Choosing a business name is a crucial step in establishing your brand identity. A well-crafted business name communicates your values, sets the tone for your brand, and is often the first impression customers have. It should be memorable, relevant to your industry, and ideally, convey a sense of what your business stands for. Striking a balance between creativity and clarity is key. A strong business name can leave a lasting impact, fostering recognition and trust among your audience.
We asked CEOs and business owners how they came up with their business names. Here are a few responses:
#1- Through a FB discussion

I came up with my original business name (Crazy Cat VA) as a result of a Facebook discussion. I'd made a comment about not having thought of a business name. After that, I said something about being the crazy cat lady, and the response was “There's your business name”. When I decided to rebrand, I wanted my business name to reflect my service offerings more, but I still wanted something quirky. So, I decided to keep the word ‘crazy' in my business name but drop the ‘cat' reference, to make it clear that I don't offer pet-related services (but my love for animals is still there!)
Thanks to Rachel Amies, Crazy Digital Creative!
#2- Name that creates a positive anticipation

When deciding on a business name, I like to come up with names and phrases that are a play on words. Either by combining two words or slightly tweaking a common name. All my previous and current business names I have come up with follow this same exact format and pattern. “Apptimistic” – Apptimistic is a No-Code software development agency. Apptimistic is again a portmanteau of “app” and “optimistic.” I wanted to create a positive anticipation specifically related to the potential success or impact of software applications.
Thanks to Shammika Munugoda, Apptimistic!
#3- Combination of core traits and technology

I came up with the name TechnoLynx when combining our focus on technology with the core traits of the Carpathian lynx. Native to Hungary, just like our business, we identify with the lynx because it is a formidable predator in its own right—despite its relatively small size compared to other big cats. I like to think that our small team channels the strengths of the lynx—focus and efficiency—to deliver the best results for our clients, despite our size. The lynx is so fundamental to the identity of our brand that, in 2021, we adopted two lynxes at the Miskolc Zoo to help ensure the preservation and long-term survival of this beautiful species.
Thanks to Balázs Keszthelyi, TechnoLynx!
#4- Words that resonate with the target audience

I was launching a new body care brand for teenage boys. Despite their mums being the primary purchasers – the teen boys needed to “buy into” the brand I was launching, and this was crucial. What words resonate with these boys? The word GOAT truly has been championed by teens in a positive light and I knew this needed to be captured in my brand. My brand is also heart-led and despite launching with natural deodorant products – the essence behind the story is highlighting how awesome our teen boys are (most of the time!) and hence the word NEON – creatively delivered upon this theme of shining a bright light on our Greatest of All Time.
Thanks to Jackie Baron, Neon Goat!
#5- A representation of strength, beauty and positive change

The name started to evolve in 2012 when I got a dragonfly tattoo as I love what the dragonfly represents – strength, beauty, and transformation. Fast forward to 2021 when I started my business and when I wrote my first book, both focussing on positive, healthy change. As a transformation coach (and former corporate lawyer), I now help busy, stressed-out women in their 30s and beyond make healthy changes in their lives so that they can look, feel, and perform at their best. My approach is underpinned by the values the dragonfly represents – strength, beauty, and positive change.
Thanks to Dee Matlok, Dragonfly Life Coaching!
#6- I showcased the unique self of clients

My business name, Scribbly Gum Photography has been inspired by the unique patterns on the Scribbly Gum Tree. As a whole, these patterns and scribbles are beautiful, and when looking closer each design is so incredibly individual. I am coming up to 7 years of business in a few months and this individual approach to my portrait photography work is based on learning about each individual and creating images that showcase their unique self. It's a highly personalized approach, where my clients feel seen and heard.
Thanks to Rachel Lee, Scribbly Gum Photography!
#7- A need to surrender to uncontrollable aspects

Through both personal and business challenges at one point in my life, I knew that I needed to surrender to the things I could not control. A calmness of spirit through the turmoil was the result of that understanding. Indeed, the very definition of “surrender” is to give (oneself) over to something (such as an influence), to yield. Combined with the understanding that surrender is then a “natural' part of life – and I already had an avid interest in all things natural for food and body product choices – Natural Surrender was born.
Thanks to Megan Knight, Natural Surrender!
#8- From a technique called ‘Wax-On, Wax-Off'

Our uniquely named mobile car wash service finds its inspiration in the iconic ‘Wax-On, Wax-Off' technique from the classic Karate Kid movie. The playful homage encapsulates our ethos perfectly: blending a touch of humor with the serene, methodical approach we bring to car care. The name reflects not only our efficient and professional service but also the meticulous attention to detail reminiscent of a martial artist's discipline. It's a reminder that in every finishing touch, we're not just cleaning cars; we're bringing that zen feeling to our customers.
Thanks to Sam, WoWo Washing!
#9- Showcase creativity

As a graphic designer, I needed a name that not only alluded to what my business did but also sounded creative. After a brainstorming session provided a list of roughly a hundred names, I pared it down to half a dozen that all worked, but it was literally down to what names were available to be registered and were available as domain names. I did consider using my own name for the business, but having someone else with the same name already in business as a well-known architect, meant it was likely to be confusing for people, and using your own name does mean selling the business sometime in the future is a little bit more difficult.
Thanks to Nicholas Turner, Bitten By Design!
#10- By taking the most salient identities

When Joelle Murchison was thinking of a name for her Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Leadership Consulting firm, she took two of her most salient identities: a mom of four and an executive with corporate and combined them into ExecMommyGroup. It was rebranded to EMG and has been thriving with this new, less limiting moniker. The firm provides strategic DEI assessments, workshops, top-shelf leadership guidance, and strategies for organizations facing the DEI backlash. Joelle will certainly also coach executive mommies.
Thanks to Judy Hartling, EMG advancing understanding!
#11- On a dinner table

After coming up with the purpose and intent of the company, I started thinking about names. I didn’t want it to be generic just my name or initials. I was eating dinner with my kids and we were talking about it and after some ideas came out my son said that since he and his sister played baseball/softball why not something around that. We came up with the idea that since both sports have 9 players in the lineup, how about something around that. After more discussion, we came up with Project 9, and life was added as my coaching business is centered around life goals and aspirations.
Thanks to Todd Baker, Project 9 Life!
#12- It is a direct reflection of me and my services

My business name, Vent to Reinvent, is a direct reflection of me and my services. First, I wanted something that would be catchy, so I wanted it to be alliterative, creative, and rhyming, The name includes the core elements of my mindset coaching, which are disclosure (the venting piece) but there is no point to venting unless you are planning to use the information shared to help make adjustments that will move you forward (the reinvent piece). Everyone needs space to get things off their chest, but you have to do so in a context where it will help you make change. That’s exactly what my coaching provides.
Thanks to Dr Rebekah Wanic, Vent to Reinvent!
#13- To combine business with personal branding

My business is named after me and here are the reasons for that: (1) avoid limiting my business to a niche. I started with a specific niche but because it doesn't have a niche-limiting name I can later expand or pivot if necessary without the need for another name, (2) combine my business with personal branding. People love and buy from people, so building my personal brand under which I sell my products and services makes the marketing more effective, and (3) avoids the nightmare of looking for a name that has not already been used by another business online.
Thanks to David Celestin
#14- To reflect our ethos

Yaye, pronounced Yah Yah, holds deep significance for our brand. Yaye translates to “Big Sister.” This choice reflects our ethos as a 100% Indigenous-owned business rooted in the traditions and wisdom of First Nations Australians. Our brand, led by women, aims to address everyday skincare concerns by harnessing the potency of Bush Medicine extracts. We embrace the role of a Yaye, offering support, guidance, and education, mirroring the nurturing and protective qualities associated with a Big Sister. We strive to empower and uplift women, embodying the spirit of Yaye in every aspect.
Thanks to Melissa Cole, YAYE BATH BODY BEAUTY!
#15- Encapsulates holistic approach

When I was brainstorming for a name for my fitness and wellness business, I wanted something that encapsulated the holistic approach I envisioned for helping individuals achieve their health goals. “TotalShape” resonated with me because it embodies the idea of shaping not just the physical body but also the overall well-being. I believe that true fitness goes beyond mere physical appearance; it involves nurturing mental and emotional health as well. By choosing TotalShape as the business name, I wanted to convey the message that we're dedicated to fostering a complete transformation.
Thanks to Benedict Ang, TotalShape!
#16- The essence of what we offer

As the owner and director of Festoon House, choosing the right name for my business was a crucial decision that required careful consideration. I wanted a name that reflected the essence of what we offer: high-quality, long-lasting lighting solutions that enhance a variety of spaces. After extensive brainstorming and consideration of various options, I chose “Festoon House” because it perfectly captured the aesthetic and purpose of our products. The term “festoon” conjures up images of decorative lighting arrangements. Plus, “House” evokes a sense of home and a comfortable environment.
Thanks to Matt Little, Festoon House!
#17- Reflection of Croatian culture

Fjaka (fee-yah-kuh) holds a special spot in our hearts as our favorite Croatian word, embodying our business motto of ‘relax indulge explore' to perfection. While it doesn't quite translate directly into English, it captures the essence of ‘the sweetness of doing nothing' or ‘the subtle art of not giving a ****.' We picked this name for our sailing tour business because fjaka reflects a lifestyle deeply ingrained in Croatian culture, where locals excel at doing as little as possible during their fjaka time. The name has enough ‘what?!' factor to intrigue people, and when they find out what it means, they never forget it and love it.
Thanks to Eliot Davenport, Fjaka Sail!
#18- Reflection of a safe and welcoming environment

Choosing the name “Cafely” was a bit of a journey for us. We wanted something that captured the essence of what we were trying to achieve with our café. We had a lot of ideas, but “Cafely” just seemed to fit. It's a combination of “café” and “safely,” and it perfectly reflects our dedication to providing a welcoming and secure environment for our customers. It's also memorable and catchy, which is always useful in a crowded café market. So, it felt like the perfect fit for our brand identity, encapsulating our values and the experience we want to provide to our customers.
Thanks to Mimi Nguyen, Cafely!
#19- While pulling Scrabble tiles

Waxtie is our first company and I knew nothing about branding, marketing, or anything. So I was looking for a short name, that had never been used before in the company house, never had the domain names registered before, and wasn’t an anagram or acronym (there are too many of those) and after months of thinking and searching, Sarah and I sat down and started pulling Scrabble tiles out to see if it would provide inspiration. After several hours “Waxtie” came out of the bag and we thought why not, professional and flexible. SharpFit for Life was a lot simpler, as it does what it says.
Thanks to Martin Sharp, Waxtie!
#20- Something that aligned with our vision

We wanted something unique to search for. We changed our name from MuralsWallpaper; which was very literal and SEO lucrative; to Hovia, which aligned much better with our ambition, values, and purpose, but also our persona as a home decor brand. We wanted something that sounded friendly, non-elitist, and easy to say in our target markets, but that also made it easier for us to track and report on branded searches. We wanted a single word with no existing associations or meanings that would allow us to really ‘own' it. In terms of pronunciation, it's Ho-(like go)-via.
Thanks to Richard Wilde, Hovia!
#21- Something that helped in brand continuity

Initially, our company went by the name “CX Exhibits.” That's no longer the case, as we rebranded several years ago now. We changed our name to “Cardinal Expo,” which has several benefits. Chief among them is the fact that this new name more accurately captures the full scope of our offerings. Beyond mere exhibit design, we offer a comprehensive suite of trade show services, overseeing every aspect of exhibit management from start to finish. Importantly, this transition was smooth by retaining our “CE” initials in the new company name. This aided in brand continuity and recognition among our existing clientele.
Thanks to Thomas Samuels, Cardinal Expo!
#22- Reflects our mission to democratize healthcare

When we were thinking of our company name, Carepatron, we wanted something to reflect our mission to democratize healthcare for both practitioners and patients and be able to facilitate a culture of care. A brand name represents an organization's identity, making it a tough but exciting decision to make. When we settled with Carepatron, it simply felt right. It represents our aim to become stewards of the healthcare culture we want to uphold and it's nothing complicated, just like how we want our services to feel when our clients use it.
Thanks to Jamie Frew, Carepatron!
#23- A random moment

When we were first starting up a market stall selling Greek food, we didn't have a name until almost right before we exhibited. Then one day I was in the car with my then-boyfriend, now fiancee and business partner. I told him I was ‘so lucky' to have him in my life, and he then came back with ‘souvlaki? where, souvlaki?' Then a few days later we heard Kylie Minogue's ‘I Should be Souvlaki' on the radio and instinctively both sang ‘I Should be Souvlaki'. And the rest is history.
Thanks to Emma, I Should be Souvlaki!