Music can change your spirit. If you’re having a bad day and listen to your favorite song, it can change your entire mood. Music can also help you to get through difficult moments in life. One of the hardest things anyone can ever do is start and run a business. We knew that entrepreneurs have the best playlists and we decided to ask them their favorite tracks.
#1- Don't Stop Me Now

The song that gets me motivated most is Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. It motivates me for basically anything. Getting started with work, during my workouts and even when cleaning the house or cooking! It is a happy song and it always makes me feel good. I also play it before going out or when I'm in a car with friends. It's an instant energizer!
Thanks to Josien Galama
#2- Stuck in the Middle with You

As a work-at-home, homeschooling, blogging and online business momma… I have to RELY on songs to pump me up to get motivated! It doesn't take but just a few seconds when the song, Stuck in the Middle with You – by Stealers Wheel Just enough to put a little pep in your step and calm enough that I don't feel tempted to get up from my computer to rock out in the kitchen!
Thanks to Jessica Burgess, Fantabulosity!
#3- Rudimental – Not Giving In

Rudimental – Not Giving In ft. John Newman & Alex Clare (take a look at the words if you are not familiar with it) This song has a dual motivation for me. When it was released in the United Kingdom on 18 November 2012, I was in the UK caring for my mother who was fighting a battle against stomach cancer that she ultimately lost. I would listen to this daily to find the motivation to move and fight with her despite knowing that I was fighting a fight I could not win. It's since then become what I consider my anthem song. Regardless of an outcome, I will not give in – I just won't. To my last breath, I am not giving in. This song captures this in a nutshell.
Thanks to Nikki Webster, Brit on the Move!
#4- Hustle & Motivate

Nipsey Hussle's song Hustle & Motivate gets me motivated. Business owners tend to confuse hustle and hard work with working long hours on urgent matters. To me hustle is focusing on important, high-value activities that help grow your business like hiring and acquiring new business. As Nipsey says: Passing through stages in life, Through the ups and downs, like it's all just another test. This song reminds me to focus on the right kind of hustle and to motivate myself and others.
Thanks to Ross Albers, Albers & Associates!
#5- Hall of Fame

As a CEO and business consultant, the song that gets me motivated is Hall of Fame by The Script. It is a highly uplifting and hopeful song, and speaks of enormous possibilities available for any person willing to dream big, think big, and do big to be part of the Hall of Fame. It is really not so much on everybody knowing your name but more on people knowing what you have done and what you have accomplished. It's a positively engaging way to tell me that anything is possible.
Thanks to Tehsin Bhayani, AirMason!
#6- Two songs

Depending on my goal, I choose my music. Sometimes it even varies depending on the mood I wake up to. When I need to focus and concentrate myself on a certain task I play a generated music attuned to 432Hz, so as to not distract me with the tempo or lyrics. However, for an energetic day, I love playing some inspirational pop-rock anthems such as Florence and The Machine’s “Dog days are over”, which just lifts me up instantly. Another classic is Arcade Fire’s “Sprawl II”. Basically, any monumental, uplifting, slowly ascending energetic music makes my day.
Thanks to Jack Benzaquen, Duradry!
#7- When I'm Dancin'

As an entrepreneur, especially now that I work mostly by myself at home, I need a lot of energy to stay motivated. I've found that music is one of the ways that I can instantly shift my state and improve my mood. My go-to songs are upbeat songs like Dynamite and Good Day. Recently I also learned of a song by Meghan Trainor called Better When I'm Dancin' and I find it really effective when I don't want to get out of bed or if I'm tired and need an energy boost.
Thanks to Alexandra Figueredo, Mission Based Branding Institute!
#8- Champion by Chipmunk

I have more than one song. I actually have a whole playlist, but on the top of my list is a song called Champion by Chipmunk Featuring Chris Brown. The title of the song says a lot, but listening to lyrics is even better. Its a song about becoming your best self and not taking NO for an answer. This song motivates you to become a champion. It is one of my go-to every once in a while to get motivated.
Thanks to Herby Fabius, Billion Success!
#9- The Seven Nation Army

The Seven Nation Army by the white stripes is my go-to song when I feel overwhelmed by the enormity of my goals! Apart from this being a classic exceptional piece of art, it's music, lyrics beat everything comes together to remind you why you started all this in the first place and to fight off that competition like a champion! It's gritty and defiant and I particularly listen to it when I feel like I am in Mud!
Thanks to Ann Young, Fix The Photo!
#10- Don’t you worry child – Swedish House Mafia

The one song that never fails to get me motivated is don’t you worry child by Swedish House Mafia. We all go through rough phases in life, especially if you’re a businessman like me. Things can get quite complicated most of the time. There are even instances when I feel like just breaking down, simply because things don’t seem to be going as planned. In such circumstances, this song is my forever comforter, something that gives me hope. My favorite phrase from the song is “see heaven’s got a plan for you” and that is exactly what I hold on to every time I have to face a challenging situation.
Thanks to Julien Raby, Thermogears!
#11- Imagine dragons

Whatever it takes 'cause I love the adrenaline in my veins. I do whatever it takes 'cause I love how it feels when I break the chains.' Just these few lines from the song are enough to explain why this is a highly motivating song for anything you wish to achieve in your life. Not just the lyrics, but the music of this song is highly pumping as well. Motivation is important because it gets you going when nothing else does. And nothing motivates you like a song that gives you an adrenaline rush and makes you want to break all the barriers and limitations. I'm a huge fan of Imagine dragons when it comes to motivational songs; their music makes you believe you can bring a revolution unlike anyone else.
Thanks to Grace Woinicz, The Brilliant Kitchen!
#12- Alive by Pearl Jam

Alive by Pearl Jam is one of my favorite pump-up songs. Whether I'm anxious before stepping out on stage at a conference, facing a blank laptop screen while coming up with my next content idea, or down in the doldrums from a year of COVID-19, the soaring guitars and vocals motivate me to get going and inspire me to do what I need to do. And the lyrics are a great reminder – no matter what adversity I'm facing, I'm still alive. We're all still alive.
Thanks to Daniel Burstein, MarketingSherpa and MECLABS Institute!
#13- ‘Stronger' by Sam Feldt featuring Kesha

I think the lyrics are so empowering! The message is about taking life, and its challenges, day by day and to keep pushing and moving forward no matter what anyone says. There's a great lyric about how ‘things tend to change when you don't wanna.' We should not be afraid of changes that come into our lives. Ultimately, they build us up and allow us to accomplish great achievements!
Thanks to Deborah Sweeney,!
#14- What a Feeling

This choice might seem corny but whenever I'm questioning myself or feeling like a need an extra push forward, I like to listen to Irene Cara's What a Feeling, from the 80s movie Flashdance. The very slow, opening line, Just, when there's nothing but a slow glowing dream. reminds me about starting Small Biz Club from just an idea. Then it builds into that incredible pumping chorus, What a feeling! Being's believin'. I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life. Take your passion and make it happen and I just can't imagine anyone who hears that not wanting to jump up and get things done on the spot!
Thanks to Lynda Bekore,!
#15- Parabola by Tool

Whenever I’m having a tough time, I go ahead and put Parabola by Tool on. It’s a song that reminds me to cherish life and that all of the difficult times will, at some point, pass, bringing back joy and happiness. It’s also a fast-paced alternative metal song that gets me pumped up and ready to work. I’m particularly fond of the lines: “Recognize this as a holy gift and Celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing.” This entire piece concerns life and its many struggles, but at the same time, it’s a reminder that life is a gift that we should be grateful for.
Thanks to Jacek Ptak, KrakowDirect!
#16- The Rising

I've been listening to Springsteen's The Rising album every day, for the last eight years or so. And yes, I'm a fan of the band, way back from the eighties. However, their 2002 album was and remains the best Springsteen album in my opinion. Nothing beats the return. Although I love Born to Run as much as every second Springsteen, I adore The Rising'. That's why I play it every day before starting work at the office. Unlike other songs, this song gets me going in a strong way. It makes me rethink the problems. I might have lost track of where I'm going (with all pun intended from the song's lyrics), but it sure helps me get back on track.
Thanks to David Sheppard, hvacjudge!
#17- Happiness by Need to Breathe

Do not be fooled, this is not a song about a happy person, but rather about a person who is haunted by the pursuit of it. I've got dreams that keep me up in the dead of night, telling me I wasn't made for the simple life. I cant scratch the surface of how accurate that is in my own life. Often in the middle of the night, I wake up and just wanna run like Bo Rinehart is doing in this video. I often feel like I can do anything. Like seriously, I think with enough hard work, I can do anything, but the issue in life is not about what you can do, what makes you happy, or håçw to obtain that happiness, but rather what your purpose is. If you have none, you will remain void of joy, and you will live a life in an eternal search for what pleases you. I often forget this, but this song reminds me. It motivates me to seek joy, not happiness.
Thanks to Matt Bowman, Thrive Agency!
#18- Don't Stop Believin' by Journey

The new anthem for Coronavirus survivors, they say. As for me, it is an absolute motivational song that sticks with me! It gives me that push, the right spirit, and that heart to go on. This song reminds me to dream big and don't stop believing in yourself, in the world, and don't stop believing in anything. Don't Stop Believin' has a massive impact; in fact, it's one of the best-selling songs of all time even after 40 years of launching and has been one of the most picked songs because of the classic rock music and the inspirational message. And for all the right reasons, during this pandemic, whenever I hear this song, I am reminded that We're all in this together, and we'll get through this together. This song is built upon fighting for what you believe; do not lose hope, keep the faith, and that success is never too far, even if there are roadblocks; we will conquer, we will survive.
Thanks to Courtney Quigley, Rize Reviews!
#19- Eminem's Lose Yourself!

No matter what situation I am in, whether I am just starting a long workday and need to increase my motivation before getting started, or whether I am in the gym on my way to work and just need that extra boost to be able to hit my personal best! I've always found that hitting personal bests in the gym enable me to hit personal bests when I am working, so a song that helps me do both is extraordinary!
Thanks to Ryan Jones, Land of Rugs!
#20- Started From The Bottom

We all have different things that motivate us. Some are being motivated by their mindset and some are motivated by goals. However, there are a lot of people, including me, who are being motivated by listening to songs. As for me, the best song that motivates me is Started From The Bottom by Drake. This makes me work harder because I want to tell the people who don’t believe in me since day one that I started from the bottom and now I’m here without any help from them.
Thanks to Martin Seeley, MattressNextDay!
#21- Grow
When I desperately need motivation, I turn to math rock. As someone classically trained in music since the age of 5, classic pop/rock chord progressions bore my ears. I really believe my thought processing becomes faster and more inspired when I listen to tracks by my favorite math rock artist, CHON. This band is so painfully nerdy their entire name is an acronym for Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, the building blocks of our universe… and the music never disappoints. I would most highly recommend CHON's album Grow.
Thanks to Annie Ray, Buildingstars!
#22- Eye of the Tiger by Survivor

It's a classic that just gets you ready to take on anything whether it's an important meeting or a big presentation or even just to get through the day. You can never go wrong with Eye of the Tiger. It's my go-to, no fail pump up jam.
Thanks to Alex Keyan, goPure Brands!
#23- Can’t Tell Me Nothing

I actually have a motivation playlist lol. Can’t Tell Me Nothing by Kanye West. There is just something about the phrase “Wait til I get my money right”. It a reminder that all the hard work will pay off. High Hopes by panic at the Disco is my fave! I literally cried once when listening. Favorite part “Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing. Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision”.
Thanks to Alexis Perkins, Chair One Fitness!
#24-Make a man out of you

For me, that song is a classic I heard as a kid. A song that really is hard not to get you pumping and going. It’s a little unconventional but the song that motivates me the most is “Make a man out of you” from the Disney Mulan soundtrack. This song served as the motivation for the main lead in the movie and those motivational sentiments translate well even today. I listen to this song whenever I can to boost my confidence and my motivation to
Thanks to Justin Nabity, Physicians Thrive!