what they loved about “being their own boss.”
#1- Solving problems and helping people solve them

I love solving problems, and I love helping people solve problems. Being an entrepreneur means facing an endless amount of challenges in the pursuit of one common goal. I also love creating value from scratch. Every idea starts as just that, an idea in your head. Being an entrepreneur, I get to take some of those ideas and turn them into realities; it's amazing to be able to reflect on what you've built and think about where it started.
Thanks to Wyatt Jozwowski, Demio!
#2- Allows me to put my money where my mouth is

I love being an entrepreneur because it allows me to put my money where my mouth is. I can't blame leadership or company policies as an excuse. I only have myself to blame if things don't go as well as planned. I am in control of my own success and the success of the business.If I want something to change, I have the power to change it. I control my own destiny for better or for worse.
Thanks to Jordan Barker, Relic Agency!
#3-Turning ideas into products

Being an entrepreneur today is like being an inventor a century ago – we turn ideas into products. There is nothing more powerful, rewarding, and challenging than taking a concept, transforming it into something usable, then building a business around it. FanWide organizes in-person game watch parties and develop local fan communities for every pro and college team at sports bars nationwide, who pay us to bring them new customers through bidding in a patent-pending event auction marketplace. Sports fans use the free FanWide app to find the closest viewing party for their favorite team, wherever they are living or visiting. I found something that I was passionate about – developing communities of out-of-market sports fans – and now every day I get to see and experience the joy that we are bringing to hundreds of thousands of people each year.
Thanks to Symon Perriman, Fan Wide!
#4- Control and Freedom

I live in Serbia, which is country in transition. In that environment, people who work for salary, regardless if it's government or private sector, are constantly afraid of possibility to loose a job. As an entrepreneur I feel I have more control of that. Yes, there is possibility that business can go down, but much more depends on myself so pressure is less. Also, there is no limit regardless earning. I just love that. In some month I can earl less but in next month I can earn more, and so far, in 3 years of business I run income is still growing, which would be impossible if I work in some firm. And another thing I value maybe the most is freedom regarding organizing my time. I can plan short or long pauses, change working environment. Since by nature I'm not person who can stay in one place long time, this is the best convenient I have as an entrepreneur.
Thanks to Aleksandar Ratkovic, Neparno 10!
#5- Several Reasons

I love being an entrepreneur because I get to see something no one else sees, to be a leader, and to make a change, to make it my own way and alongside people like me.
Thanks to Eliran Malki, Belong!
#6- Being different

Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.
Thanks to Wilbur You, Youtech & Associates!
#7- Focus on my passion and influence on my income

I love being an entrepreneur because I get to focus on something I'm passionate about and I'm able to directly influence my income. When working for someone else, you likely won't have that same enthusiasm to jump out of bed in the morning and tackle the latest challenges and goals. Income as an employee can often be limited to the range assigned to your position, but as an entrepreneur, there are different levers in your business that you can pull to increase your income seemingly at will. It can be a lot of work, but entrepreneurship can create a great lifestyle, in both your mindset and finances!
Thanks to Tom Drake, MapleMoney!
#8- Unlimited potential

My favorite part of being an entrepreneur is the unlimited potential. Unlimited income potential for sure but the unlimited areas of creativity. Not having to succumb to corporate bureaucracy or politics gives you freedom to be innovative in marketing and product creation.
Thanks to Todd Burkhalter, Drive Planning!
#9- Betting on yourself

I love being an entrepreneurship because you get to bet on yourself. You are betting that you are going to first conduct the research needed to make sure there is a market for your product. You are betting on yourself to put in the long hours with little to no pay to get the company started and off the ground. You are betting on yourself to be able to repay your venture debt or yourself back and be successful. You are no longer getting a pay check every week from the boss, your income changes every single day and hopefully it continues to increase. Entrepreneurship is the biggest risk you can ever take and may also be the biggest reward you every get all depending on how smart and how hard you work. I love the challenge and wouldn't want to bet on anyone else but myself.
Thanks to Chris Gronkowski, Ice Shaker!
#10- Freedom

It gave me freedom! My own timings, do whatever I want, explore new horizons (during my old job, we didn't get much time for ourselves, so that was difficult to do). Now, I keep looking for exciting new stuff in science, technology, gadgets etc. I've also learned a bit of programming and starting my own web development firm soon! Although right now I don't earn as much as my previous job, earnings are increasing, and I have a LOT of flexibility in what I do!
Thanks to Amna Rizvi, GadgTecs!
#11- Freedom to do whatever I want

I worked for corporate America for 33 years, first as a VP of Consulting for a startup company and for the last 20 years of that as the Director of Computer Operations for Trader Joe's. In 2013, I decided to branch out on my own and pursue my dream of being a professional writer, selling writing services. I love being an entrepreneur because of the freedom to do whatever I want. I don't answer to a boss, I can work my own hours, and I can set my own prices. My destiny is now far more under my own control. If I make a mistake, I can take correct action and I don't have to worry about a boss yelling at me. If I succeed, I reap the rewards. It is far more fulfilling and I'm loving every minute of it.
Thanks to Richard Lowe Jr, The Writing King!
#12- Plenty of things

There's plenty of things that I love about being an entrepreneur; one thing is that I am 100% in control of my own revenue on a daily basis! I also love the sense of freedom that I get as well. I left my job about 2 years ago, and can say that I'm in a position that I no longer have to go back! One of the most important things that I love about being an entrepreneur is something that few people don't think about: legacy! I love that I'm able to support my family, and leave abundance for them in my absence; should the worst happen, I know that my family is taken care of!
Thanks to Dawniel Patterson Winningham!
#13- Owning my own business and seeing my potential

Starting my own business has been empowering, challenging and exciting all combined into one wild ride. Once I overcame the initial difficulties, I really grew into my own skin and it felt great! I love owning my own business and seeing how much I can grow both personally and professionally. I also like being a good role model for my kids.
Thanks to Jason Cummins, All Hours Air!
#14- Personal accountability

The best part about being an entrepreneur is the personal accountability and responsibility that comes along with it. This is especially true for small businesses. When a large venture with several partners and moving parts fails, it is often difficult to decipher what led to that failure. However, when I am the one making important decisions, I can evaluate feedback and performance with more clarity. If I am the one who maps out the business’s strategy, I am mostly responsible for the results that come along with it. This allows me to learn and grow more significantly as a businessman. For many, the responsibility of entrepreneurship is scary. However, I have learned to thrive in it.
Thanks to Trent Silver, Sticker Doo!
#15- Independence and freedom

Entrepreneurship offers me a certain amount of independence and freedom. I appreciate not being restricted by traditional work day hours because I'm more of a 24-hour person. During the times in my life I was employed, I was often prohibited from doing more than what was expected from me due to restraints such as overtime, etc. Nonetheless, the culmination of all my experiences have shaped my entrepreneurial imagination, allowing me to conceptualize my latest project.
Thanks to Renée Strauss, Wedaways!
#16- Doing meaningful work

Being an entrepreneur means you get to follow your calling, not a paycheck. I founded Happy Brain Science in order to help people learn and apply the science of well-being at work, and make the working world a better place. Along the way, I get to learn and apply a lot of that science myself. Studies suggest that meaningful work is much more important to our well-being than a six figure salary. So I continue to cherish doing meaningful work. Science also shows that autonomy is vital to our engagement and well being. There's no better autonomy at work than being your own boss. I highly recommend being an entrepreneur to anyone who can tolerate the risks in order to enjoy the many benefits.
Thanks to Scott Crabtree, Happy Brain Science!
#17- Interacting with our customers and building relationships

I originally started my interior design business while my children were younger and I could have the flexibility to work from home. As the oldest two went off to college and my youngest began high school, I opened the retail store. My business fills a niche in the market as we focus on repurposing and upcycling our client’s décor, and the store similarly has a focus on vintage and upcycled product with new goods in the mix that are Made-In-America or made from recycled product and sometimes both! We are highly curated in the mix of product and stick to our mission of promoting these very specific offerings to our customers. My employees have caught the fever and I especially love to mentor my younger employees in the sales of vintage and upcycled product and what is involved in running a small business. Since we are in a highly visible location in the neighborhood where I also live, I love to interact with our customers and build relationships. It is hard, often physical work, hauling around furniture and traveling to add to our collection, but I wouldn’t trade it for the
Thanks to Carole Marcotte, Form & Function!
#18- Many Reasons

There are many reasons I love being en entrepreneur, however the main thing I love about it is getting paid to do what I am truly passionate about and being able to fully utilize all of my talents and skill sets. To be more specific, I get paid to cook for people (or teach them how to cook). I also designed my 2 websites ( &, work on all of my adversing, social media and PR efforts and run my blog. When I was a 9-5'er, I was limited in my creative flexibility. Now, running my own business the sky is the limit. I took what was a 15 year long hobby of cooking and creating recipes and turned it into a profitable career. For years I had a burning desire to be in a more creative position and truly be passionate about what I was doing. Running my business I truly feel in my element and would advise any budding entrepreneurs to tap into your intuition and inner guidance. Follow your heart and reach for the stars, you never know how far it will take you.
Thanks to Melissa Eboli, Via Melissa!