Business coaches are instrumental people in the start and growth of one’s business. Right from writing your story, attracting/retaining clients, and the survival of your business. They can help sharpen your skills and take up a lot more roles. Many entrepreneurs attribute their success to the mere factor that they had a business coach guide them through the process.
Here’s what entrepreneurs had to say about the role a coach plays in their business.
#1- Helps improve towards unlimited potential

In the hands of a high vibration coach, be prepared to transform all aspects of you, including your work/mission, your inner landscape, and your presence in the world. There is no single phrase to properly describe our experience except that with your willingness to go where a skilled coach guides you. With the combination of our coaches' extreme emotional and mental intelligence, my team and I transformed not only ourselves but our work from above average to unlimited potential. It has created a cohesive, loving, and singular focus a oneness of purpose.
Thanks to L. Alexandra Renders, Willow!
#2- As a professional mentor

The coach in my business is a professional mentor for our employees. He has extensive experience in the crypto industry. As the senior management in our business, we saw it fit to bring him on board and pay him not to work but to be a coach to our team. The person has been with us for three months so far and we are proud of the progress he has inspired in our team so far. We have been able to see a tremendous improvement in productivity and some of that success is attributed to the efforts of that coach.
Thanks to Jonathan Merry, Bankless Times!
#3- Teaches to use tools to better understand my team

We’re all drawn to working with certain personality types over others, but as a CEO, working well with those you don’t naturally mesh becomes the difference between success and failure. I’ve used a coach to help me be an effective leader and teammate by uncovering my natural tendencies and assumptions and working against them. If I tend to communicate much differently than a teammate, I need to meet them where they’re at and compromise. My business coach shows me how to use tools to better understand my team and create even stronger working relationships.
Thanks to Jack Underwood, Circuit!
#4- Helps me get to know my professional self

We're all biased, especially when it comes to ourselves. As a leader, I can't afford to miss my blindspots. While I regularly ask employees and other managers for feedback on my performance, having an unbiased third party that doesn't work as my subordinate has been critical to my development. My coach looks at how others see me, assesses their perception of my work, and presents it to me in a digestible way. Having a business coach has helped me get to know my professional self on a deeper level.
Thanks to John Li, Fig Loans!
#5- Helps me keep on the path

No matter who we are, our status, our position, or our family, we are all human and we most often get in our own way, we stop ourselves from achieving our goals or living to our potential. Our self-talk/our ego, we all have those loud voices in our own heads. A coach helps keep someone on the path when they veer off, don’t think they can do it, or question their dream. Coaches are neutral and don’t get caught in your story of why you can’t. They see the potential, the end goals and they help you see it too.
Thanks to Angelica Rains, insearchsf!
#6- Helps in strategizing, planning, and executing

Our main executive coach plays a vital role in strategizing, High-Level, Planning, and executing our business plans. Without him, we would potentially. Our coach is the one who makes sure that we are always at the forefront of new technology and he isn't afraid to take risks nor tell us where we are completely wrong. He is always looking for new opportunities to grow our company. He makes sure that we have the right people in the right place at the right time. He also oversees our training and development program to make sure that our employees are always learning and developing their skills.
Thanks to Tomek Młodzki, PhotoAiD!
#7- As a ‘compass' that helps navigate

Having a coach or mentor is essential when building a business. A business coach is like a compass that helps you navigate the ins and outs of the entrepreneur world. For the better part of this experience, you do things on your own, be it investing, finding suitable investors, curating an impressive clientele, etc. but having someone to see you through all this and having their knowledge and experience as aid can prove to be a
cornerstone in your career. The journey of building a business is a turbulent one, and having someone you can turn to for guidance and support is imperative.
Thanks to Jason Vishnefske, Santa Barbara Chocolate Company!
#8- Helps map out my strategy

My coach has assisted me to map out my strategy according to my goals and objectives, so I can work arduously on the right path to acquire success. He has detailed plans on what I must do weekly and monthly to achieve success. He has also helped to alleviate my mindset. Whenever I faced any hardships, he would talk me out of them, raise my self-awareness, and assist me to overcome. The coach is a mentor that provides everything I need to be successful.
Thanks to Brian Clark, United Medical Education!
#9- Assist in realizing the company's vision

A business coach assists in realizing the company's vision by first broadening the perspective. He is revered and sought after for his knowledgeable advice by everyone, including the founder and the CEO. He sets an example for others to follow so that the organization can advance. The coach offers advice on how to row unanimously for greater outcomes as well as assists in steering the organization in the right way.
Thanks to Rick Nehora, California law firm!
#10- Helps in envisioning the future

Every business owner has a very significant vision in his mind for which he has built the business and moving forward. Coach plays the role of a visionary for not only me but for any other business. A coach helps in envisioning the future of the business and helps the organization to make it true in the most optimum way. They help us to build the path for making our vision come true and cope with all the challenges that come our way to
achieve it.
Thanks to Jeremy James, Blue Water Climate Control!
#11- Helps us identify opportunities

One of the greatest benefits of having a business coach for our company is the increased revenue and profits that come with it. Fortunately, our coach has helped us optimize our business processes effectively in the past few years, which made our revenue statistics jump 10x higher, which was an incredible feat for a newly launched startup of only 5 years. Our coach helps us in optimizing our revenue-generating activities that maximize our business opportunities big time!
Thanks to Erin LaCkore, LaCkore Couture!
#12- Helps in the process of goal setting

Having greater clarity on business goals is a prerequisite for any successful business. Our business coach readily helps us by reminding us of both our short-term and long-term business goals. Not only do they remind us about our goals, but they also help in the process of goal setting. This makes the entire workflow directed in a specific direction. Bringing the right direction, purpose, and focus in everything we need to bring a
brighter future for our company and our business coach has been actively helping us in this process.
Thanks to Erin Mastopietro, Dope Dog!
#13- Helps with time management

Having a coach in our business really helped with time management. Since we are a newly built startup, juggling multiple tasks is an everyday struggle. Our coach simplified it by offering effective and practical solutions to our business that makes our workflow productive each day. We get a clearer vision of how to manage multiple tasks while still maintaining maximum efficacy. Our business coach also helps us in maximizing the efficacy of our employees by reducing their burnout and exhaustion in the workplace.
Thanks to Leonardo Gomez, Try Runball!
#14- Provides with best knowledge and advice

A coach is someone who trains and guides us to develop our skills and this person is meant to be someone insightful. They should have accurate knowledge and understanding of everything going on in the organization. We all know the key responsibilities of a coach, but there is one thing that always goes unnoticed, and that is their contribution. We say that ‘coaches don't play, but the truth is that they do. They contribute to the organization by giving you the *best advice* and opinions based on their knowledge and experiences.
Thanks to Nathan Hughes, Art Ignition!
#15- Keeps me accountable

A coach motivates and keeps you accountable as he guides you in growing your business or profession. He provides the right tools and guidance to plan strategically for success and sets deadlines or a timeframe to keep you moving forward to your goals. A coach helps you identify the root cause of problems that hinder business growth. Through expert questioning and guidance, he assists you toward the best solution that aligns with your company’s values and direction.
Thanks to Peter Hoopis, Peter Hoopis Ventures!
#16- As an instructor

They provide individual learning opportunities based on the requirements of the person they are working with. As opposed to instructing a class of students, they frequently work one-on-one. Typically, they collaborate with individuals to provide pertinent field guidance while working side by side. Instead of providing instruction or teaching, they
are seen as guides to advance from one level of ability to another. A coach's responsibilities are frequently conflated with those of a teacher or mentor. To make it obvious how coaching can be applied it is crucial to differentiate between the three.
Thanks to Chun-Kai Wang, Snake.IO!
#17- Helps keep me on track

A coach's role is to keep you on track and help you make decisions that will get you where you want to go. They have a lot of experience and insight into what works and what doesn't, so they can help guide your choices in a way that keeps them aligned with your vision for the future. When I was first starting out in business, I had no idea how to run a business, or even what kind of business I wanted to run. My coach helped me see where my strengths were and how to use them so that I could focus on growing my strengths instead of wasting time trying to fix my weaknesses.
Thanks to Anthony Vaccaro, TimeWatch!
#18- Teaches us how to communicate

Our organization teaches us how to communicate with consumers so that they would buy homes from us. We also get to practice new communication techniques. We are also taught important ideas. This training is often delivered in a theoretical setting with little practical reinforcement. As a result, we must visualize crucial concepts and learn from the examples offered. We also receive emotional assistance to help them discover their dream home.
Thanks to Samantha Odo, Precondo!
#19- As a supplement to our management structure

We use the role of the coach as a supplement to our management structure. We want to make sure our employees feel supported and encouraged on a personal level, without instituting cumbersome layers of management (many of whom may have little experience or interest in mentoring). Our coaches help our employees to plot their career paths and take training that will not just help them in their current position, but in future positions as well. The coach provides moral support and accountability, ensuring each employee feels valued as an individual.
Thanks to Dr. George B. Lankford, NeoMax!
#20- As an invaluable resource

My coach is an invaluable resource in my business. I make a point to ask her specific questions and she always offers practical advice that stems from her wealth of experience. The best part is she will lay out all the potential pitfalls and benefits of the options I’m considering. She will never try to dictate or overpower my decisions, rather she helps me in taking informed decisions. Whatever my queries are she always listens
patiently and encourages me to take the plunge.
Thanks to Karthik Manoharan, WeCodee Innovations Pvt. Ltd!
#21- Empower employees

As a CEO and founder of my own business, I also actively take on the role of coach for myself and my team. We all get days where we lack motivation or stress gets the better of us, especially when there is a lot going on at work. This is where I step in as a coach – I am there to listen to any problems and offer any advice if it's what my team needs. My business aims to empower those with diabetes into making the most out of their lives, and my role as a coach in my business extends this message in a different form.
Thanks to Christel Oerum, Diabetes Strong!
#22- Teaches us how to use tools

Our coach has one clearly defined role in our business, and that is to teach all of our content writers how to use every item of tactical and survival equipment that we sent to review and talk about, properly and effectively. As an ex-Special Forces operator, our “coach” is familiar with ninety-nine percent of the equipment that we rate and evaluate for our customer and consumer base, and we couldn’t function, and wouldn’t be in
business without him.
Thanks to Matthew Osborn, Legionary!
#23- Helps me make better decisions

I have been working with my coach for a little over a year now. The first thing that impressed me about her was how quickly she got to know the ins and outs of my business. She asked questions, listened attentively, and then offered feedback that was spot-on. She has an amazing ability to see things from multiple perspectives. One of the most important things that I've learned from her is how much time it takes to make good decisions.
Thanks to Matt Marshall, Coffee Witness!
#24- Keeps me focused on my vision

Having a coach is like running a business on training wheels. The coach didn't tell me exactly what to do, but through thoughtful questions and conversations, he guided me to the right decisions and steps to take. Ultimately, I didn't need those training wheels anymore. A coach kept me focused on my vision and goals and on track with my business plan. He gave advice when changes were necessary.
Thanks to Kevin Huang, Ambient Home!
#25- Helps me with setting goals

In my business, we have worked with a coach for corporate coaching. It helped with setting clear goals and communicating them to every employee and manager for subsequent achievements. Corporate coaching sessions have also improved systematic interaction between the head and employees of the company and helped with the development of corporate culture. In my opinion, a business can function without a coach. But a good mentor really helps with seeing new perspectives.
Thanks to Manick Bhan, LinkGraph!
#26- Assist me to stand back, scan, and evaluate

There are just so many tasks that need to be completed each day in order to construct the systems of your company, and there are always so many shiny objects waiting to catch your attention. You will receive assistance from a coach, and only then can you determine where you want to go and develop a plan to get there. *The coach serves the entrepreneur, not the company, as a tool for daily improvement. One day, if you continue to improve, you won't need a coach to certify that your goals are appropriate.
Thanks to Sam Underwood, Bingo Card Creator!
#27- Plays an advisory role

My business coach plays an advisory role for me. I believe that no matter how much success you gain, you can do it with a bit of advice from others. So, I always consult my coach before making critical decisions. He guides me to do what is right for my business's growth. It helps me gain a clearer perspective of my company's goals and mission. I can even go as far as to say that my coach keeps me grounded. As a result, I can grow not only professionally but also on a personal level.
Thanks to Elisa Bender, RevenueGeeks!
#28- Helps to overcome weakness

A coach helps me identify and overcome obstacles, set and achieve goals, and develop and implement strategies for success. He helps me identify my strengths and weaknesses, and helps me develop a plan to overcome my weaknesses. He also helps me set goals and strategies to achieve those goals. Through his support, accountability, and guidance, have been able to overcome challenges and achieve my desired results.
Thanks to Phi Dang, Sidepost!
#29- Helps implement financial decisions

I'd say the role of a coach in our business is to help us implement financially literate decisions. Our business coach helps us conform to current societal trends and break them down into digestible particles so that we get to perceive them easily and, in turn, draw data from them. We are able to acquire a positive return with our business coach. With wiser financial decisions, I think that it functions as the backbone of our tech business.
Thanks to Danny Trichter, Accessibility Checker!
#30- As a sounding board, and a cheerleader

As a business owner, I wear a lot of hats. I'm the CEO, CFO, HR manager, and office janitor all rolled into one. It's a lot of responsibility, and sometimes I feel like I'm in over my head. That's when my coach comes in. My coach is like a sounding board, a reality check, and a cheerleader; all rolled into one. She helps me stay focused on my goals and provides an invaluable outside perspective. She has helped me grow my business in ways I never would have thought it possible. I can't imagine running my business without her by my side.
Thanks to Shaun Martin, Cash For Houses!