- No alarm clock needed. My passion wakes me up.
- Sometimes the only way to go about doing the work is to get f*cking raw, get f*cking intense, get angry and aggressive and make it happen…for yourself. Start today!
- What makes a gazelle, a gazelle is how he's wired.
- Do the work.
- If the why is powerful, the why is easy.
- Work on our list of why.
- Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion.
- Divorce the story of your limitation and marry the truth of your unlimited capacity, then the whole game changes.
- Never give in.
Monday Motivation: How to Be Successful in Life
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWoMRz4ecYA This motivational video is to help CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners start the week off inspired to become great....