We all have that one business blog that addresses our pain points and motivates us to press on. As an entrepreneur, there’s also need to stay informed about the latest trends in our respective industries where most of this information can be found on business blogs. Some of these blogs are industry-specific while others are general in nature and they contribute immensely to out business growth through the tips they provide.
We asked entrepreneurs and business owners about their go-to business blogs and here’s what they had to say;
#1- Neil Patel

My top go-to business blog has to be Neil Patel. I always learn new ways to get more traffic or rank higher in Google when I visit his site. There's a pretty sizable library of content for anyone who's never visited his site before. I would recommend it for anyone who wants to grow their small business online.
Thanks to Ben Sibley, Compete Themes!
Favorite blog: https://neilpatel.com/
#2- Tim Ferris

My business partner and I bonded over Tim Ferris “The Four Hour Work Week” and as a result love his blog. Tim speaks about working efficiently, personal and business time management, alongside honest motivational accounts from real business owners just like us! I find his blog inspiring, and try to write in a similar style when updating our own blog, although we haven’t quite achieved the four hour work week we are well on our way!
Thanks to Libby James, Merchant Advice Service!
#3- The Content Factory

The business blog I go to first whenever I’m looking for expertise in digital PR, content marketing, social media, SEO, or being a business boss, in general, is The Content Factory blog. I’m a solo small business owner so having a go-to source for business tips and tricks that I know I can trust is invaluable. I read every single article that The Content Factory puts out because they’re always in-depth, full of actionable tips, and entertaining to read too. All of their content comes from actual case studies of their own work so I’m always confident that they actually know what they’re talking about. As a woman in business, I also love being able to get tech insight and entrepreneurial advice from the strong women behind The Content Factory like owner Kari DePhillips and SEO Specialist Nat Hornyak. Learning from their business blog has helped me take my online service business game to the next level. Everyone in business should be following their content.
Thanks to Samantha Pennington, Oree Virtual!
Favorite blog; https://www.contentfac.com/blog/
#4-Ahrefs blog

My favorite is definitely the Ahrefs blog. I think they're putting out some of the best content in the marketing and SEO space. There's a lot of actionable advice on SEO like what methods will help you rank faster, how to attract backlinks, how to create effective content, and so on. All of their content is very thorough and much of it backed up by quality research.
Thanks to Cody Slingerland, Jawfish Digital!
#5- EOfire

My go-to business blog is EOfire. Entrepreneurs on Fire is a website and podcast hosted by John Lee Dumas. Between his podcast and blog, there are endless resources to helping solopreneurs and entrepreneurs grow a successful business. Plus, he interviews experts to help you deal with other challenges of entrepreneurship including scaling, hiring, and building a business around life.
Thanks to Michael Leonard, Inspire Your Success!
Favorite blog; https://www.eofire.com/
#6-Morgan Linton's blog

My go-to business blog is Morgan Linton's blog about domains and start ups. His perspective about investing in domain names and also acquiring the best domain name for your startup is very valuable. My business launches for a websites for Real Estate contractors therefore we are always looking for good domains. We own about 400 domains and 70 of them are developed, many of them are things to his advice and I don't know of any other blog like his.
Thanks to Matt Handshakin Holmes, Handshakin!
Favorite blog; https://morganlinton.com/
#7-Farnam Street

My favorite business blog is Farnam Street . Every new article on the site, which is 1-2 a week, makes me think about my business and life in a new way. At this pace, I can really dive in to an article and sit and think about it for a few days.
Thanks to R.J. Weiss, The Ways To Wealth!
Favorite blog; https://fs.blog/
#8-Calculated Risk

My personal favorite business blog is Calculated Risk. I have been following it for ten years. The person running the blog has a strong economic background and views everything through the lens of an economist. It is great to get unbiased data, as well as his analysis of the data and what it means for our overall economy.
Thanks to Adham Sbeih, Socotra Capital!
Favorite blog; https://www.calculatedriskblog.com/
#9-Zen Habits

Mostly this blog is about mindful living and not about Zen Buddhism! What I like about this blog is how practical it is. Each blog offers suggestions for changing behaviors or trying new things that are easy for anyone to do. The latest blog was about how we can set limits with our technology – phones, computers, tablets – so that we are in charge and not the app or the alert! In coaching executives, this is often one of their biggest time sucks and temptations – browsing, responding immediately to every email or text, and having their lives be governed by the latest request that hit their phone. The blog also made a suggestion that when you open up your email in the morning, you immediately scroll to the 3 most important emails that need your attention and ignore the others until these critical communications are done. So simple, yet incredibly effective, and a stress reliever for us.
Thanks to Angie O'Donnell, 3D Leadership Group!
#10- Seth Godin's

I love Seth Godin’s blog because it’s always thought-provoking with sufficient depth and brevity to hit the mark. It challenges me to think differently and tests me to apply best practice for engaging with others.
Thanks to Ben Renshaw
Favorite blog; https://seths.blog/
#11-Buffer's Open blog

I've found Buffer's Open blog to be one of the
most insightful and transparent business blogs. I have to hand it to Joel Gascoigne for encouraging such frank discussion and opening the curtains behind Buffer so that we can see what makes it tick so well. Of course, not everything is peachy and rosy, and the honesty from the team makes me trust the advice so much more. I also appreciate the breadth of topics that the blog explores; I can find great tips on leadership, marketing, making remote teams more efficient, and how to build a strong company culture.
Thanks to Matt Dodgson, Market Recruitment!
Favorite blog: https://open.buffer.com/
#12- Information is Beautiful

There’s a saying that “clothes make the man.” Whether attributed to Shakespeare or Mark Twain, the meaning remains the same -appearances count! For online marketers, good content and appealing visual design are responsible for keeping a visitor on your page for more than 10 seconds. Enter the world of infographics, which was born out of the union of data and graphic design. David McCandless, the creator of the blog Information is Beautiful, has curated an amazing library of colorful infographics that are easy on the eyes and informative at the same time. From the “World’s Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks” to the “World’s Best Hangover Cure?”, this blog will both entertain and inspire you!
Thanks to Nicholas Christensen, Lottery Critic!
Favorite blog: https://informationisbeautiful.net/