Being in love is great. Being in love with your business, when you’re an entrepreneur, is even better. Waking up each morning knowing you are getting to do exactly what you love is more than most people could ever say about any “job” they have had. Although there are days when tossing in your hat seems like a viable option, remembering how much you love your “job” can quickly snap an entrepreneur out of that mentality. Different business owners also have different reasons why they love their business. It might be the products or the customers they deal with, or it could even be the fact that they are the ones in charge of it all. The reasons are as varied as the businesses themselves.
We asked some entrepreneurs what they loved about “being their own boss.”
#1- Flexibility

The ability to control my schedule and also the ability to make decisions and determine the direction of the business. For example, one of my passions is helping small businesses, though it can sometimes take these businesses a little time to warm up to the idea of hiring an attorney. Instead of deciding these businesses are a lost cause, I am in charge of the decision to focus some of my time and efforts on educating these businesses about the benefits of working with an attorney to grow and scale their businesses.
Thanks to Shakera Thompson, TKA Law Firm!
#2- Two things

Business owners and founders work long hours, wear several hats, and have high expectations for their performances. It’s refreshing to step away from the 8-5 expectation and still accomplish daily goals and be successful. Once you’re used to creating your own day to day schedule and still see the fruits of your labor, I’d imagine it would be different to ever go back to a shift based position. I take a lot of pride in what I can accomplish while on an untraditional work schedule. Some weeks are longer than others, of course, but it’s worth it when you step back and realize what you’ve created.
Thanks to Emily McNabb Butler, The Good Hippie!
#3- Ability to do what I love

Everyone says their favorite part is making their own schedule, which is true. However, I love being able to do what I love and add as many services as I want to meet my clients' needs and what I'm passionate about. I'm even an owner of another company, MH Event Consulting which is an event and venue consulting company. If I didn't work for myself, I wouldn't have been able to create multiple companies and balance my time between the two.
Thanks to Melissa Hernandez-Erickson, MHeventconsulting!
#4- Determining own limits

You might fail, you might succeed, but at the very least, you decide what direction your life will take. When I used to work in an office, I felt like I was exchanging my freedom for the security of a regular paycheck. Now that I'm a photographer, I have practically no security, but total freedom. And even during hard times like this, I feel blessed that if I want, I can wake up, shake off my negativity, go out and build something great. Depending on the shoot, I might only make a small amount of money, but then again, I might make an excellent amount. The important thing is, I'm in charge, and instead of my reality being decided for me in advance, I go out and create it myself.
Thanks to Benjamin Parks!
#5- Opportunity to push boundaries

Being a female entrepreneur in the tech world shows just how innovation works. The industry is well-known for its numerous male entrepreneurs, but establishing myself as a true contender shows just how quickly things can change when it comes to entrepreneurship. In the beginning, when I was fundraising, I felt as if I needed to go the extra step to showcase my product and to illustrate that this was more than a side hustle or an impulse startup. I was in it for the long haul and, as I began to make my rounds with meetings and calls, I slowly began to realize that I was actually being judged for my merits, and not whether I was male or female. That was a hurdle that I needed to overcome as an entrepreneur – for myself. And now I find that I thoroughly enjoy offering an email client to thousands of customers – on my terms. And I am proud to be a successful female entrepreneur in the tech industry.
Thanks to Andrea Loubier, Mailbird!
#6- Solving a problem for an industry and customer base

Being an entrepreneur allows me to structure the business the way I feel will be most successful. Entrepreneurs get to throw out the traditional mold and cherry-pick the approaches they think work best. For Greenback, this means working remotely, cutting back on meetings, and building strong systems that reduce the need for management oversight. All of this adds up to a greater focus on the customer experience and more value for the people we serve.
Thanks to CarrieMcKeegan, Greenback Expat Tax Services!
#7- Resilience beyond measure

For every yes an entrepreneur receives, you can easily multiply that by about 20 times for a no. However, being resilient means that you will do whatever it takes to receive that one yes, including being innovative, creative and taking chances as if your life depends on it. Plus, the feedback that accompanies a no can be instrumental in devising a new, more successful strategy. So, while every yes is a reason to celebrate, every no creates an environment to learn. This not only makes me stronger as a leader and a business person, but it also rolls over into my personal life and relationships.
Thanks to Alexandra Zamolo, BEEKEEPER!
#8- Giving back to the community

While the last few months have been very difficult, they have demonstrated the incredible way that communities can come together. At our e-commerce company, Moscow Muled, we have long maintained a giving back program whereby we donate 15% of our profits to non-profit groups that work to stop impaired driving. As entrepreneurs, we have the opportunity to make these kinds of contributions every day, which is not always something you get as an employee at someone else's business. We wouldn't give it up for anything!
Thanks to Jenna Green, Moscow Muled!
#9- See the evolution of your work unfold

The sense of triumph that comes with navigating a project through the identification of a problem and a solution to the development of a business that succeeds is incredible. There is no other professional endeavor that provides this sense of full-circle accomplishment! This is why you see a decent proportion of serial entrepreneurs.
Thanks to Aaron Emmel, Pharmacy Tech Scholar!
#10- Creating success on my own terms

Early in life, I was a teen mom and I didn’t take a traditional path to education. But through entrepreneurship, those factors were not deterrents of my business success because winning or losing has always been in my own hands. I love the flexibility entrepreneurship has brought to my life. It is really rewarding to create something that others find valuable. And I appreciate the financial aspect. There is no cap on what you can earn and the stability you can create for your family when you own your business.
Thanks to Tiphani Montgomery, Tiphanimontgomery!
#11- Helping emerging writers

I take pride in knowing I've made something that is helping emerging writers. I feel amazing when I see people engaging with the content I create and talk about it. The most amazing thing I love is I always live out of my comfort zone. Taking risks makes us entrepreneurs. I enjoyed it when people praised me for a piece of work I create, they follow me on social media and talk about it, share it.
Thanks to Bhushan Patil, Bloggerbhushu!
#12- Ability to choose your team

Having an amazing team of photographers whose values fall in line with my business values is a must. This makes it easier to exceed our client’s expectations and increase their satisfaction level. I get to work from home or wherever I want really. I love to go to different places for a different scene and do my work at a cabin, the beach, a new city or visit my sister. My business is set up to where, the majority of the time, I can do my work as long as there is internet service.
Thanks to Leslie Ann
#13- Freedom to be creative and fully engaged

Frankly, it’s boring to be just a cog in the machine. Approaching all work—even if you’re employed by someone else—with an entrepreneurial mindset allows you the freedom to be creative and fully engaged. Of course, it’s a joy creating something real from just an idea—the puzzle of the interconnected pieces is addictive. Solving a real problem by creating something new? What could be better!
Thanks to James Ryan, Time For Homes!
#14- Watching my business grow

I love being a work-from-home entrepreneur and life is never dull. One of the things I love is watching my business grow. I try to set small goals and achieve them step by step. Watching this pan out (most of the time) and see things develop is extremely rewarding. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Thanks to SteveThompson, BootMoodFoot!
#15- Help other people with our product

Entrepreneurship can a bumpy journey with its ups and downs. But being an entrepreneur has a lot of advantages. The most important one for me is to be able to help other people with our product. It's so rewarding to see that our product solves the problems of our users and helps them achieve better results. In those moments, you realize that all your efforts, sacrifices, time weren't in vain. You understand that you're on the right path, and that motivates you to do even more and grow further.
Thanks to Irina Rauchenwald, Supercalifunnelistic!
#16- Ability to do the best

I am always able to make the decisions I feel are best for our employees, our clients and for the long term success of the company. I also love the creative process of starting with nothing and turning it into something amazing. The process to go from one person working alone in a basement to running an energetic thriving business with over 100 employees takes vision, drive and creativity. These are skills you don't always get to utilize when you step into managing a fully operational business.
Thanks to Thomas Mercaldo, Aquinas Consulting!
#17- Diversity

I never know if I will be wearing my marketing hat, finance hat, product development hat, or lawyer hat. Every day is different and requires me to think about the business in different ways. Just when I think I've got a handle on one area, opportunities arise in other areas. There's always something interesting to think about and with that comes excitement. I love that every day is a strategic and learning opportunity.
Thanks to Deborah Sweeney, MyCorporation!
#18- Challenges

I believe the more of an adventure or challenge, the better it helps you in growing. I feel motivated to work as I have a goal and a team to handle in every sphere of the business. Very few people get the opportunity to hold on power, and I believe since I have one, I should invest in the development of not only my business but my team as well. I love it when my clients are satisfied with our services, or my team is happy with the way they are treated.
Thanks to JeevTrika, TopSEOs!
#19- The rush

The best part of being an entrepreneur is the rush (similar to adrenaline) I get when working. I never know what to expect and never get bored. Every day brings me new to-do lists and challenges, and I get that pleasant rush every time I reach a new goal. My work keeps me on my toes while allowing me to do what I love, and that’s the best part.
Thanks to Alex Savy,!
#20- Having a cult-like business

We find ways to connect with our followers and we have a very supportive community. We share our customers' stories to our community so that we act as their voice and empower those who feel weak. I love to relate and listen to our customers' stories and know-how our products help them. Overall, I am just so thankful to have a cult-like business!
Thanks to Daisy Jing, Banish!
#21- Incorporating fundamental changes

I like being an entrepreneur because it allows me to incorporate fundamental changes to problems I witnessed and experienced as an employee. That can range from managerial style to operational practices. For example, in previous firms, tasks and reminders were often written on notepads. Our firm has opted to follow a uniform intake form and process for each file that ensures all files are organized uniformly. Being an entrepreneur means I have the opportunity to improve internal structures that in the end help us deliver overall better results to our clients.”
Thanks to Jordan W Peagler, MKP Law Group!
#22- Unlimited possibilities

As much as I love keeping an organized schedule and checking off items on my to-do list, the immediate adrenaline I feel when something unexpected happens is irreplaceable. New opportunities arise each day, every hour even. Sometimes I wake up to a message that something fell through overnight – time to pivot! Other times I see messages from people congratulating me on what I have accomplished and commending me for the work I am doing. It’s gratifying to see your hard work pay off, and just as rewarding to solve the challenges that come up. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!
Thanks to Isabel Hoppmann, SWEET!
#23- Enacting positive change

I spent years in corporate and governmental work, and in those areas, you spend so much time and energy just begging the higher-ups to let you help people. I can make the choice to do whatever I can or want for my clients. This morning, I got to email a client and let her know that, due to the pandemic-related slowdown, we were preemptively cutting her rates, even though we're under contract at a higher rate and she had not asked us to do so. She was so grateful, and it really didn't hurt me to help her out. I love being able to do that.
Thanks to Courtney Barbee, The Bookkeeper!
#24- Pioneering innovative approaches

For me, entrepreneurship is artistic alchemy – the true joy of pioneering innovative approaches and scalable solutions to address real world problems while building extraordinary empowerment, value and wealth. I believe entrepreneurs have the unique power and perspective to solve many of the world's most pressing challenges, and the social impact mission has always been my North Star. I simply love thinking outside the box, connecting the dots in fresh ways, and inspiring teams of talented people to transform and improve lives. I'm endlessly curious and a voracious learner so I embrace the ups and downs and unexpected twists along the way as opportunities for growth.
Thanks to Melinda Wittstock, Podopolo!
#25- Achieving dreams

I love being an entrepreneur because help first-time entrepreneur makes their dreams of owning a business come true. As an entrepreneur working in branding and marketing, I help first time entrepreneurs with one of the first steps in starting their business. It brings me happiness to see the big smiles when unveiling the final branding and webs designs to my clients. I have even witnessed some of my clients cry while looking at their printed marketing collateral. My job is bigger than me, I am helping others make their dreams come true.
Thanks to Dai Baker