Happy New Year! Every new year brings with it a new form of excitement and anticipation. The reason is that every new year brings about a “newness” for lack of a better term when we are able to start fresh and erase those things that we did bad or things we have been thinking about doing.
For us at CEO Blog Nation, we get it. So that’s why we are excited about 2018 because there will be more and more entrepreneurs and businesses. There will be goals met and goals crushed and that’s why we love the new year and we know you do too!
Here’s something other entrepreneurs look forward to::
#1- Bring in a new team

After almost a decade of working alone, I am implementing a team in 2018. I am looking forward to sharing experiences with and teaching them how to help our clients in the ways only we can. I have a great group and it is going to be a very exciting ride!
Thanks to Jennifer Snyder, Neat as a Pin Organizing Experts!
#2- Reaping

After investing in and sowing my business in 2017, I've made the infrastructure and staffing changes that will set me up for a year to reap some profit. For example, this year we invested in some expensive software. Along with the capital costs of this investment, there was also a steep learning curve that resulted in rookie mistakes. In 2018 I fully expect to move past the initial cost and mistakes and reap from these investments.
Thanks to Paige NeJame, CertaPro Painters of the South Shore / Boston!
#3- Serve others

The very best performers in any endeavor are always students of the game, be it sports, business, personal wealth, or something else altogether. I have spent a great deal of time studying the fundamentals of stocks, option trades, goal-setting, and public speaking. I have been taught and mentored by some of the world's top thought-leaders. All my studying and hard work has resulted in a breakthrough. I am now ready to serve others by facilitating their breakthrough. I am truly looking forward to serving my peers and change parents thought process of G.P.A (Grade Point Average) to G.P.A (Goals, Plans, and Action). I am looking forward to being facilitating this new thought process and continuing to learn by teaching.I will make this year the year that others commit to being a student of whatever game it is that they play!
Thanks to Christon The Truth Jones
#4- Working on my business

Next year, I'm looking forward to spending more time working on my business than working in my business. I occasionally stretch myself thin because I want to help each member of my team succeed and overcome challenges in their respective areas. I like to keep tabs on everything. However, I find myself juggling too many projects without affecting results. I've got to trust the team I've hired to do their job, so I can do the things that only I can do and not get caught up in minutiae.
Thanks to Shawn Moore, Solodev!
#5- Growth

We're looking forward to watching our company continue to grow in every area possible, from expanding the partnerships we have with other companies to growing and learning together as a team to reach our goals and ensure all of the needs of our customers are taken care — as well as anticipated before they even realize they have these needs!
Thanks to Deborah Sweeney, MyCorporation.com!
#6- Two things

I am looking forward to seeing what 2018 brings as 2017 has been full of surprises and highlights. I am excited about impacting more women through my membership program and group coaching program. But also I am excited to bring out my book and work with small businesses to focus on engaging more succesfully with their employees.
Thanks to Ruth Kudzi!
#7- Exceptional customer service

Here at NMR, we are looking forward to providing exceptional customer service to all of our customers, especially our subscribers. Being newcomers in the men's grooming industry, we need something to differentiate ourselves in the arena from the current sluggish industry giants. Quality ingredients and superior scents can only take a company so far and the customer's re-buy potential is based off of their experience interacting with us and how we leave them feeling. In 2018, we hope to achieve complete satisfaction in our communication with members of the NMR tribe whether that's via email, facebook or instagram. Let's face it, there will always be issues and problems that come up, but we should be able to see each new pissed customer or order issue as a chance to prove what our core company principles are. We have the chance to show our loyal clients that we are more than just a for-profit company and not just through our charitable donations. Each interaction with our buyers is another brick on the mural of our brand.
Thanks to Eric Deegear, New Man Revolution!
#8- Greater things

Next year will be a great year. We have spent the last couple years perfecting our product line of backup cameras to have the best in business. We listened to what the customer wanted and made it that way. Now we are set up for a great year.We also have spent a lot of time cultivating customer service and good relationships with consumers. The other important part is the relationships we have built with other business that need our service. Having them return and consistent and good customers has helped us create a great business with a bright future.
Thanks to Eddie Kane, Tadi brothers!
#9- Launch an online system

I started Perfect Tux to revolutionize the formal wear industry after I saw how slow the formal wear industry was to change. I knew I could provide better service to a modern customer. Which I have done successfully thus far having taken my company from $0 to $800k in 18 months. But what I am most excited about is launching my revolutionary online retail try-on system! I am currently laying the groundwork for this new program, it is going to change the way people buy formalwear online. No one else is doing this, consumers are going to love it.
Thanks to Steven Burton, Perfect Tux!
#10- Team growth

I'm looking forward to growing and teaching my team at Badger Maps next year. The most rewarding change in my life as an entrepreneur has been becoming a coach, teacher, and mentor for my employees and interns. My career has been in Sales but I feel like my main job as the CEO now is in the HR department, hiring, working to remove roadblocks, and helping each individual become more successful in their role. I’m having a ton of fun helping people be their best in their career, and there has been so much personal and professional growth in the team at Badger over the last few years. I'm looking forward to continuing this path in 2018 and improving the processes around it to make our training program even better.
Thanks to Steven Benson, Badger Maps!
#11- Quadruple growth

2018 stands for quadrupled growth into 20,180 stores to see my product NoMo Nausea in by next year. The start up dream begins with product in hand, the small business reality is the everyday hustle, and the future success is seeing it grow from CVS to Bed Bath & Beyond, BuyBuy Baby, Babies R Us, Target, and SuperValu. Imagine walking into your favorite store and seeing your patent on the shelf, that's what our 2018 vision looks like.
Thanks to Jacqueline Darna, NoMo Nausea!
#12- Treats

I am excited about the new year and hopeful that the economy stays strong while Washington settles down around the midterm election. I wish the political noise and distractions could take a back seat so the focus can be on growing and strengthening the economy. In 2018 I plan to treat myself as well as I treat my best customers. I want to respect my time on my calendar as if it were an important meeting with a VIP because it is! I no longer want to sacrifice my time to write, think, exercise, plan, etc. to squeeze more meetings and calls into my day.
Thanks to Paige Arnof-Fenn, Mavens & Moguls!
#13- Adopt advanced technologies

New Year brings new hopes and newer targets which we want to achieve. Next year is much more promising to the small businesses like us which are much dependant on the digital media. New technologies are going to be induced which will be able to stretch the market to larger extent and able to deliver faster and better business approaches to the world. Using these new technologies, our target in the next year is to make more people know our excellence and make them interested to get our service to meet up their requirements with satisfaction. We are looking forward to adopt more advanced techniques to develop more unique methods of marketing and promotion which will be able to reach this target. Therefore in brief,, we are ready for advanced technologies, newer marketing techniques, more new customers and most revenue generation for us in the next year.
Thanks to Andrei Vasilescu, DontPayFull!
#14- New technologies

In 2018, I'm looking forward to exciting new technology trends like IoT, in-car payments, and more. Payment is part of our daily lives and next year processes like parking, buying gas, ordering drive-through food, and shopping on the internet will all become even more convenient. As hardware and technology continue to develop, I'm excited to see just how easy and quick it will be for consumers to pay for goods and services in the upcoming year.
Thanks to Erdal Yazmaci, Cardtek!
#15- Sell 50,000 Vivian Mugs to help 5-yr old Vivian kick cancer’s butt

We feel a responsibility to make the world better, especially with our science and engineering backgrounds. Though some people might see Jamber as just another coffee mug company, Jamber is so much more. We spent 2.5 years designing this cup, and our customers tell us every day how much Jamber has improved their lives. When we began talking to one of our customers, Scott, and learned that his 5 year-old daughter has Stage 4 High-Risk Neuroblastoma, we wanted to do something within our means to help. So, we decided to create the Vivian Mug – a beautiful and fun mug design – that can bring awareness to this orphan drug disease, and can raise money for Vivian’s family. Let’s celebrate this wonderful 5-year old girl, who is a joy and blessing to the world, by selling 50,000 Vivian Mugs, which will raise $100,000 for Vivian’s family. Learn more at Jamber.com.
Thanks to Allen & Diana Arseneau, Jamber!