Happy New Year! Every new year brings with it a new form of excitement and anticipation. The reason is that every new year brings about a “newness” for lack of a better term when we are able to start fresh and erase those things that we did bad or things we have been thinking about doing.
For us at CEO Blog Nation, we get it. So that’s why we are excited about 2019 because there will be more and more entrepreneurs and businesses. There will be goals met and goals crushed and that’s why we love the new year and we know you do too!
Here’s something other entrepreneurs look forward to::
#1- Going back to basics

While there is always a heavy focus on technical advances each year, I'm looking forward to *the way technology in 2019 will enable a heightened awareness and interest in ‘going back to basics.’ What I mean by this is that thanks to the rise of big data, predictive analytics and operational efficiencies companies and brands can better replicate the old-fashioned, highly personalized way of doing small town business, now at a global scale. Tactics that were widely known but not often or effectively practiced – everything from bringing the value of customer sentiment to the heart of a business strategy or using digital mediums to give a more human/personalized experience – will allow us to provide a days-gone-by value to our clients and partners that form the basis for lasting, loyal relationships built on a mutual sense of trust, community and satisfaction.
Thanks to Vinod Muthukrishnan, CloudCherry!
#2- Innovations in marketing automation and digital interaction

I’m looking forward to the Innovations and progressive strides that will be taking place in marketing automation and digital interaction in 2019. Marketing automation and digital interaction will be shaping the way business run online and with AI and machine learning technology being integrated in every way possible, businesses online will become a lot more personalized and interactive for each user. Chatbots and AI in data analysis will make for improved customer service and strong marketing campaigns. Improvements in AR/VR technology will bring forth more “interactive content” which is a lot more helpful, personalized, and overall cool to use. Voice search is also something that will become used more frequently in 2019, especially with the rise of IOT becoming more commonplace every year. So marketing that includes SEO optimization for voice will start to see big wins in their overall campaigns.
Thanks to Gennady Litvin, Moshes Law!
#3-Travel more in 2019

Honestly, I want to continue making connections and while virtually is great, nothing beats face to face interactions. I have a few places in mind and I am definitely putting things in place to make it happen. My goal is to attend a few live events hosted by my mentors in the business and really put myself out there and touch the lives of the people who need me.
Thanks to Carla Williams Johnson, Carli Communications!
#4- Three things

In 2019, I’m looking forward to implementing some new things in my counseling private practice. I want to add video blogging to my written content, and have already been practicing facebook lives to get ready for the launch of that new series. I’m also looking forward to continuing to improve my written content on my website, social media, monthly newsletter and blog. I’ll also be publishing my second book, Major Life Changes: Stories of Motherhood, Hope and Healing, which will be out in early 2019 on Amazon. Here’s to another great year in business!
Thanks to Heidi McBain
#5-An increased recognition for gig workers

Due to our business nature, we are hiring many freelancers; some of them make more than a traditional 9-to-5 five worker does. However, I used to freelance myself, and to my experiences freelancing is often perceived as a side-job. I know many freelancers who were pressured by the ones around them to find more proper jobs. Now, I do understand that freelancing may not bring regular income and many other benefits that a traditional job does. However, I believe the ones who have decided to follow this path are often smart and have definite plans for their future. Therefore, it would be great if people start recognizing freelancing as a proper job, not a hobby anymore in 2019
Thanks to Son Ngo, Tankscrib!
#6- Performance of my new leadership team

I am looking forward to seeing what my leadership team is going to do with the company. Our company president started in January of this year. He now has his leadership team in place. It will be fun to see what he gets done in 2019.
Thanks to John Crossman, Crossman & Company!
#7-A number of things

2019 is looking very promising for Peachy Weddings LLC because we will be celebrating the launch of our highly anticipated wedding planning book the Stress-less Wedding Planning Guide. We look forward to being of service to our community with our non-profit partners. Adding to our team and providing much need jobs. And as CEO I look forward to taking this company to new heights by excelling at exceeding client expectations.
Thanks to Ivory Coats, Peachy Weddings LLC!
#8- Business growth and educating people

I founded Hempure because I really believe CBD can transform a person’s life. Most people don’t even know they have an endocannabinoid system, let alone that it might be the root cause for some of their wellness issues. Of course I look forward to watching my business grow, but equally exciting is the opportunity to educate people about their own body’s needs. It’s incredible to empower other with knowledge so they can make the best decisions for their situation.
Thanks to Sabina King, Hempure!
#9- Recalibrate our products and services from the lense of AI

In 2018, we started experimenting about how AI can create an impact on our entire product line and the streak is going to continue in 2019 as well. We are planning to use AI to refine every conceivable aspect of our business, so as to improve the efficacy of our internal processes, provide a gratifying customer experience and capture crucial insights to provide a delightful product experience for our customers. We are simply going to recalibrate our products and processes from the lens of AI. Our entire line of products whether it’s psychometric profiling, remote proctoring, or recruitment software; AI is going to find a place for the good and therefore, will drastically change the way HR teams and professionals are operating over the globe right now.
Thanks to Ketan Kapoor, Mettl!
#10- Continous learning

I want to continue discovering new ways to learn in 2019, while sharing resources that I find with colleagues and friends. Technology is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay knowledgeable about the latest tools, trends, and topics of discussion to stay relevant. For instance, in order to keep learning, I look forward to integrating some online courses from Lynda into my schedule to help me stay ahead of the trends about emerging technologies.
Thanks to Arvind Raichur, MrOwl!
#11- Corporate evolution

Looking back at the success of both the 2018 women’s march and the Science march—after which President Trump apologized for his inappropriate behavior and agreed to evolve his environmental policies… I’m now looking forward to people solving problems through strikes, sick-outs, and by focusing their buying power to force corporate evolution. And as a crypto evangelist, I’m also optimistic that our communal frustrations will spur interest in decentralized financial systems which are beyond government control. I’m hopeful 2019 could be the year we stop paying to use our own funds.
Thanks to Jen Nash, FreshWealth!
#12- Voice interfaces into everything

2019 will be the year of voice interfaces into everything. Your virtual assistant – Alexa, the Google Assistant – will be able to help you everywhere, all the time. You will just need to speak to your phone, in the office, in your house or in your car. It’s also going to be the year of space startups. Spearheaded by SpaceX and BlueOrigin, we will see a number of startups focused on space travel. The resulting ecosystem is going to define how soon we will reach the moon and Mars. Voice and space. In other words, it will be the year where we accelerate the most towards the Star Trek talking spaceship, ever. It’s gonna be exciting
Thanks to Vittorio Banfi, Botsociety!
#13-New opportunities and challenges

This coming year will mark the second year of launching my newest venture and while it’s hard as… well, you know. It’s an exhilarating journey. Yes, there are obstacles to overcome and every day my to-do list could challenge even the longest epic novel. But I wouldn’t change a single thing. Every ‘reality check’ along the way is an opportunity in disguise, you just have to be willing to recognize it. As a serial entrepreneur, I’m a chronic challenge seeker and perpetual problem solver.
Thanks to Nick Chandi, PayPie!
#14- New goals and strategies for business growth

With 2018 wrapping up I have been giving a lot of thought into how I would like my business to progress in 2019. I have set new goals for my business so I can stay driven and remain active. I always look to turn each New Year into a fresh start by setting smart attainable goals. Business goals are important because they offer a sense of accomplishment and purpose. In 2019, I am looking to increase contact with new referral sources since my business is heavily referral based. I am looking to significantly pay down and pay off any business loans or debt. We've worked on a plan for reducing expenses in certain areas and growth this year in others. I have begun to prep my business development and marketing team with a clear plan of action and time-frames to complete specific tasks. I am looking to achieve new strategies for business growth and am eager to see what the year will bring. Now is the time to plan and think ahead and the New Year is always exciting as a business owner!
Thanks to Leslie H. Tayne, Tayne Law Group!
#15- Working more in my purpose!

For whatever reason, a lot of people seem to believe that doing something important with their life means that they have to do things they don’t love doing. I’ve found that people are the happiest and most productive doing the things they love. Although I love being an entrepreneur, my true purpose in life is teaching women’s Bible Study. In June of 2019, we are holding a Women’s Retreat in Big Bear. Being around like-minded, Christ-led people excites me and gives me the motivation I need to weather the storm as a business owner. A meaningful and love-filled life is an exciting life.
Thanks to Zondra Wilson, Blu Skin Care LLC!