The idea of exactly what your business is going to do usually comes first. Secondly, most often, is giving a title to your idea. What exactly is going to be the name of your business? Some people turn to their childhood for inspiration or a beloved family pet. It could be a made-up word you dream of one night and feel it has the right ring to it. Even still some people study foreign words for the perfect meaning behind their chosen business. Whatever the inspiration or relation may be, the naming of your business is one of the most important parts of becoming a CEO. Having a brand behind a strong title can make all the difference in the world.
#1- Dedication to my cousin

The name To Tony Productions is a dedication to my cousin and close friend Anthony Ranoiccha III, or Tony, as the family would call him. He passed away at the age of 14. So when it came time to form my production company, I wanted it to have meaning beyond myself and so it came naturally to name it after Tony as a dedication. So To Tony, is at the root of the company. It is always a reminder to make each production the best it can be and to carry on the creative spirit that Tony had in his short time on Earth.
Thanks to Daniel Hess, To Tony Productions!
#2- Influence from the past

Our company name, Momentum Property Solutions, was heavily influenced by our previous jobs. My wife and I both worked as mechanical engineers, so we wanted a name that paid tribute to our profession. Momentum is a term that is highly related to engineering, as it relates to motion and dynamics. Not only does our name look back to our history, but it looks ahead to our future goals. Our homeownership programs help people build momentum with their finances, and we hope to continue building momentum in our business for years to come!
Thanks to Jordan Fulmer, Momentum Property Solutions!
#3- What my company represents

I came up with my company's name by envisioning what my company represents and that is an alpha level of customer service and training for me and my agents. A strong work that expresses Alpha is Paramount not only that but our company logo reflects a mountain. We want our clients to feel like out of all the shopping they have done online they finally reached the top of their journey in securing the right product for their families. We always strive to be a cut above the rest in our industry and want to consistently uphold and earn our name. ParamountQuote.
Thanks to Timothy Connon, Paramount Quote!
#4- Easy to say and spell

As an advertising executive, I had to come up with the names of a number of companies. One of the primary rules was that the name should be easy to say and easy to spell. I was required to design the logos for each of the companies. The management team of one of the companies sat down for a brainstorming session. After that, we narrowed the options down to a few. It might be a good idea to discuss with a group of friends to come up with a name for your business. I also inquired with a professor at a university that provided design about accepting the assignment as a practical.
Thanks to Jared Bauman, Photography for Real Estate!
#5- From Facebook profiles

When I originally launched my company and chose to use it to build a SaaS service, a friend and I was discussing the name I should give it. I didn't want to just use my name, and I had a few ideas that had already been taken. It wasn't until a friend reminded me of our service's purpose of creating landing pages for SaaS providers that I almost gave up and decided to just use my own name. Almost out of a joke, Convrrt was born after a quick search for a domain name and Facebook profiles.
Thanks to Kavin Patel, Convrrt!
#6- The company's mission

Our company's business name, Betworthy, stemmed from its mission of making our customer's bets more worthy. Many think that betting is purely about feelings. However, in reality, it has science and maths behind it. We provide a solution to our customer's problems by showing the analyses of all the possibilities that can happen in order for them to decide how best to bet. Much like Dr. Stange and the multiverse, we try to provide all information for them to succeed. Hence, our company name is Betworthy.
Thanks to Scott Hasting, BetWorthy LLC!
#7- By brainstorming ideas

Finding a name for a company has gotten pretty difficult, especially because of it has to check so many boxes nowadays. It has to describe your business to local customers, work for Google and the domain and social profiles have to be available. My business name „Finanzentdecker“ (Finance Explorer“) was created in front of the whiteboard in a long night full of ideas, that just weren‘t good enough. Once we stumbled upon that name, it was immediately clear to us, that we got it. All boxes checked the rest is history.
Thanks to Tobias Gillen, Finanzentdecker!
#8- Describes what we do

My business name is too obvious as it matches our services. Selecting this business name was not a big deal because I knew from the beginning that the name of my company would be according to the services it provides that can give an idea to the general public about what they can expect from the company. However, there are many competitors in this industry providing similar services and have similar names, but I am okay as long as it serves the purpose and is being recognized in the market well enough.
Thanks to Marilyn Gaskell, True People Search!
#9- A merger of two companies

Enventys Partners was born when my company Command Partners, a digital marketing firm, vertically merged with Enventys, a product development firm. The CEO of Enventys, Louis Foreman, and I realized how much synergy there was between our two companies and how much our services complemented each other, so we joined forces to better serve our customers. With that merger, half of each of our business’ names also merged, and that’s how we came up with ‘Enventys Partners’.
Thanks to Roy Morejon, Enventys Partners!
#10- From a naming contest

Our business name is a product of an online naming contest back when we were still starting. Since my co-founders and I haven't agreed on the company name yet, we decided to post in one of the Business Naming Facebook groups that we joined. In this group, business owners can ask the member for suggestions on the business name given the business' niche, vision, and mission. When we posted there, there were a lot of good entries but the best one that really stood out was Academia Labs.
Thanks to Craig Miller, Academia Labs!
#11- By identifying customers demand

I came up with my business name by identifying what our customers fundamentally and uniquely demanded from our Agency at a core value level. I offer online CBT therapy to help addicts overcome their addiction and the key to achieving this is helping them find their ‘aha moment', or insight, into their condition. So, naturally, the name of our business had to be Addiction Help Agency, which magically gives our logo, Aha!
Thanks to Mark Holmes, Addiction Help Agency Ltd.!
#12- Reflection of who I was

When I was creating my business, I was creating it for people like me. I have gone through an experience in which I wished I had been able to receive a certain type of help, which is why I decided to create a business that would do exactly that for others. And since I was creating a business for people like me, I wanted the name to reflect who I was and what I had become all about – a security nerd.
Thanks to Kristen Bolig, Security Nerd!
#13- Combining words

Trying to name a business in the philanthropy tech space was difficult. All the names and variations of names with the obvious words were either taken or too expensive when looking to buy a domain. After days of playing with combinations of words and domain suffixes, I started translating all these common words to other languages. From there I stumbled upon Hedado – which is really two words he dado in Spanish. That translates to I've Given. The best part:, a 6-letter .com was available for $2.
Thanks to Viren Tellis, Hedado!
#14- Adding our initials to what we do

My wife and I co-founded our Web development and digital marketing agency atCommunications, LLC in 1999. Abby is the “a” and I am the “t” in atCommunications. Our logo uses the @ symbol which is ubiquitous in digital marketing. In addition to managing our firm, I have the privilege of teaching a course in entrepreneurship. Every time we meet a client or finish a job on behalf atCommunications, we take a great deal of pride in the fact that the firm we represent is quite literally named for us.
Thanks to Terry Kasdan, atCommunications!
#15- Combining aura with what we do

We thought about what makes our business differentiated and unique from existing companies in the space. We cast actors in commercials, and are taking a business historically built on in-person experience, and transforming it into a virtual experience. It was only natural to name our casting service Aura Casting, because our business is built on being able to experience an actor's aura, the qualities and talents they bring to the table, virtually.
Thanks to Helena Hassen, Aura Casting!
#16- Name of a Coonhound we rescued

In 2012 I was approached to work as a publicist for a writing team; however, I hadn’t given much thought to a business name. We had recently rescued a beautiful Bluetick Coonhound that we named Jethro, and one afternoon, while working on a communications plan, he was sitting beside me looking so regal when the name BlueTick Communications just came to mind. Initially, my logo was the silhouette of a color photo I had taken of him and more than a decade later, while the logo has evolved over the years, the silhouette of that photo still graces my website.
Thanks to Diane M. Buckner, BlueTick Communications!
#17- Reflects my passion

I am constantly speaking, be it to my psychotherapy clients, or my coaching clients, or on the stage giving keynote speeches, or on radio. Not only am I speaking but I am bold (bald as well) unapologetic and very intentional about speaking healing, growth, transformation and regeneration. The name Bold Dialogue was no brainer, it beautifully embraced what I am passionate about, it describes my WHY to the world, and the logo is an epitome of everything I am and celebrates life.
Thanks to Barbara Kamba-Nyathi, Bold Dialogue!
#18- Reflection of my personality

I came up with the name Adaptable Mama by thinking of my goals for my business, as well as what I believe my dominant personality is. I wanted to help moms to become less overwhelmed and less stressed by learning how to become more adaptable via the various articles on my website and I believe I'm adaptable by nature – you can put me in any situation and I will survive and thrive. Hence my business name. 🙂
Thanks to Julie Ann, Adaptable Mama!
#19- From a love of golf

Our company name came from the love of the sport, golf. When we were thinking of what name best to call our company, we knew that we wanted it to show about our skills in golf. Hence, we called it Adept Golf to show that we are the most qualified to help anyone needing guidance in the sport. Since we offer content on the best equipment, training, competitions, and even the correct form in doing the sport, we needed our readers to see that we have good credentials to show for it.
Thanks to Henry Davis, Adept Golf!
#20- Using an acronym

Our business name was almost a product of chance. After a lot of brainstorming, we decided to try again the next day when my business partner suddenly blurted out we can always match Coco and Documents to make a rhyme of sorts. On one hand, we think that the word Coco denotes the period when the business started- it was right at the start of the pandemic. The word Doc sells what the business is about- we are an Saas company with a PDF tool.
Thanks to Alina Clark, CocoDoc!
#21- While brushing my teeth

It might sound funny, but I indeed came up with my business name while brushing my teeth in the morning. I thought about using the last name “XYZ,” but it gets misspelled every time. That’s why I wanted something more attractive and inclusive for a future team. Moreover, I wanted to have some practical references as I have started my career as a heavy equipment mechanic. As I brushed away, the words “XXX” popped into my mind with older grappling thoughts in my head.
Thanks to Cindy Corpis,!
#22- Brainstorming

We spent 2 weeks selecting a business name. Initially, we brainstormed ideas and keywords linked to our main business topic of personal finance and parenting. Then we removed every name that was over 4 words, difficult to spell or just wasn't simple, clever or memorable. We ran the final list of 3 names on Siteground to see what .com domains were available as well as by family and friends. Based on the availability and feedback, we made a decision.
Thanks to Jacqueline Gilchrist, Mom Money Map!
#23- From a combination of words

Our business name came from a combination of things, we used to have a bluetooth marketing business and one of our directors used to work for Yellow page in the UK. When we started our original business was based around using bluetooth hubs to send marketing messages to older style feature phones. It was all about “fishing” for that connection to the phone itself, so the idea of a rod casting a line to the phone was something that seemed relevant. This combined with the fact that Yellow pages in the UK used to run a very famous tv campaign featuring a book called “Fly fishing.
Thanks to Shane McEvoy, Flycast Media!
#24- Connection with past and future

When I established the business in 2012, I wanted to find a name that was not generic, had deep meaning and had a deep connection to the past yet solidified the future. Moving from law enforcement into the private sector was a big step, and once I did not take it lightly. I decided on the name Forseti because it is the Norse God of Justice. Moving from one career to another, it was important to share the vision of Justice and community safety by sharing our name and background in plain sight.
Thanks to Mario Rodriguez, Forseti Protection Group!
#25- Came from two words

Business name is one of the most important parts of branding, that is why it is great to have a nice story behind it. Our project name is Lawrina. This idea came to us because during the negotiation process of selling the previous project our legal team coped with all issues wonderfully. The name “Lawrina” comes from two words, “Law” and “Karina”. Karina Pukaniuk is our Head of Legal, who we appreciate very much we named a portal in her honor!
Thanks to Inna Ptitsyna, Lawrina!
#26- Combining words

SponsorPulse is a first-of-its-kind sponsorship intelligence tool. We came up with our name because we wanted to communicate how we have the pulse on helping companies make sponsorship decisions. Our platform addresses key pain points that exist in our industry that draw parallels to pain points that exist in the world we live in. We focus on bringing transparency to an industry that is synonymous with smoke and mirrors. We make insight accessible to stakeholders of all sizes to level the playing field.
Thanks to Adam Mitchell, Sponsor Pulse!
#27- Going for what I love

Creating and naming is a big part of my role at AfroLovely and in my capacity as a published author. Developing a company name through evaluation of minimalism vs complexity and inspiration vs reasonable. I began AfroLovely with my hair goals as my
inspiration. I wanted my afro to thrive and for me to fall in love with my hair again. It was a simple, yet true story for so many black folks and as such, the name was impressionable and memorable.
Thanks to Sharon Terera, AfroLovely!
#28- Choosing a no-frills name

When establishing our business in the early 2000s, we knew that we had to choose a no-frills brand name that pointed clients to our website as quickly as possible. The name has served us well in this regard. This brand name, when combined with a comprehensive SEO strategy, has allowed us to remain competitive in an extremely sought-after market, despite operating with budgets many magnitudes smaller than major competitors.
Thanks to Teresha Aird,!
#29- Street of my hometown

In my industry most of the interesting, funny or quirky name ideas were already spoken for. I wanted the business name to be meaningful to me, yet still open and relatable to my target market. Keeping all this in mind, it was difficult to settle on something that ‘felt right. Duxford was the street name of the home where I started my business. I set up my 1st creative space in the living room, and it's where my business journey began and flourished.
Thanks to Esme Rogers, Duxford Studios!
#30- Meaning holistic approach

When people managed to get in their shape, they found themselves totally starved of vital nutrients. When they had a balanced diet, they couldn't optimize their shape. I understood that a healthy lifestyle can't be achieved unless a fitness program shapes the mind for positivity and peace besides giving the best shape for the body. So, I planned on a holistic fitness programme that would help people in realising their dreams of eating well but slimming down. Due to the holistic approach, I gave the name ‘Total Shape' which means to shape both your body and mind.
Thanks to Isaac Robertson, Total Shape!