The idea of exactly what your business is going to do usually comes first. Secondly, most often, is giving a title to your idea. What exactly is going to be the name of your business? Some people turn to their childhood for inspiration or a beloved family pet. It could be a made-up word you dream of one night and feel has the right ring to it. Even still there are some people who study foreign words for the perfect meaning behind their chosen business. Whatever the inspiration or relation may be, the naming of your business is one of the most important parts of becoming a CEO. Having a brand behind a strong title can make all the difference in the world.
#1- We focused on strategy

Since we offer strategy and guidance for clients, we didn't want to have marketing in our name since that would corner us as a category instead of a service-based business. After thinking through many options, we chose StrategyBeam because it reflected the fact that we focus our approach to marketing on strategy. We also provide laser-focused guidance to clients like a beam of light, so we wanted to include that element in the name. We are happy with StrategyBeam since it reflects what we offer clients and the level of detail we bring to every project.
Thanks to Chris Giarratana, StrategyBeam!
#2- We began referring the property owners

When we told some friends about our experience, we began to hear from property owners who said they only wanted to rent out their homes part-time but couldn’t find any property manager willing to let them do that. We heard this so often that we began referring to these property owners as “Weekenders.” So, when we decided to launch a property management company that offered greater flexibility to property owners, it made sense to call ourselves Weekender Management.
Thanks to Garrett Ham, Weekender Management, LLC!
#3- The name should say what we do

I wanted my business name to be crystal clear for people to understand by the name what we do. Fast title loans were exactly what I was looking for. One of the struggles I had was finding a company that would take our kind of loan and let us be the kind of person we are today. I was always afraid that they would go somewhere else because we wouldn't be able to give them what they needed. We have changed so much as a company making sure our clients are happy and getting exactly what they need.
Thanks to Maria Saenz, FastTitelLoans!
#4- Aspire to improve ourselves

“Gr0” came from the idea that any of us can aspire to improve ourselves gradually every day. We are a digital marketing agency that helps our clients “grow” their website traffic and Google ranking to help scale their business. Each of us at Gr0 values gradual gains and earned rewards, and we are naturally motivated to help our clients do the same. Even if it’s only by 1% a day, any of us can strive to be a little better than we were
Thanks to Kevin Miller, Kevin Miller!
#5- Looked for something straightforward

My business is officially known as USScrapyard. When I first started thinking about my business, I was looking for something straightforward and applicable to the services my company provides. It occurred to me that there must be a yard where we may gather scraps and lend our support to the regular people in this way, and so the thought entered my head. Because of this notion, I came up with the name ScrapYard, and when I decided to focus my business on the United States, I added the US to the name, making it USScrapyard.
Thanks to Hannah Dworkin, USScrapYard!
#6- Make it clear to people

I wanted my business name to be both self-explanatory and something that didn't limit future expansion. A best practice when choosing a business name is that it should make it clear to people what you do while also leaving you plenty of room to maneuver and make changes to your business model or niche positioning over time. Striking a balance between the two is what I was ultimately after.
Thanks to Alex Gillard, nomad nature travel!
#7- My three-step process

I have a 3 step process every time I try to think of a business name. First, I brainstorm possible names with, an AI-driven business name generator. All you do is input a keyword related to your niche and select the type of names, such as a short brand name like Google, a combination of words, or an alternate spelling like Lyft. Next, I use to check if the domain name with dot com is available. And last, I use to see if all the social profiles I want are available.
Thanks to Kaya Harwood, Simply Self Sufficient!
#8- Our desire to help more people

Naturally, inspiration for the name of my business was drawn from the value we offer in the Mindset industry. Our business model is based on our desire to help more people create sustainable wealth and in so doing, develop healthy habits and great examples of leadership that could easily be transferred to the next generation. My first consideration was having an exit strategy in mind, as it makes sense to leave a legacy. My second is to have no limitations on what, where, and when we offer any of our experiences.
Thanks to Morgan McArthur, Millionaire Mind Events!
#9- I use the power of the mind

I needed an international name for my company (the Dutch name didn’t translate very well). Since I use the power of the mind to help my clients, the URLs were still available and I loved the .coach domain, I came up with the name PowerMindcoach. My business coach thought it was a good name, but not perfect. It said more about me and there are numerous coaches out there. He suggested the name should indicate what your clients are getting, so after a little brainstorming, we came up with Millionaire Life Strategy.
Thanks to Erwin Wils, Millionaire Life Strategy!
#10- Characterizing perfection

Characterizing perfection, the name “Leena AI” is inspired by the Swedish model, Lena Forsén, who is synonymous across the globe as the standard test image in the field of digital image processing. Lena’s photograph first appeared in 1972, and since then, it has become one of the most widely used standard test images and still continues to be recognized as one of the most important events in the history of electronic imaging.
Thanks to Adit Jain,!
#11- The name must reflect the product or services

The name must reflect the product or services that I offer so that just by reading it people know what we do. The name must be easy to remember but a little quirky to highlight our creativity. After much brainstorming, I finalized five names for my company which in my view were the best, and then I asked my family and friends to vote for the best. I even asked some of them why they liked a particular name more than the other so that I could get everyone's views and make the right choice.
Thanks to Madilyn Hill, TruePersonFinder!
#12- I focused on how our clients feel

I focused on how our clients feel when they purchase and use our products. Our company revolves around upgrading our clients' home environment so they feel relaxed, comfortable, and pampered. I researched words related to these concepts and found ‘ambient,’ which means ‘encircling’ or ‘enveloping.’ ‘Home’ evokes the feeling of a sanctuary, a place of comfort and security. The name Ambient Home was thus born to convey this encompassing atmosphere of peace and relaxation in the home.
Thanks to Kevin Huang, Ambient Home US!
#13- Name that grabbed the significance

When I first kick-started my consulting practice, I always wanted a business name that grabbed the significance of accomplishment and reaching for higher goals. I was coaching my son’s football team, and it was at a practice that the business's name popped up in my mind. We talked about how moving the ball side to side was good for control, but to achieve that yearning score, we needed to move the ball vertically down the field. So, the word vertical is what I have been looking for.
Thanks to Stella Cooper, PaydayLoansUK!
#14- The name should be memorable

Squishface is a line of dog skin care products with a focus on wrinkly breeds. In trying to come up with a brand name I needed to make sure that it 1) indicated who the products are for – parents of Squishface type dogs that generally have shorter snouts and more facial wrinkles & thus would use our products and 2) it is memorable. Our flagship product – Squishface Wrinkle Paste – is fun to say and rolls off the tongue well, which means that it will stick in a potential customer's mind better than a more generic name.
Thanks to Kristin Waite, Squishface!
#15- It should refer to your business

It refers to when a plane has taken off and the landing gear (wheels)are retracted (up) to make the plane more aerodynamic for the main part of the flight. It's something my dad a pilot for 30 years used to say when he was trying to organize our family around one of his plans. But it kind of fits with what we are trying to do at Wheels Up Collective too-help B2B tech get their own proverbial “wheels up” and their marketing programs of the ground
Thanks to Amy Winner, Wheels Up Collective!
#16- I coined my business name

I coined my business name from the services my brand offers. EasySearchPeople is a robust website that makes it easy for people to find their loved ones using some personal keywords and data. Before choosing easysearchpeople, I had other name suggestions from friends, but none captured what my business was about totally. It took some days of Photo Credit: Maria McDowell brainstorming and analyzing what my business stands for to come up with the name EasySearchPeople.
Thanks to Maria A. McDowell, EasySearchPeople!
#17- I was fascinated with the word yard

I’ve always wanted to own a car-demolition yard; the neighborhood I grew up in had one, and I was so fascinated by it that I’d visit the yard almost every weekend. I was certain my business would have the word “yard” in it; because that was the mental picture I had- a yard. But I didn’t just want to demolish cars, I wanted to save cars too I looked up synonyms of “save” & from all the options, “salvage” gave the effect I wanted. So, I put the words together, added our location to the mix, and named my company USSalvageYards.
Thanks to Emma Gordon, USSalvageYards!
#18- The inspiration behind level up

While living in South America, founders Jacob and Eric gained a deep love and understanding of the cultures in that region of the world. This led to the naming of their company, Andar, which is the Spanish verb “to carry.” Today, the pair aim to craft unique products that help their customers minimize and organize what they carry every day. Its mission is to create products that give its customers simplicity, aesthetics, and a feeling of carrying with purpose.
Thanks to Eric Elggren, Andar!
#19- To reflect the essence of our business

We wanted the name of our digital agency to reflect the essence of our business. The SEO and content marketing industry requires time-consuming training to become a highly qualified professional. Though in the long run, it is a rather rewarding business. It is because the results after the successful implementation last for a long period. From this comes our business name Lasting Trend which means the trend that lasts for a long time.
Thaks to Tim Absalikov, Lasting Trend!
#20- Choose a name that is easy to pronounce

There are a few key things to keep in mind that can help make the process easier. Firstly, it's important to choose a name that is easy to remember and pronounce. Secondly, the name should be reflective of what your business does or what it stands for. And finally, try to avoid names that are too similar to existing businesses or that could be easily misspelled. With these guidelines in mind, it should be easier to narrow down your options and come up with a business name that is both unique and memorable.
Thanks to Max Benz, BankingGeek!
#21- There is an interesting story behind it

Once my father had to look for his school friend with information as little as his name and college name. He searched through social media extensively to find more details about her. But, he came across many fake accounts or accounts that are inactive. He was planning a reunion on his 50th birthday to relive his golden days. While he was in touch with a few of his friends, a very dear friend was out of touch. That day, I decided to come up with a solution that will help people to find true people, not fake accounts.
Thanks to Ashley Amor, PeopleFindFast!
#22- Our name and logo represent our goal

You might know us as Workpuls, but as of April 2022, we have started a new chapter in the development of our software and we got a new name to mark the transition- Insightful. Our new name and logo more clearly represent our goal to help you work in a more informed way using work data insights. We like to refer to these insights as “modern work intelligence”. The new logo combines a wave chart with the letter “i” from Insightful to signify how our product helps find signals in the noise of daily work data.
Thanks to Ryan Fyfe, Insightful, Inc!
#23- Our name is a play on what we do

Our name is a play on what we do, and it encapsulates what we want for the customer experience. We knew we wanted something simple and memorable. We landed on Tumble because it works with our product design (our rugs are machine-washable), and it conjures up images of playfulness. We designed our products for all the ins and outs of life, including messes. So our name, Tumble, encourages customers to live fully, messily, and well, and we’re there to make part of their day a bit easier.
Thanks to Justin Soleimani, Tumble!
#24- Short and simple

To come up with names, in my experience, it's better to collaborate with the rest of your team or other stakeholders. Put all of them down on paper. It is acceptable for there to potentially be a very long list produced by you. To get started, you should come up with as many names as you possibly can. You may, in fact, employ one of those business name generators to assist you in getting your company off the ground. Make sure you use your own name.
Thanks to Kim Abrams, Abrams Roofing!
#25- A name that indicated our platform

My business’s name is WeLoans- which we brainstormed with my creative team and co-founder. Our target was to come up with a name that indicated our platform was a connecting point for P2P lenders hence a word that would reflect what we do and how we do it. Thus, we conceived WeLoans as a name that illustrates community or peer (We) and our co-function, connecting lenders and borrowers hence (Loan).
Thanks to Lucia Jensen, Weloans!
#26- Create a new blended word

My goal when picking my business name was to create a new blended word that included the main word of my industry, golf. I had taken Shopify as my inspiration for a business creating a new blended word as their brand name. It needed to be short (2 syllables or less) and the .com domain extension for the word needed to be available. Another word I kept in mind for my brand name was ‘clean’ as I want my brand name to appear on golf equipment.
Thanks to Alec Rose, Golfible!
#27- Come up with unique ideas

The best way to come up with unique business names is to brainstorm, which involves writing down all the words that relate to your business idea. Then, from this list of words, I chose the ones that appeal to me the most. There were also a number of websites that gave me a word or phrase and asked me to come up with a business idea based on it. Keep in mind, however, that the name should be short, easy to remember and spell, and should also reflect the nature of your business.
Thanks to Tracy Acker,!
#28- We wanted to make every day the first day

A website, Facebook page, and other social media channels are almost certainly in one's business's future. So, I recommend you take the time to look into whether the company name can be used for both a domain and social media profiles. In my opinion, Domain names should be easy to remember and short. Your long name or quirky spelling may sound incredible to you, but it might make finding you online and typing your name precisely in an email more difficult for potential clients.
Thanks to Andrew Priobrazhenskyi, DiscountReactor!
#29- Combine high-value keywords

A business that wants to thrive anyone will always need to leverage the power of keywords. Having the most relevant keywords as your business gives you an immensely powerful name, not necessarily from an optics standpoint, but from a ranking point of view. Combining our main SEO keywords into a business name gave us the perfect platform to launch our business, and instantly catapulted us to the next level in terms of ranking and traffic. At the end of the day, an online business gets so much from ranking highly.
Thanks to Camila Henderson, FastPaydayLoans!
#30- Mashing up two relevant words

Word combinations will always result in creative and extremely impactful business names. As a business, we drew inspiration from famous business name mashups like Netflix and TripAdvisor when coming up with our business name. In many instances, a mashup packs the punch that you need in your business name. Not only does it convey what your business is about, but it also sounds fun.
Thanks to Katy Smith, Airgram!