The idea of exactly what your business is going to usually come first. Secondly, most often, is giving a title to your idea. What exactly is going to be the name of your business? Some people turn to their childhood for inspiration or a beloved family pet. It could be a made-up word you dream of one night and feel it has the right ring to it. Even still there are some people who study foreign words for the perfect meaning behind their chosen business. Whatever the inspiration or relation may be, the naming of your business is one of the most important parts of becoming a CEO. Having a brand behind a strong title can make all the difference in the world.
#1- Kindred sisterhood

Kindred comes from the kindred sisterhood you join when you become a mother. And Bravely? Well, being a mom can be tough. It's not for the faint of heart. It takes courage and bravery to be a mom. At Kindred Bravely, we have two goals: creating maternity and nursing clothes that are beautiful, useful, and comfortable, and building a community of moms who support and encourage each other on the motherhood journey.
Thanks to Deeanne Akerson, Kindred Bravely!
#2- Key Risk Indicators

CHICAGO MetricsR was created from an acronym based on the 6 Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) that we leverage to help CIOs and CISO tell their story in business terms. Those 6 KRIs are Confidentiality, Human Resources, Integrity, Character, Availability, and GOld. These 6 KRIs are The CHICAGO MetricsR and are the result of an aggregation algorithm based on any number of tactical metrics. Since basis of the company was to create, track, and report out on metrics it fit with the theme and the name, hence, CHICAGO MetricsR.
Thanks to EdwardMarchewka, CHICAGO MetricsR!
#3- Name description

Financial cushion” is a common expression used to describe a safety net of cash, there to help you out if you need it. It’s that extra financial padding in your bank account that you set aside for a rainy day. Also, a cushion—as in the cushion on your couch—provides comfort and support. So we called the company Cushion to represent that comforting, supportive layer between you and your money, and as a way of abbreviating financial cushion—what all consumers strive to have.
Thanks to Paul Kesserwani, Cushion!
#4- Requirement

I initially began my business in 2017 as a requirement for a college course I was taking. When it came time to solidifying a name, I knew I wanted to include a common key word and some sort of alliteration. My target audience was actors – so that was an easy key word. And “aesthetic” was a word the theatre community used all the time – I honestly just loved how it sounded! Thus came Actor Aesthetic.
Thanks to Maggie Bera, Actor Aesthetic!
#5- Practicing dentistry

I did not feel there was a toothpaste on the market suitable for my patients, as many of them contained common allergens and irritants like mint and sodium lauryl sulfate, as well as unnatural fillers and preservatives. I became dedicated to creating a toothpaste made only from ingredients that were clean and pure, and so, Cleure was born. later i expanded into an entire product range of carefully curated skin care, hair care, makeup, and oral care products with the same focus on clean and pure ingredients.
Thanks to Dr. Flora Stay, Cleure!
#6- Stems from what I do

I write and I’m a mom. After playing around with the term ‘mama’ the Comma Mama just stuck and has ever since. Since my target audience centers around mothers, it made sense to include it in my business name. Otherwise, it’s uniqueness stood out on its own and it generated curiosity. A name that guides viewers to your website without much effort is a good one. Attracting someone from the start can save money on ads, lead generation, and marketing in the future.
Thanks to Mckayla Spencer, The Comma Mama Co.!
#7- Represents the hour of peak consumer attention

EIGHTPM is a media agency that captures consumer attention with an unconventional approach to marketing and advertising. Our name, EightPM, represents the hour of peak consumer attention. Studies show that at eight o'clock PM (CST) consumers are paying the most attention to the content that we serve. Our content delivers across social media and television (both traditional & over-the-top streaming) in both paid and earned forms.
Thanks to Travis Peters, EightPM!
#8- Life coaching and inspirational speaker

I am a transformational life coach and inspirational speaker whose company name is Refined Eight. I knew I wanted a number in the name, figured it would sound more unique. I thought of 7 which means wholeness but that’s my little brother’s name (literally), so I decided against it. I went for the next best thing which was 8 – meaning new beginnings. I settled on it because I knew my mission was to help girls and women to not allow their past to determine their future. After playing around with a few empowering words, I settled on ‘refine,’ which is the process of removing unwanted elements.
Thanks to Sisanda CJ, Refined Eight!
#9- Incorporate the word Community

We spent a good amount of time trying to pick a name as I'm sure most business owners do. We were trying to pick a name that would indicate what it is we do since we are a B2C company. So we played around with countless names going back and forth until we settled on Community Tax. We chose to incorporate the word Community as it gives the aura of belonging and welcoming like a community might be and Tax so people understand what our expertise is. It's really as simple as that.
Thanks to Jacob Dayan, Community Tax!
#10- Googling words related to mental health

I started out by knowing I was creating a mental health company and clothing line. I then began googling words related to mental health and writing down as many of them as I could. I started to put words together and eventually I came up with just choosing one word, UNCENSORED. Meaning just that, to be uncensored about our mental health and to #censorthestigma surrounding mental health in today's society.
Thanks to Mikayla Rose Wilkens, UNCENSORED!
#11- Flagship product

Our business name was inspired by our flagship product as well as the available domain names at the time we started our business. From an SEO perspective, it is always helpful to find a domain name that includes your target keywords. In our case, we managed to secure, which captures our flagship product as well as important keywords that we try to target from an SEO perspective.
Thanks to Jenna Green, Moscow Muled!
#12- Brainstorming

I came up with my business name after weeks of brainstorming. My goal was to find something that immediately communicated what our platform entailed. I sought input from several close confidants and we landed on GetVoIP. We are a review platform for VoIP services. After`visiting our platform, you will GET the insight you need to select the VoIP provider that fits your needs.
Thanks to Reuben Yonatan, GetVoIP!
#13- Short and memorable

It should also convey your business idea and—most importantly—have an available .com TLD. From there on, it is up to you how abstract or literal your business name should be. I wrote a list of 50+ potential business names and ended up choosing TapTimize. Optimization at the tap of a finger. It conveys simplicity, and it's easy to remember.
Thanks to Nathan, TapTimize!
#14- HQ in Lisbon and our target customers are San Francisco

Both cities have an iconic and similar red steel suspension bridge. ‘Bridge' is also a good analogy of connection between different shores, different countries, and cultures. We believe in a world more connected and united. The ‘In' came about as the idea of ‘coming in' into another country to expand operations.
Thanks to Pedro Henriques, BRIDGE IN!
#15- Fashion and my platform inspiration

To come up with Expandi actually took me a bit of time, since first and foremost I needed the name to reflect what my platform did, in some shape, form, or fashion. Since we are focused on Linkedin automation and lead generation to help grow your business over Linkedin, many of the words were already taken up. The social media growth hacking market is competitive, and it seemed just about everything else had been taken by competitors or other random companies.
Thanks to Stefan Smulders, Expandi!
#16- Combination of the sector I work in and my surname

I work with clients to deliver success in organic traffic growth, hence the organic. Also, I was very averse to mentioning SEO in my business name because it's an overused term. One tip I would give is – Make sure your brand is recognized without having to repeat or spell it out. I worked at a company where we had to spell it out every single time it was mentioned on the phone. What a waste of time!
Thanks to Jamie Irwin, IrwinOrganic!
#17- India is quite an interesting name

The business idea to do technology-driven customized and personalized trips for travelers coming to India was born sometime in 2009 just before I had to go to study and do my MBA. So I knew that when I finished my graduation I wanted to start this travel company. But at this point, there was no name to the idea. Just a few months later of coming up with the idea my business partner and I both ended up traveling to study abroad, Through which we ended up meeting people from all around the world, from Brussels to Manila. And of course, India being an exotic destination to travel to the topic of where to go when to go India always came up. Something aspirational and something that rang true for almost anybody traveling to India.
Thanks to Harsh Sonawala, IndiaSomeday Travels!
#18- After Fonzie from the television program Happy Days!

I've recently launched a startup with a few friends named Fonz Music. Fonz Music allows guests to easily request songs on a host's Spotify or (soon) Apple Music. After hosts connect their Spotify to the coaster, guests simply load up their chosen song on our app and then tap the coaster, automatically adding it to the host's queue. What is The Fonz known for in the show? playing the jukebox! Plus, it can be used as a verb. Can I play a song? Just fonz it.
Thanks to Diarmuid McGonagle, Fonz Music!
#19- A name that communicated our vision

As a marketing agency that provides both strategic and creative services for socially conscious brands, and has a lofty vision of building an online community for consumers who live or aspire to healthy and sustainable lifestyles, we needed a name that communicated it succinctly. We thought – these are all people who are in “the good camp” – and in facilitating this for brands and consumers, so were we. We are continually looking for ways to live the brand – through company wellness resources and challenges, donating a portion of our proceeds to Charity: Water, and providing a full pro-bono campaign to a nonprofit we select at least once a year.
Thanks to Sara Miranda, The Good Camp!
#20- My beloved dog

Golden Financial Services was named after Paquin’s dog “Goldie.”With the help of George and several attorneys, Paul developed a proprietary system including contracts, settlement resolution letters, and software, all aimed at managing the process of settling debt and growing Golden Financial Services.
Thanks to Paul J Paquin, Golden Financial Services!
#21- Surveys to potential customers

When I started my warranty label business I wanted a name that would resonate with potential customers. I also wanted a name that truly represented our business model and level of service. I sent out surveys to potential customers asking about their needs and experience with competitors. One theme kept coming up, ‘fast'. I knew we could deliver on quickly getting custom labels into our customer's hands. Ultimately deciding on the name Darn Fast Warranty Labels.
Thanks to Josh Peichoto, Darn Fast Warranty Labels!
#22- Name establishes the intent of our content as clearly and quickly

In today's digital age, modern-day consumers judge whether they're going to engage with a piece based on 1-2 second judgments. Therefore if you're an online/content-focused business that relies on SEO, ads, or social media, your first impressions are more important than ever before. I chose What in Tech because it establishes the intent of our content as clearly and quickly as possible to the user. We've seen better engagement results on the back of this brand compared to previous ventures with more general identities.
Thanks to Kaelum Ross, What in Tech!
#23- Reflected on our vision

This led us to focus on two of our core beliefs. First, when you do an act of kindness, it is like a seed. It needs to be nurtured over time and then shared to inspire more kindness. Second, small business owners serve as leaders in their communities and care deeply about helping it grow. In this process, two words sprung out to us: *seeds *+ *leadership* = *seedership*. The name now serves as a constant reminder of what led us to take a leap of faith to create seedership: Help plant seeds of kindness to grow small business' leadership and share in making our world a better place, community by community.
Thanks to Jennifer Smithberger, seedership!
#24- My Physical height and appearance

It took me 2.5 years to design, do multiple fittings, create final samples, and produce my desk to dinner, versatile clothing styles for petite women. In the fashion industry, a petite woman is considered as one who is under 5 ft 4 inches tall with uniformly petite proportions. Regular clothing is fit-tested on taller models, and so does not fit petite women well. Being petite myself, I know the options for petite wear are fairly limited and sell out fast. Choosing a name seemed so much harder than creating my first designs! One day, I was texting with my husband about something unrelated, and he said Common sense is in short supply. And it hit me. I responded That's the name! Short Supply was born.
Thanks to Anuja Verma, Shortsupply!
#25- Laser medical supply

Our company started with being a marketplace purely for medical aesthetic devices, so since most of these devices had lasers in them, the name came pretty quickly and turned into Lasertrade. However, since we are now moving in a new direction, dealing with multiple types of medical devices, we have kept the name, but doing a re-branding, using the word Laser to mean quick trading, so that customers can now see how quickly they can move their products on. A clean pivot in business, but not having to come up with a new name is brilliant!
Thanks to Mark Rosenberg, Laser Trade!