Understanding what industry stands a chance to succeed in future is helpful in making investment decisions. No one wants their hard work to do go down in the name of a shoddy investment. Technology has proved to have a great driver of the rise of ‘future industries' and those that were previously seen to be tech-proof.
Here's the list of industries with the most optimist future as suggested by entrepreneurs.
#1- Credit and lending

The credit and lending industry has a very bright future, but possibly not as much for the large established financial institutions. With the explosion of apps available to the ordinary person, I expect to see these services extend to the credit industry. This may take shape in the form of micro loans that can be issued by anyone with the capital to spare, while the app itself will act as an intermediary between lender and borrower. The effect of this will be that many people can qualify for loans who normally would not be able to and at lower interest. While this may be bad for the larger banks, this will be great for the industry itself, and I expect to see a great deal of startups.
Thanks to Chane Steiner,Crediful!
#2- Tech industry – software and hardware

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, technology stands at the paramount of development. It is one of those industries, that is never going to fall short of potential. With new innovations constantly at the brim, the demand for newer and better software and hardware will never be an empty cup. As each industry grows, at its own pace and time, advanced technology shows up, making our lives easier. Major tech companies will keep hiring employees, to develop these high-end technologies, and discovering new areas of expertise.
Thanks to Jitesh Keswani, e intelligence!
#3- AI system

By 2030, everything will be controlled by super-efficient computers and every human act will be actively assisted by Artificial Intelligence controlled digital systems. AI-driven computers are already introduced in some specific operations in a few industries, but within the next few years, AI will be used in every required operation in every known industry. Hence, the industry of AI system developers and AI driven systems will be the most promising and revenue producing industry in the near future.
Thanks to Andrei Vasilescu, DontPayFull!
#4- Legal industry

Legal professionals have a lot to look forward to in the coming years. For one, the tech explosion has fueled a revolution in data storage and accessibility. From an attorney’s personal files to the terabytes of case law, legal codes, and public documents, data must be organizable and easily accessible. The strong trend toward the paperless and the creation of legal databases has made it easier than ever to find whatever data you need for a given case. Along with this, blockchain technology is making it safer than ever to store documents online. Cybersecurity is one of our biggest concerns in the legal industry (the regulations and laws governing client-lawyer confidentiality, for example), and blockchain’s ability to store files across a network of computers is one of the most promising advancements in the field. It’s already being adopted by other large businesses and corporations in a variety of industries, and it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing it implemented in legal firms or even government organizations.
Thanks to Lance J. Robinson, The Law Office of Lance J. Robinson!
#5- Cybersecurity in healthcare

Security is the new electricity in healthcare because of the growing cybersecurity threats and HIPAA infraction penalties. But this somewhat scary growth is creating new opportunties for tech companies to protect patients and healthcare providers from the invisible but all too real threat of a data breach. In addition to knowing that their medical information is safe, patients are also demanding better communication from their providers, including instant access to updates and other medical information. The innovation needed to address these demands is what excites me about our industry's future. Whether it's chatbots or HIPAA compliant texting, I feel that we are just now scratching the surface of what these tools can achieve for patients and the healthcare industry as a whole.
Thanks to Krishna Kurapati, QliqSOFT!
#6- CBD

We are working with budding companies in the CBD industry and having great success developing an SEO and content strategy that drives sales. The CBD industry is high margin, quickly changing and offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to start a business with relatively low overhead. CBD products are unregulated at this point, but may start to receive some government oversight – but until that happens, it’s the wild west.
Thanks to Scott Fish, 32° digital!
#7- Environment and sustainability

Among many blooming industries on today’s market, I give a high priority to the environment and sustainability, as well as the application of it to other fields. What I mean by that is, whatever we do in the future, no matter what type of niche, there will have to be a sustainable angle to it. Our planet and eco-system demand it. We won’t be able to act so irresponsibly any more. Our corporate culture has already recognized the importance of sustainable efforts in business, and so did the citizens. There’s a huge potential and a whole new world to discover through sustainability and eco-friendly attitude on all levels. Rockay, our running apparel brand, is founded with exactly these sustainable principles in mind, where our socks and sleeves are made from recycled fishing nets and ocean waste. This is an example of how we all can contribute from our own industries to build a better, sustainable world.
Thanks to Daniel Chabert, Rockay!
#8- Digital marketing

That’s because almost every business in the world is either already online or planning to go online. This has changed the online landscape where less than 10 years ago, very few businesses were online and it was easy to find them online since there was little to no competition in many industries. Within a short time, many businesses have realized the various advantages of having an online presence and so the online world has become much more crowded than it was just 10 years ago. However, most companies haven’t had the time to become familiar with the concepts and practices of online marketing their brand online and these companies find it difficult to “get their voice heard” in such a crowded environment. Digital marketing experts and agencies help businesses cope up, adapt and succeed in this new and challenging landscape of marketing and customer acquisition. They are now not just required, but essential to the survival of many companies around the world.
Thanks to Pulkit Gera, Blogging Done Better!
#9-Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is an industry that is continuing to grow and will see multiple changes for the better as more businesses invest in it. Technology has changed the way people work and go through their life and we help get businesses in front of these people. It is very rare to find someone that does not look up the restaurant that they are going to before visiting or seeing the comments people leave about a business before hiring them. Our industry is going to keep growing and is going to be the difference between your business being the first result on search engines or never being found online.
Thanks to Bryan Pattman, 9Sail!
#10 – Online education

The world of learning is powered by the internet. The same way chatbots have taken over customer service, e-learning is reaching global students at a rapid pace. You Tube proves you can learn any skill DYI style while online courses have consolidated information in digestible chunks at your own pace.
Thanks to Scott Asai
#11- Fitness

The Fitness industry is definitely the one with the brightest future. It has been growing about 4% per year for the past 10 years without any sight of slowing down. There are new concepts and fitness studios popping up left and right anywhere you look!
Thanks to Daniel Nyiri, 4U Fitness!